Chapter 2

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[Anna enters the musty entry hall. To one side is a staircase leading up to the next level. At the base of the stair is a dirty, graying sheet hanging on the wall, as if it were covering something. Behind her, the other members of the advanced guard are entering. To make room, Anna step to one side, and runs into an umbrella stand, which clangs loudly as it hits the ground. To steady herself, she reaches out and pulls the sheet from the wall. Behind it is a portrait of an unpleasant, old, thin, woman.]
Mrs. Black: Filth! Scum! Half-breeds, mutants, freaks, begone from this place! How dare you befoul the house of my fathers?!
"I hoped i wouldn't see her again." Groaned Sirius.
[Sirius Black comes running into the entry hall. He skids to a halt next to Anna, looking up at Mrs. Black.]
Sirius: Shut up, you miserable old hag! Quiet!
Mrs. Black: Blood traitor, abomination, Shame of my flesh!
Sirius rolls his eyes.
Sirius: Yes, yes, do shut up! [He throws the sheet over the picture, and the yells die away. Panting, Sirius looks at Anna and grins. He wraps Anna in a huge bear hug. Anna laughs. Pulling away, Sirius smiles at Anna.]
"Look how cute we look. Best uncle-niece duo." Said smiling Sirius. Remus rolled his eyes.
Anna: Was that your--?
Sirius: Mother, yes. Dear old mum.
Anna: Pleasant woman... Why here?
Sirius: This house has been my family's for centuries. It's mine now. (Pause) I'm the last of the Blacks. I offered it up as headquarters for, Well, and Dumbledore accepted. It's about the most useful thing i've been able to do for a long while.
Anna: Oh, don't sulk, uncle pads, I'm the teen here, that's my job. [Sirius laughs.]
Everyone chuckles.
[Mrs. Weasely enters the hall.]
Mrs. Weasley: Hello, Anna, dear.
Anna: Mrs. Weasley!
Mrs. Weasley: Sirius, the meeting is about to start!
Sirius: Right.
Mrs. Weasley: Anna, dear, go on upstairs-quietly, if you please. They're all up there. Rose is probably in library, we can't get her out of there. It's in the end of the corridor.
[Anna opens the door and sees Rose reading a book.]
Anna: Rose! [Rose head snaps toward Anna, she places book on table and rushes at Anna and hugs her.]
Rose: I've missed you!
Anna: I've missed you, too! [Rose let's goes of Anna.]
Gryffindors smile at them.
Rose: Anna, You're gonna love this place. I already do. Look at this library. It's everyone's dream. If i could, i would stay here forever! [Anna laughes.]
"Wow." Said Sirius.
"Is it really that amazing?" Asked Barty.
"Yes. Black family library is better than Higwarts's." Said Regulus. Barty's eyes light ul.
"Bring me some of those." Said Barty with puppy eyes. Regulus looks at him amused.
"We'll see." Said Regulus.
Rose: Look at these books. They're amazing. You should read some, too. There are so many useful spells and charms and some curses. Sirius says it's the first time someone called this house heaven.
"It really is." Said Sirius.
[Rose and Anna laugh. Anna sits down in front of Rose.]
Rose: Sorry, I haven't written, Anna, but Dumbledore made me promise not to. I wanted to, i really did, but he thought they would get intercepted. [There is awkward silence.]
Anna: Right.
Rose: He thought you would be safest there.
Anna: Yeah, real safe. Attacked by Dementors, that's safe, that is.
James nodded at her words.
Rose: He was furious when he heard that.
Anna: So why is he keeping me in the dark? [Rose looks awkward.]
Rose: I've only seen him twice, and not for very long time. He's really busy.
Anna: so I get to spend the summer with the Dursleys while you are all here.
Rose: It's not fun. Mum won't let us anywhere near the meetings.
Anna: You've still been here!
"It's not her fault." Said Lily.
"She is just angry. Let her be." Said James.
[Rose is looking aghast at Anna. Anna looks away. There is a silence.]
Anna: What's been going on?
Rose: I've already told you, i'm not privyed to the meetings. But i do know few things. Some of the order are following known Death eaters, like Lucius Malfoy.
Narcissa looks at Lucius nervously.
Rose: (Pause) And they're guarding something.
Anna: What's this order everyone's talking about?
Marauders looked at each other, Already having idea what it is about.
Rose: The order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore started it last time to fight Voldy. He only recognise it after last term. [Moments later, Mrs. Weasley opens the door.]
Mrs. Weasley: You can come down now, the meeting's over. [They stand up to go.]
Kitchen- Night
[Anna, Rose and Mrs. Weasley enter the kitchen, which has been set up with long tables and chairs. At the far end of the long table, Mr. Weasley and Charlie Weasley are talking quietly over a parchment.]
Mrs. Weasley: Arthur- [Mrs. Weasley looks up, sees them, and nods to Charlie, who rolls up the parchment hastily, and rises from his seat, moving across the room. Anna sits down at the table, across from Sirius.]
Sirius: Well, the ministry is furious with you.
"Why?" Asked James.
Anna: Why?
Sirius: You did magic in front of your muggle cousin. You'll have to go to an disciplinary meeting tomorrow.
Anna: Okay. But i still don't understand why. He already knew about magic.
"She has got a point." Said James.
"Still illegal." Said Remus.
Sirius: It's still forbidden. [Anna stands up.]
Sirius: You surprise me, Anna. I figured the first thing you'd do is start asking about Voldemort. [Anna pauses, then turns around. The room has gone very still. Mrs. Weasley glaring at Sirius.]
Anna: I wanted to, but i didn't think you'd tell me anything.
Mrs. Weasley: And that was quite right, Anna! You're much to young--
"She needs to know. For once she should have time to get prepaired before being thrown into battlefield." Said Lily. James nodded.
Sirius: She has a right to know, Molly.
Mrs. Weasley: It's not your decision!
Anna: Actually, it is. He's my godfather. Which makes him the the only person who has right to make decision for me. [Sirius smirks.]
Ofscreen Sirius smirks, too.
Mrs. Weasley: Dumbledore said--
Anna: He isn't my guardian.
"Exactly! He is just a headmaster!" Said James.
Sirius: I know what Dumbledore said, but she needs to know something.
Anna: (grinning) Yeah.
Rose: (whispers to Anna) He's my favourite adult. [Anna nodded.]
Sirius smiled.
Rose: He is awesome.
Anna: Well... He is my dogfather. [Anna winked, Rose chuckled.]
"That's right, pup!" Said Sirius cheerfully.
Sirius: She's not a child, Molly.
Mrs. Weasley: She's not an adult either! (Pause) She's not James. [Anna whiped her head toward Molly.]
Everyone gaped at her.
Anna: (wide-eyed) Mrs. Weasley!
Rose: Mum!
Sirius: (stiffily) I'm fully aware of who she is, Molly.
Anna: You're being unfair, Mrs. Weasley. I'm old enought to save Philosopher's stone, I'm old enough to fight Basilisk, I'm old enough to fight dementors and dragon, I'm old enought to be in deadly tournament, I'm old enought to see my friend die in front of me, I'm old enought to get tortured, duel with Voldemort and death eaters, but I amn't old enought to know about the war i'm in centre of?
"She is right!" Said Barty.
Sirius: (to Anna) Did you just say you faught a Basilisk?
Anna: It was a Slytherin monster and yes, i killed it. [Sirius looks wide-eyed]
Sirius: We'll talk about that later. [Anna nods.]
Mrs. Weasley: I only have your best interests at heart.
Sirius: She isn't your daughter.
Mrs. Weasley: Who else does she have? [Sirius stands, glaring at Mrs. Weasley.]
James glares at Molly.
"I don't like how she talks to you!" Said James.
Anna: Mrs. Weasley i really respect you. You're like second mother to me.
Sirius looks defeated.
[Molly smiles. Sirius sits, heavily. Remus grabs Sirius's hand ressuringly.]
Anna: but don't you dare to talk to Sirius like that! (Sirius looks at her surprised) No one, not even you can talk to him like that!
James smiled at his daughter proudly.
Anna: He was blamed by his best friend in killing his brother in everything, but blood and eveyone including his husband beileved it.
Sirius and Remus look down at that.
[Remus looked down and it was Sirius's time to ressure him.]
Anna: He spent 12 years in fucking Azkaban, not in Hawai! So don't go around blaming him! You wouldn't survive half the things he did! I won't sit here and let you talk to him like that! Understood?! [Sirius smiles at her gratefully. Mrs. Weasley turns and storms out.]
Anna: I'll take it as yes.
"She is my daughter" said James proudly. Sirius smiles at Anna touched.
Rose: Sorry about mom. She shouldn't have said that. Don't take it to heart, Sometimes she gets like that when she's worried. [Anna nods. Sirius smiles]
Sirius: It's okay... What do you want to know, Anna?
Anna: Where's Voldemort? What's he doing?
Sirius: He's hiding for the moment, because the ministry is ignoring his return and he doesn't want that to change.
Everyone listens interested.
Lupin: (smiling) You really messed things up for him.
Anna: How?
Sirius: The last person you-know- who wanted to alert was Dumbledore.
Anna: And what's his plan?
Sirius: He's building up his army again, just like before.
Everyone is tense.
Anna: And you're stopping him from gaining followers?
Lupin: We're doing our best, but it's proving to be... difficult.
Sirius: You see, when the Ministry of magic insists that Voldemort isn't back.
Anna: But... Why?
Lupin: Fudge likes being Ministry of Magic. If it turns out that Voldemort came back under his watch, he'll be sacked.
"He deserves to be! If he cancelled tournament, it might not have happened!" Said Lily.
Anna: But you're telling people, right? [Sirius laughed.]
Sirius: Well, They think i'm a mass-murder, Moony is a werewolf, Tonks and Arthur would lose their jobs at the Ministry...
Lupin: But Dumbledore is doing all he can.
Mr. Weasley: If he keeps it up, He might end up in Azkaban. And that would give you-know-who a clear field to-- [Mr. Weasley stops short and looks as if he'd nearly said too much.]
Anna: What?
Sirius: You-know-who wants something. Something he didn't have last time.
Anna: A nose? [Everyone looks at her stunned. Fred, George, Tonks, Charles, Rose and Sirius burst out laughing. Remus is covering his mouth, trying not to laugh.]
Ofscreen everyone laughs, too. Even Regulus, Lucius and Narcissa are chuckling quietly.
[After everyone calms down, Sirius continues.]
Sirius: A weapon.
Lupin: I'm sorry, Anna, We can't say anything more.
[Anna sleeps. She dreams.]
[Anna moves slowly down a dark hallway. It has many, bolted doors down its long sides. Soon she is running. Then, suddenly, She is being pulled along, the doors rushing past faster and faster.]
"Dream?" Asked James.
"Probably." Said Lily.
[Anna can see the end of the hallway, It is a blinding light, still only a speak. It grows larger as she rockets toward it, then she flies right into it and the light explodes all around her, engulfing her.]
[Anna wakes with a cry, sitting up in bed. She's covered in sweat, looking disturbed.]
"That was weird." Said Sirius.

Anna Potter and the order of the phoenixWhere stories live. Discover now