Chapter 17

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[Anna sits next to Rose. Umbridge stands up from the staff table, holding a parchment.]
Umbridge: "By Order of the Ministry of Magic: Dolores Jane Umbridge will replace Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." [She looks over them all smugly.]
"Fuck." Said Barty.
"This is bad. This is very bad." Said Remus. Everyone is nervous.
Umbridge: My first act as your new Headmistress is to form an Inquisitional Squad, lead by Cassiophea Malfoy. They will report directly to me about the goings on in the halls of this school. [Anna glares at her.]
"She got her way on top." Said Regulus. Lucius smiles proudly.
Umbridge: Furthermore, our good caretaker Mr. Filch has requested we reinstate the old punishments.' I have decided that there is no reason we shouldn't. [Filch stands at the back of the hall, grinning like a kid at Christmas.]
"What?! It's illegal! She can't do this!" Said Lily.
Anna: I swear one day i will just snap and burn down whole ministry! [Rose nodded.]
"I'll help you, little snake. We will start with my father and than burn whole Ministry." Said smiling Barty.
"Regulus, He is in pscho mode again." Said Evan.
"Let him be. He'll turn to normal soon." Said Regulus.
"I can hear you!" Said Barty.
"We don't care." Said Evan and Regulus.
[Anna and Rose head towards the Hogwarts Grounds. Rose is dressed in her Quidditch robes.]
Anna: Are you sure you can't? Hagrid said it was important.
"What could be so important?" Asked James.
"If he got another dragon..." Said Lily.
Rose: No way. Quidditch practice. If I don't show up, Angelina will go mad. [They part ways.]
[Anna and Hagrid march through the forbidden forest.]
Anna: Hagrid...we've been walking for a good hour.
Hagrid: Its jus up ahead, here.
Anna: Could you tell me what it is Hagrid, please?
Hagrid: All right. Well, I'm showin' yeh this, because tha' Umbridge woman put me on probation. I can' last much longer before I get sacked like Trelawney. (pause) Anyway, I woudn tell yeh 'cept for tha. I can' leave withou' makin' arraingmen's, see? (pause) I'll need all o yer help.
Anna: Of course, i'll help.
"Never agree until hearing conditions!" Scolded Barty.
[Hagrid took a great sniff and clapped her on the back, causing her to stumble slightly.]
Hagrid: Knew yeh'd say yes! [He pauses and glances at her.]
Hagrid: Okay, real quiet like from here on. [They creep down the path until Hagrid straightens and smiles.]
Hagrid: There we are! [There is a huge body laying on the ground before them. It is a giant.]
"What is giant doing there?!" Said Lucius.
"Why is he bringing my daughter to giant?!" Said Lily.
Anna: Hagrid, I thought none of them wanted to come! [Hagrid looks uncomfortable.]
Hagrid: None o' them did, Anna! I didn' have much ruddy choice inna matter! I couldn leave 'im!
Anna: Oh, why, Hagrid? Why?
Hagrid: He's me brother! [There is a silence in the forest.]
"Oh." Said James.
Hagrid: Well, half-brother anyway. Me mum had im afore she died. (pause) I though I could bring 'im back here an train im up a bit. Teach im a bit of manners. [Anna is distraught. Hagrid moves. towards his half-brother.]
"Teach manners to giant?!" Said Lucius in disbelief and dsigust.
Hagrid: Here. I'll introduce yeh to Grawp!
Anna: I should really stop making promises before listening to deal!
"You should. It was very unslytherin of you to not do it before." Said Barty. James and Sirius glare at Barty and Lily and Remus stop them before they start another argument.
[Hagrid tosses a rock at Grawp. It bounces off his head. The giant awakes, and slowly stands to his full fifteen-foot height.]
Hagrid: Yeh all righ', Grawp? [Grawp gives a low roar.]
Hagrid: Look wha I brough' yeh, Grawpy! New friend an all. We 'ave Anna Potter here, see? [Grawp stops roaring and simply looks at her. Then he reaches out towards Anna.]
"Get that away from my goddaughter!" Yelled Sirius.
Grawp: Anna! [Hagrid hite Grawp with a large stick.]
Hagrid: Bad Grawpy! Bad boy! [Grawp roars in pain.]
Hagrid: We don' attack our friends, Grawpy! [Grawp roars again. Hagrid and Anna flee the acene.]
Hagrid: See, he don' know any better [Anna glares at him.]
"That's why he is dangerous! Anna shouldn't be with him!" Said James.
Hagrid: Anyway, all yeh need teh do is go an talk to im. Give im a bit o' company. [Suddenly Hagrid stops and looks around. From the undergrowth, a large number of centaurs have appeared.]
Hagrid: Oh blimey... [Bane steps into the clearing.]
Bane: I thought we told you that you were no longer welcome in this place, Hagrid. You or that beast you brought from afar.
Hagris: o'not un to man who nomen and cera. S'not up to you who comes and goes in this forest.
Bane: You stopped us from invoking our punishments on Firenze for becoming the servant of the humans at Hogwarts.
Hagrid: Stopped yeh from committin' murder yeh mean!
"It's their business, not Hagrid's. They won't like interaption." Said Evan. Barty agreed.
Bane: Our ways are not yours, Hagrid. And now you bring that monster here... Our patience with it wanes swiftly.
Hagrid: Well, you'll tolerate 'im as long as he's here! [The Centaurs paw the ground in agitation.]
Bane: We allow you to pass this time, Hagrid, because you have young with you. But the next time you enter this forest, your life is forfeit. [The centaurs vanish into the undergrowth again.]
Gryffindors exchange worried looks.
[Anna enters McGonagall's office. She sits behind her deak. Umbridge sits in the corner with a note pad.]
McGonagall: Please sit, Potter. [She sits.]
McGonagall: You're here to have a talk with me about your career thoughts, Potter. years to prepare you for that. career. We do this so we can begin to aim your courses over the next two years.
"What you think she will want to be?" Asked Remus.
"Auror." Said James and Sirius.
"Professor." Said Lily and Barty.
Anna: Oh, yeah. Well, I did think about being an Auror.
James and Sirius look smug.
McGonagall: Auror. Interesting, Potter. You'll need top grades for that. Challenging career path, but not unrewarding.
Umbridge: Hem hem.
McGonagall: Now then, Potter, you'll need to concentrate on Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms to adequately prepare yourself for the general Auror requirements.
Umbridge: Hem hem.
McGonagall: May I offer you a cough drop, Professor Umbridge? [Anna snorts.]
Gryffindors+Barty laugh.
"I love Minnie!" Said James and Sirius.
Umbridge: Oh, no thank you, Minerva. Actually, I was just wondering if Potter has the proper temperament to be an Auror.
"She has been doing Auror's job for last five years." Said Barty with deadpanned expression.
McGonagall: Were you indeed. [She turns back to Anna.] If you're serious in this ambition, Potter, I would recommend Potions and Charms grades up before your O.W.L.s. I daresay you've got concentrating on bringing your enough time if you apply yourself. Lord knows you've consistently done well in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin--
Umbridge: Excuse me, Minerva, but have you seen my note on Potter's current grades in my class?
McGonagall: Yes, indeed I have.
Umbridge: Then I think you will find that Potter's grades have been consistently poor this year.
People glare at Umbitch.
McGonagall: You apparently misunderstand me. I meant that Potter has done well in every Defense Against the Dark Arts class taught by a competent teacher.
Gryffindors+Rosekiller laugh. Regulus chuckles. Narcissa and Lucius look amused.
[She turns briskly back to Anna. Umbridge looks as though she cannot believe her ears, then flips a page on her notepad and scribbles furiously.]
McGonagall: Now, assuming you've passed all of your necessary classes, the Ministry will put you through a number of character and aptitude tests.
Anna: What's involved in them?
McGonagall: How you stand up under pressure, your perseverance, and dedication, things of this nature. [Umbridge stands abruptly.]
Umbridge: Anna Potter has no chance of ever becoming an Auror!
"Someone shut this ugly, pink toad!" Said annoyed Sirius.
[McGonagall stands as well, her eyes locked with Anna's.]
McGonagall: I will assist you in becoming an Auror if it the very last thing I do, Potter! I will coach you nightly in order to get the necessary grades!
Gryffindors smile gratefully at their head of house.
[Umbridege storms from the room. Anna takes McGonagall's hand.]
Anna: Marry me, Professor! [McGonagall takes her hand away, clearly amused.]
McGonagall: This concludes our meeting, Potter.
Anna: You are a queen, Minnie. The walking icon. We, peasants aren't worthy of you. [McGonagall's lips twitch upward.]
People laugh.

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