Chapter 7

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[Anna starts rewriting people's comments like: "She is heir of Slytherin and pertified people." "She is evil" "attention seeker" "Next dark lady" and many much more rude comments.]
Gryffindors look disgusted and angry at the comments.
Umbridge: That's enough for tonight, Potter. [Anna stares at her with pure hatred. Umbridge grins unpleasantly. She gets out of office without another word.]
[Anna goes in bathroom, locks the door and slides down on bathroom door, hugs her knees and starts crying.]
"How dare they make my daughter cry?!" Said James, his voice breaking.
"Why does our girl's life have to be so hard?" Said Lily with teary eyes.
"I hate them." Said Sirius.
[Soon she stops crying and starts singing ("Human" (Rag'n'Bone Man).]
Anna: I'm only human
I'm only-I'm only-
I'm only human, human
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this
And see what's behind
Got no way to prove it
So maybe I'm lying
But I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put your blame on me
Don't put your blame on me
People look at her sadly.
Anna: Take a look in the mirror
And what do you see?
Do you see it clearer
Or are you deceived
In what you believe?
'Cause I'm only human after all
You're only human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put your blame on me
Some people got the real problems
Some people out of luck
Some people think I can solve them
Lord heavens above
I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put the blame on me.
"Her songs are always so sad and filled with emotions and... I hate this, James. She shouldn't be going through all this or feeling this way. She is just a child!" Cried Lily. James hugged Lily, his eyes also red and puffy.
Anna: Don't put the blame on me
Don't ask my opinion
Don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness
For making you cry
For making you cry
'Cause I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put your blame on me
Don't put the blame on me
Some people got the real problems
Some people out of luck
Some people think I can solve them
Lord heavens above
I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put the blame on me
I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human that's all it takes.
"My cub." Whispered Remus sadly.
Anna: To put the blame on me
Don't put the blame on me
'Cause I'm no prophet or messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher
I'm only human after all
I'm only human after all
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put the blame on me
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm just a girl, I do what I can
Don't put the blame on me
Don't put your blame on me.
[The Quidditch team stands around, talking. Rose spies Anna.]
Rose: Anna! I tried out for Quidditch Keeper at the tryouts! I'm on the team!
Anna: (grinning) Congrulations, Rose! Now we'll play together!
"She didn't even tell her." Sighted Sirius.
[Anna sits at the Gryffindor table, bent over a parchment, her quill scratching away. She looks up, finished. Rose joins her. Rose is staring up at the teacher's table. Hagrid's chair is still empty.]
Rose: Hagrid's still not back yet. I hope he's all right.
Anna: I've asked Sirius about it. [She indicates the parchment. Rose pulls it towards her. She looks startled.]
Rose: Anna, you can't write to him! Owls are being intercepted, it isn't safe.
"Listen to her!" Said Lily.
Anna: I'm not stupid, Rose, I wrote it in code. Anyway, I figured I need to tell someone about Umbridge. My scar hurt again last night in detention.
"It's good she has adult she can talk to." Said James.
"I wouldn't call himan adult." Said Lily.
"Hey!" Said offended Sirius. Remus chuckled.
Rose: You think she's working for You- Know-Who?
Anna: No, I mean maybe, but scar doesn't hurt around death-eaters, only with Voldy. [Rose unfurls a copy of the Daily Prophet.]
Anna: Anything about me?
Rose: No, nothing. (pause) Wait! Look at this! [Rose slaps the paper down on the table. Anna leans closer.]
Rose: (reading) "Trespass at Ministry. Sturgis Podmore has appeared before the and attempted robbery at the Ministry of Magic on the 31st of Wizengamot with charges of trespass August. He was arrested when found trying to break into a top-security door at one in the morning. Podmore was convicted and sentenced to six months in Azkaban."
Anna: Sturgis Podmore?
Rose: Wait, he's one of the Order!
"Order?" Asked Remus.
Rose: Do you s'pose it was a frameup?
[They stop talking. Dean Thomas walks by.]
Dean: Come on, we'll be late for Charms if we don't hurry.
Rose: Right. [Anna takes back the parchment and stands.]
Anna: You go on without me. I want to send this. They part ways.
[Anna steps into the owlry, the floor covered in straw and hundreds of owls hooting softly on many roosts.]
Anna: Hedwig! [Hedwig flutters down to her. She gives the parchment to the owl. She flies out of the open window and soars away, out of sight over the Forbidden Forest. Anna watches the forest. A huge animal which appeared to be a winged reptilian horse. Anna frowns. The owlry door bursts open again. Argus Filch charges in.]
Filch: Right, Potter. I'll have what you're sending.
Anna: (rolling her eyes) Mind your own business, Filch.
"Manners!" Scolded Lily.
"He's Filch." Defended James.
"Still." Said Lily.
Filch: I have had a tip-off that you are ordering a large quantity of Dungbombs! Now hand it over.
Anna: You're too late, it's gone. [Filch looks furious.]
Filch: I get a single whiff of a Dungbomb in this castle, Potter...and you're mine. [He turns and departs. Anna rolls her eyes.]
"Arsehole." Said Sirius.
Rose: (v.o.) What a load of rubbish!
[Rose and Anna are making their way back up to the castle. Rose and Anna are in quiddich robes and caked in mud.]
Rose: You, ordering dungbombs. I mean really. You could just get them from my brothers.
James and Sirius grinned.
Anna: Exaclty. I think Umbitch tipped Filch off, I mean, doesn't it seem a little too coincidental that Filch was tipped off when i happened to be sending a message to Sirius?
"Umbitch. Suits her." Said Sirius.
"What is that woman's problem?!" Asked annoyed Lily.
[Rose looks thoughtful.]
Rose: Yeah, that does seem weird. [Just then Malfoy appears close by.]
Malfoy: Hey, Weaslette! Nice job out on the field today! [Cassie slides paper in Anna's pocket, Anna notices and glances at Cassie's hand for a second and looks up like nothing happened.]
Slytherins narrow their eyes at this.
Malfoy: You'll be our best player on the pitch!
Anna: Get bent, Malfoy! [Cassie and the other Slytherins laugh. Rose shakes her head as they walk.]
Rose: No, she's right. I'm useless out there. Complete rubbish.
"I'm sure you aren't that bad." Comforted Lily.
"You are talking to the screen." Said James. Lily flushed.
"Shut up!" Said emberassed Lily.
Anna: Hey! What happened to my confident besitie?! Don't worry about it. It's your first practice. [Rose looks unusually pale.]
Rose: I'm gonna make a fool of myself out there. [Anna gasps and rubs at her scar.]
Rose: Are you all right, Anna?
Anna: Yeah. Its just...the pain's getting stronger. [Rose looks at her worried.]
People look at her worried.

Anna Potter and the order of the phoenixWhere stories live. Discover now