Chapter 12

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[Anna stand in front of McGonagall's desk. She stands on the other side of it.]
McGonagall: In all my thirty-nine years at this school, I have never seen such a
disgusting display. [Anna rolled her eyes.]
Anna: I have heard stories about marauders from truthful source and i believe they did much worse. (Innocent smile) And Parkinson provoked us.
"Sirius!" Groaned Lily.
"Pads, Tell her as many as possible. Expecially the pranks." Said James.
"I will." Said Sirius siriusly.
McGonagall: Only because they did, doesn't mean you should, too.
"Don't listen to her, little flower!/ Pup!" Said James and Sirius. Lily and Remus nodded at each other and hit their boyfriends at the same time.
McGonagall: And you shouldn't have fallen for her provokation. [She stares at her.] I expected more from you. I cannot express in words the disappointment I feel right now.
Anna: Are you really pulling i'm not angry i'm dissapointed card? That only works on people with mommy issues.
"I love her" laughed Barty. Marauders laughed.
"Why are you laughing? It works on you, too." Said James to Sirius.
"Dick." Said Sirius and tackled James.
"Boys! Stop playing! We have future to watch!" Said Lily.
[McGonagall is about to answer, when the door opens and Umbridge steps into the room, smiling.]
McGonagall: What is it, Dolores?
Umbridge: I thought you might need some additional authority in dealing with her.
"She annoys me so much!" Said Remus.
"She has that effect on everyone." Said Sirius.
"I can't get over what she is wearing. She deserves to be in Askaban, if not anything, for that outifit! It is fashon crime!" Said Barty. Lucius, Regulus and Narcissa nodded.
McGonagall: You thought wrong. Now kindly remove yourself from my office. [She turns back to Anna.]
"Minnie is the best." Said James.
McGonagall: Now, I don't care what Parkison said. Your performance out there was shameful. Fifty points from Gryffindor, and I'm giving you a week's worth of detentions.
Umbridge: I hardly think that's an adequate punishment for this. [She holds up a parchment.]
Sirius rolls his eyes at her.
Umbridge: Educational Decree Twenty-Five. It gives me, as High Inquisitor, the power to give punishments and privileges, and to alter those given out to students by other members of the staff. [She turns to Anna.]
"Every time she speaks i have this urge to stab her!" Said Barty.
"Same." Said Regulus.
Umbirdge: So, I think a life-long ban from playing quidditch should do the trick for these.
"Whaaaat!?! It is unfair!" Shouted Sirius.
"It's outrages! It's- It's...." Said angry James.
"I WILL KILL HEEEER!" Yelled Barty, who is being held back by Evan.
"You can't. She isn't really here. Sit down!" Said Evan. Barty sits down with huff.
"I will kill her when i get out." Grumbled Barty.
Umbridge: Oh, and twins as well. They were going to attack Parkinson as well. [Anna looks stunned.]
"You can't punish someone for what they haven't done!" Said Lily in disbelief.
Anna: You can't punish someone for something they haven't done. You can't possibly know if twins were gonna attack or not!
"Exactly!" Said Lily.
[Umbridge moves towards her.]
Umbridge: I saw by my eyes how they were held back. They were trying to attack and they're gonna get punished. Ah. I'll take your brooms as well.
"Sirius, please, tell me she is in the list." Said James.
"She has been since punishment." Said Sirius.
Anna: (glaring) Teacher can't take studens property, even if she is High Inquisitor, If this property doesn't put other children's life in danger. So I would apprecate if you kindly take your hands off my broom. [Umbridge puts down broom, glaring at Potter.] Thank you!
"That's my daughter right there!" Said James proudly.
"That's Lily's sass right there!" Said amused Remus. Lily smirked.
Umbridge: Well, have a wonderful day.
[She sweeps from the office. Anna looks to McGonagall.]
McGonagall: My hands are tied, Potter.
[The atmosphere in the common room is somber. The Gryffindor team sits by itself, dejected and depressed.]
Angelina: I can't believe it...three players banned for life in one day...
"She has rotten luck." Said Sirius.
"First year if her being Captain and she has to deal with so much problems. Poor girl." Said James.
Rose: I'm going to resign. [Anna is slumped low in a chair.]
"You can't! They already lost three player!" Said James.
Anna: You can't!
Rose: I'm horrible! I should never have joined.
Anna: If you quit, we'll be out four players! [Rose looks miserable.]
Rose: This is the worst day of my life.
Anna: Tell me about it! [Shouting] Uuuugh... I HATE MY LIFE! [Everyone looks at her, she raises her middle finger, they look away.]
"This was so Sirius. Stop corrupting my daughter!" Said Lily to Sirius.
"She takes after her favourite and awesome uncle. I don't see what's bad in that." Said smirking Sirius.
[Rose is staring out of the window.]
Rose: Hagrid's back!
Gryffindors perk up at that.
[Anna and Rose have taken seats around the hut, at the table and in chairs. Hagrid boils some water over the fire. His Face is covered in cuts and bruises.]
"What the hell happened to him?" Asked stunned Remus. Everyobe looked at Hagrid shocked.
Anna: Hagrid, what happened to you?
Hagrid: I've fine, I tell yeh!
Rose: Come off it, Hagrid! We're not blind!
Anna: Was it because of the giants? [There is a silence.]
Hagrid: Can answer tha', I'm afraid. Top secret, that is. Business of the Order.
Anna: We know you were looking for giants, Hagrid. Dumbledore said so last year.
Hagrid: Oh. Well, yeah, I was, then. Went with Madame Maxime. Took us a month to get to their camp.
"Why they trust him with secrets?" Asked Siriusly confused Evan.
Rose: A month?
Hagrid: O course! Can' do magic, not with the Ministry followin' us all the way. Plus, giants aren't fond o wizards. Don' trust 'em.
Anna: So what did you do when you found them?
Hagrid: Waited till mornin' an' then marched righ in.
[Hagrid and Madam Maxime march into the camp, eyes fixed firmly on the gurg. Hagrid holds a large branch of everlasting fire above his head. The gurg sits some distance away, sitting on a large stone seat, surrounded by other giant servants. The giants stare at Hagrid and Maxime, flabbergasted. They slowly move aside for them to pass. Hagrid and Maxime bow before the gurg.]
Hagrid: (v.o.) We gave 'em a gift, jus like Dumbledore said. Gave 'em a branch o' Gubraithian fire, Everlasting Flame. (pause)
Everyone is interested in the story.
Hagrid: Giant loves better than magic. Giants love magic, see, jus' not too fond o wizarda. Nuthin' a the gurg smiles and hoists the branch of fire into the air.
"I didn't understand one word this oaf said." Said Lucius. Gryffindorrs glared at him
"Then you should check your hearing with healer!" Said James.
"There is nothing wrong with my hearing. But his grumbling..." Said Lucius. James glared at him.
[The giants roar and yell around them. Sticking the branch into the ground, the Gurg beckons Hagrid and Maxime foreward.]
Anna: (v.o.) What happened then?
Hagrid: (v.o.) We sat down, an' had a talk. Well, mostly they listened good. But there were good signs. (pause) Well, they did 'till tha' night. Tha's when everythin' went wrong. [Hagrid and Maxime watch a great battle in the valley below them. They stand on the mountain side.]
Hagrid: (v.o.) There were a coup. Nex mornin there were a new chief. [Hagrid and Maxime walk back towards the New gurg the next day. This gurg is evil-looking and grinning at them nastily.]
"This is bad." Said Lily. Remus nodded.
Hagrid: (v.o.) We went back ter see what we could do with this new chief. [Two large bodyguards block the way to the new Gurg. They grab Hagrid. Maxime blasts them with spells from her wand. They drop Hagrid. There is an earth-shaking roar from all around them. Giants charge them from every direction. Maxime and Hagrid flee back up the mountain.]
Hagrid: (v.o.) An' then things got even worse. Death Eaters arrived, an' the new chief were all happy ter be seein' them! [Several Death eaters, faces concealed behind their black cloaks, approach the new Gurg, who beckons them to speak.]
"Fuck" Cursed Marauders.
Hagrid: (v.o.) We figured, jus cause some o' the giants were favorin' You-Know-Who don't mean all of 'em were. The coup ha' driven the ol' chief's supporters into some cavea, so we wen in after 'em. [Maxime and Hagrid walk into a dark cave, wands glowing.]
Rose: (awed) You went into caves looking for giants?
Hagrid: (v.o.) We foun' enough, an' they seemed interested--at first. Then the newchief's lot raided the caves. Tweren't many survivors, an none of them wanted anythin' to do with us after tha'.
"So he has giants on his side." Said Sirius disappointed.
[There is silence.]
Rose: giants are coming?
Hagrid: Well, not righ away. We brought our message, an' I expec' a fair few'll remember it afore teh end comes.
"I doubt it." Said Remus.
[Anna strolls into the room of requiremenet, looking at the assembled group that makes up Dumbledore's army. Around ten Slytherin comes into with Ada and Astoria.]
"What are they doing there?!" Said James.
"She mentioned she would add people." Reminded Remus.
Anna: Glad to see you all came. [Rose brings Anna alone and whispers.]
Rose: What are they doing here?
Anna: Learning, of course. It was unfair to leave them out, don't you think?
Slytherins smile at her.
Rose: Anna, They might...
Anna: They signed the contract, too.
Rose: They are Slytherins. They will find away around it.
Lucius nodded at that.
Anna: Not in my contract. They can't write, tell or hint about this to anyone- will it be human, animal, magical creature or any other species. I checked over many times. My contract doesn't have loopholes.
"It's seems good enough, but It would be better if we saw contract, so we could see if it has loopholes by ourselves." Said Regulus.
Ada: Hey, Anna, what is all this stuff? [Anna turns toward Ada and goes back to her place, Rose follows. Scattered around the room are many devices such as dark detectors and sneakascopes.]
Anna: Defense Against the Dark Arts equipment. Hopefully we'll be able to get to all of it before the end of term.
[She paces it in front of them.]
Anna: You need to understand something before we start, though. Defending yourself from the Dark Arts has less to do with magical ability and more to do with thinking fast and a lot of luck. (pause) We'll be doing Expelliarmus tonight, though hopefully we can move on to other things if we have time. [Ada looked excited, So did Astoria.]
Zacharias: Oh please. Professor Lockhart taught us that in second year.
Rose: Lockhart didn't teach as much as prune himself.
Everyone nodded.
"He was an idiot." Said James.
Anna: Besides, it works. I used it against You-Know-Who last June. It saved my life. [Zacharias falls silent. Slytherins start whispering.]
Anna: Right. Well, let's split into pairs and give it a go.
[Anna strolls among the students amid shouts of "Expelliarmus", checking everyone's progress. She reaches Ada and hufflepuff boy:]

 She reaches Ada and hufflepuff boy:]

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Anna: Alex, starighten your posture. No... let me. [Anna helps Alex fix it, than looks Ada. She looks jaelous. Anna looks amused at that.]
"Aww... Someone's jaelous." Said Lily.
"I don't like that Alex guy." Said James, feeling protective of her daughter's adopted little sister.
[Than Anna looks over at Ada.]
Anna: Ada, you are doing good. Just keep doing it. [Anna goes to Neville and Rose, who are practicing together.]
Neville: Expelliarmus! [Rose's wand flips from her hand across the room.]
Anna: Well done, Neville! [She shouts down the others.]
Anna: Look here, you lot! Neville'a really got the hang of this one. (to Neville) Go ahead again. [Fred tosses Rose's wand to her. Neville swirls his wand.]
Neville: Expelliarmus! [Rose's wand does it again.]
Lily smiles at her godson.
Neville: I did it! I did it! [Rose smiles at him. Anna claps him on the shoulder.]
Anna: Never forget this spell, Neville. It could save your live some day. [She moves to the front of the room again.]
Anna: Okay, everyone. We've done a lot today, and I've seen some great improvement. That's it for now. We'll meet back here, same time next week! [People began to drift out of the meeting. Anna goes about, straightening the room up.]
"She is good at this." Said Sirius.
"Maybe she should become DADA teacher after this." Said James.
"No. She doesn't need cursed position, she already has enough problems." Said Lily.

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