Chapter 25

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[Anna sits by herself on a boulder by the side of the lake. She watches the sunset.]
Nearly-Headless Nick: Hello, Anna. [Anna turns to see Nearly-Headless Nick, a ghost, standing beside him.]
Anna: Hey, Nick. [Nick looks uncomfortable.]
"Why does he look so uncomfortable?" Asked Sirius.
Nearly-Headless Nick: I- Well, Madam Pomfrey asked me to tell you that Rose is out of the hospital wing.
Anna: Oh. Thanks. [She stands and they begin to walk back to the castle together.]
Anna: Nick, I was wondering about something? [Nick looks even more uncomfortable now.]
Nearly-Headless Nick: I've been expecting this...
Anna: Expecting what?
Nearly-Headless Nick: A lot of people come to me when they've lost loved ones. [There is a silence.]
Nearly-Headless Nick: He's not coming back, Anna.. I expect so... [There is another silence.]
Anna: I wouldn't want him to. [Nick looks surprised.]
Everyone looks at Anna surprised. Sirius looks hurt.
Anna: Surprised? No, I don't want him to come back. He suffered enough. He was born in abusive household and when he finally got out and got chance to be happy, he got betrayed by his best friend and spent 12 years surrounded by dementors, Only thing he had left was memories and dementors were taking even that from him. People who were left alive, believed he would really kill dad, even his own husband! [Anna scoffed.]
Sirius looks touched, Remus-guilty.
Anna: He lost his brother, who he deeply cared about even if he didn't admit it.
Regulus looked at Sirius and their eyes met, they stared each other for few seconds before they both turn away.
Anna: He lost my dad, his first friend, his partner in crime, secret keeper, best friend, his support, his soul brother, his family. I have heard stories about them. They were inseperable.
James and Sirius smiled at each other.
Anna: Rose is same to me as my dad was for Sirius and i can't imagine how i would live without her.
"I am happy she has someone like that." Smiled Lily.
Anna: After eveything he went thought, he still survived and cared for me like no other. Sirius Orion Black III is really the bravest and stongest person i have ever met and probably i will ever meet. True Gryffindor.
Tears fell from Sirius eyes, touched by how much his goddaughter admires and loves him.
Anna: I don't want immortality for him, because it would be burden to him. If he became ghost, he would have to watch me and Uncle Moony die, too and he would spend eternity far from his loved ones. He doesn't deserve it. He deserves peace only death can offer.
"She is very smart." Said Evan.
Nearly-Headless Nick: You're very wise, young lady. Certainly wiser than me.
Anna: Thank you, Nick. [They approach the great doors leading to the entry hall. Nick vanishes through the wall into the castle. Anna stops through the doors into the entry hall.]
[Anna enters.]
Rose: Anna! [She turns to see Rose racing down the steps toward her. Rose throws herself into Anna's arms in a huge bear hug.]
People smile at them, remembering Anna's words.
Anna: How are you?
Rose: Good as new. [Rose pulls herself away from Anna and looks at her
Rose: (quietly) How are you doing, Anna? [Anna smiles.]
Anna: I'll survive.
Rose: Come on, let's go in to the feast.
[Anna shakes her head.]
Anna: You go on. I want to be alone for a while. [Rose nods. She turns away and begin to walk into the great hall.]
Anna: I've got something to tell you. Something important. [She stops and look at her again.]
Anna: But not right now. I'm not ready.
Rose: Take your time, Anna. I'll be here when you are. [She smiles at her. Rose disappears into the great hall.]
"She is very good friend." Said Lily.
[Luna comes down the stairs carrying a stack of papers. She goes up to the notice board and attaches one of the papers to it. She turns and sees Anna.]
Luna: Hello, Anna. [Anna walks up to her.]
"Luna." Smiled Evan.
Luna: It's the last night and I need to pack.
Anna: Then why are you putting up signs?
Luna: Oh, people take my things and hide them. I don't think they like me much. Some of them call me "Loony" Lovegood.
Evan, Barty and Regulus look angry.
"I need names!" Said Regulus. Evan and Barty nodded.
[Anna looks at her with empathy.]
Anna: Do you need any help looking?
Luna: Oh no. It all turns up in the end. [She looks at him serenely.]
Luna: Sirius Black. Rose said he was your Godfather.
Anna: Yeah. Have you ever... you know...
Luna: My mother. I was nine.
Barty hugs Evan and Evan starts silently crying. Barty's eyes are misty, but he stays strong for his boyfriend. Regulus's eyes are filled with tears and he's barely holding back them.
Anna: I'm sorry.
Luna: It's okay. It's not like I'll never see her again. Isn't it? Don't tell me you didn't hear them. The voices beyond the Veil? [Anna looks startled.]
Luna: They were just out of sight, that's all.
Anna: You mean we'll see them again?
Luna: Of course. (pause) Things always work out, in the end. [She smiles at her.]
"She has her mother's smile." Whipered Evan.
"He does." Said Barty and kissed Evan's head.
[Then she heads back up the stairs and into the feast. Anna is left alone in the entry hall. She takes out Marauders map and searches for Cassiopeia.]
[Anna and Cassie walk up quietly.]
Cassie: So? What did you want to talk about?
Anna: Did you know?
Cassie: What?
Anna: About the trap.
Gryffinors tense up.
Cassie: I found out few minutes ago. When mother wrote to me about father.
"So i'm going to Askaban." Sighted Lucius.
"Not this time." Told Narcissa.
[Anna looks into her eyes and decides she's telling truth.]
Cassie: She didn't tell me much. How did it happen?

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