Chapter 13

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[Anna lies in bed. She dreams again...]
[We float along a dark corridor, inches from the floor. We come to another corridor and peer down it. It appears empty. A great Python of a snake slithers down the empty corridor. It slowly makes its way past many doors, until it reaches, at last, another, larger door.]
"It's scary." Muttered James.
[Behind it, an invisibility cloak falls to the floor in a shimmer of silver. Mr. Weasley stands, drawing his wand. He fires a golden jinx at the snake. He misses. The snake strikes. Mr. Weasley screams.]
"Arthur!" Yelled Gryffindors and looked at Arthur worried.
[Anna yells at the top of her lungs, eyes tightly closed. She makes biting motions with her mouth, snarling madly. A seizure takes her. She screams in rage and horror, her entire bed shaking with her thrashing.]
Everyone looks at Anna worried.
"What is happening to her?!" Asked panicked Barty.
"Anna! Anna!" Screamed Lily and Remus.
"Wake up!" Yelled James and Sirius.
[The snake strikes Mr. Weasley again and again. Blood splatters against the walls and floor. Mr. Weasley screams again.]
"Arthur!" Yelled James worried.
[Rose, Lavander and Parvati leap out of their beds. Anna screams again, an unearthly sound of horror, anguish, and blood lust. Rose and Parvati sprint to Anna's bed.]
Everyone is nervous and worried.
Parvati: What's wrong with her? [Anna screams again. Her eyes anap open and they are pure white, without pupils. She makes the bitting motion again, thrashing wildly.]
"What the fuck is happening?!" Yelled now panicking James.
Rose: Get McGonagall! Go! [Parvati turns and runs out of the dorms.]
[Mrs. Weasley sits in her living room drinking a mug of tea. On the other side of the room stands the Weasley's clock. It chimes. She looks up, and then stands, moving closer to it. Mr. Weasley's hand grinds over to the hour labeled "MORAL PERIL." The mug of tea shatters on the floor. Mrs. Weasley clutches at her mouth in dread and horror.]
Gryffindors are very worried for Arthur.
[Anna still struggles madly.]
Rose: Anna! Anna! [Anna blinks, and her eyes are normal. She comes to herself, only to let out a shriek of burning agony.]
"Annna!" Screamed Gryffindors, Barty and Evan. Narcissa, Regulus and Lucius keep blank face.
[She clutches at her scar, eyes crossing and unable to focus. She rolls off the bed and onto the floor, where she writhes in abject pain. Parvati returns with McGonagall.]
McGonagall: Potter! [She runs to her, thrusting her candle into Parvati's hands. She falls to her knees next to Anna and tries to touch her. Her hand touches her skin and she yelps as if burnt. She backs off. Anna vomites all over the floor. Taking a step back, McGonagall draws her wand, looking uncertain what she will do with it in any case. Then, as suddenly as it had begun, it stops. Anna slumps over, unmoving. McGonagall is at her  side in an instant. She rolls her over. Her eyes are closed.]
"Anna, Anna, sweetie!" Said Lily. Her voice breaking.
McGonagall: Wake up, Potter. Wake up. Please... [Anna's eyes open. She sits up, looking frantic.]
Anna: Mr. Weasley's been attacked!
"That's her first words?! She almost died!!" Yelled angry Barty.
"She is okay! She is okay." Repeated Sirius over and over as if to reassure himself. Remus, Lily and James let out the breath they didn't know they were holding back.
McGonagall: You dreamed this, Potter?
Anna: There... [Rose is looking pale.] No, I saw it happen! I...I was
McGonagall: You're sure this happened, Potter?
Anna: (shouting) Yes! We've got to do something or he will die!
McGonagall: We're going to see the Headmaster, Potter. (pause) Weasley, you'd beat come too.
[McGonagall opens the door leading to Dumbledore's Office and leads Anna and Rose inside. Dumbledore looks up from where he is seated at his desk.]
Dumbledore: Professor McGonagall, and... ah... [Dumbledore does not look at Anna, even acknowledge her presence.]
"Why the fuck is he ignoring my niece?!" Said Remus.
Dumbledore: What can I do for you?
McGonqgall: Well, Potter has had some kind of nightmare...
Anna: It wasn't a nightmare! Well, I was asleep, but it wasn't a normal dream. It was...well, real. I saw, well--Mr. Weasley has been attacked by a giant snake. [Rose is looking very pale.]
"How did she saw it?" Asked Lucius.
Dumbledore: How did you see this? How were you positioned when you saw it?
Anna: Oh. Uh...I was the snake. I saw it from the snake's perspective.
"Why?" Asked Narcissa.
Dumbledore: Is Arthur seriously injured?
Anna: Yes! [Dumbledore stands and looks up at the portraits of previous headmasters and headmistresses of Hogwarts. Two of them are watching the proceedings.]
Dumbledore: You were listening?
Everard: Naturally.
Dumbledore: Raise the alarm. We must make sure Arthur is found by the right people. [Everard and Dilys move out of their frames and do not return.]
"Why does he believe it so easily? Dumbledore isn't someone who would raise alarm just because kid had nightmare. He is hiding something." Said Regulus.
Dumbledore: Many of our previous headmasters and mistresses have portraits in other institutions, allowing them to move between them. [He motions for all of them to sit. They sit. Dumbledore moves to Fawkes.]
Dumbledore: Fawkes, we will need a warning. [The phoenix vanishes in a blast of fire. Dumbledore sits back at his desk and pulls a slivery, Whirring instrument to her. It emits some smoke that forms itself into the shape of a serpent, then splits in two. The two serpenta coil around each other.]
Dumbledore: Naturally, naturally. (pause) But in essence divided? [Anna and Rose exchange confused looks. Everard returns to his portrait.]
Dumbledore: What news?
Everard: I shouted until someone came. They carried him up seconds ago. He doesn't look good. Covered in blood... [Dilys returns to her portrait at this time.]
Gryffindors looks worried.
"Is he gonna be okay?" Asked Lily.
Dilys: Dumbledore, I've just seen them arrive at St. Mungos. Apperated there moments ago. He looks really bad.
Dumbledore: Good. (to McGonagall) Minerva, the rest of the Weasleys will need to be awoken. [She nods and departs. Dumbledore again turns to the portraits hanging on the wall.]
Dumbledore: Phineas. [Phineas Black opens his eyes and stares at Dumbledore.]
Dumbledore: Phineas, I need you to visit your other portrait. Tell Sirius what happened and that we are coming to stay for a while.
Phineas: It's late, Dumbledore.
"Is he seri-- for real?" Asked Lily.
[Dumbledore stares at him.]
Phineas: I'm going, I'm going... [He vanishes. Dumbledore takes a black pot and taps it with his wand.]
Dumbledore: "Portus." [McGonagall returns with Fred and George in tow.]
Dumbledore: Your father has been injured in the course of his work for the Order. He is alive and arrived at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries only moments ago. [He picks up the pot and steps around the desk.]
Dumbledore: We, however, are going to Sirius's house until the morning. We're merely waiting for Phineas to return. [A flash of flames appears over Fawkes' perch. A singlet feather floats to the ground.]
Dumbledore: Pawkes's warning. Umbridge knows you're out of bed. Minerva, head her off. Tell her anything you can think of. [McGonagall departs again. Phineas returns to his portrait.]
Phineas: He says he'd be delighted. [Dumbledore beckons everyone over to him.]
Dumbledore: We're going by Portkey. [They all grab the pot, and vanish.]
"Portkeys work in Hogwarts?" Asked surprised Lily.
"They shouldn't. But he is Dumbledore." Said Barty as if it explained everything, which it probably did.
[They reappear in the kitchen of Grimmauld Place. Sirius hurries in.]
Sirius: There you are. [He looks at Dumbledore, but the Headmaster had all ready disapperated.]
George: We've got to go to St. Mungo's.
Sirius: No, you can't.
Fred: We can go where we please.
Sirius: We can't go yet. It would look to suspicious if you lot showed up fifteen minutes after Arthur arrives because Anna's been seeing visions of things happening hundreds of miles from Hogwarts.
Gryffindors look at Fred and George with pity.
[George, livid with rage and fear, shoves his face near Sirius's.]
George: That's our father out there dying!
Sirius: I can't let you leave. I'm sorry. [He slowly draws his wand, holding it loosely at his side. The point was not lost to anyone.]
Fred: You don't even care! You wouldn't even understand! [Sirius stares at him incredulously.]
Sirius: I was part of the first Order. I lost my best friends to You-Know-Who.
James side hugged Sirius.
"I am not going anywhere this time." Said James.
"You better not!" Said Remus. Sirius smiled.
[His eyes flick to Anna.]
Sirius: She's all I have left of them. Believe me, I don't want Arthur to die. (pause) But there are some things worth dying for! [Fred and George look very much cowed by the haunted look in Sirius's eyes. Anna hugs Sirius, Sirius smiles at her and kisses her head.]
Sirius smiles at Anna.
[Finally, they sink into chairs around the table. George puts his head in his hands. Fred simply stares at the wall. Rose puts her arm around George.]
Gryffindors look at them sympathetically.

Anna Potter and the order of the phoenixWhere stories live. Discover now