Chapter 14

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[Fred and Rose lay slumped in chairs, dozing. The rest are sitting silently. The front door opens, and Mrs. Weasley bustles in. Fred and Rose wake with a start.]
Rose: Mum!
[The Weasleys get up and hug their mother all at once in the entry hall. Anna gets up and walka wearily out into the hall. She stands back, watching, as the Weasleys are reunited in the hall. Yet Anna is forgotten in the background. She stands apart from them, looking on, an intruder to their grief.]
People look at Anna sadly.
"It's not her fault! She shouldn't feel bad about Voldemort's actions." Said Lily.
[Finally they separate.]
Mrs. Weasley: Your father's alive. He's going to make it. [There is relief evident on all of their faces. Anna turns and leaves, re-entering the kitchen.]
[Anna sets down several plates, then looks at Sirius.]
Anna: Uncle Pads, I- [She stops. Sirius looks at her.]
Sirius: You can tell me, Anna.
Anna: I- I know. I'm just not used to this you know? [Sirius smiles sadly and nods.]
"You are the best dogfather." Said James and smiled at Sirius. Sirius smiled back.
[Anna takes the deep breath.]
Anna: When I saw the attack, well, I was the snake.
Sirius: What?
Anna: I felt the fangs like they were mine, saw through the snake's eyes like they were mine... [Sirius looks concerned.]
Anna: I think I might be going mad.
"Oh, sweetie." Said Lily.
"You aren't going mad and even if you were there is nothing wrong with little madness." Said Barty.
[There is a horrible silence. Sirius looks uncomfortable.]
Sirius: Nonsense. You're just tired. You've had a rough night.
Anna: You... You don't understand. I felt like i was the snake. I could feel everything what snake was feeling. I was the snake.
Sirius: You've told Dumbledore this? (off Anna's nod) Then there's nothing to worry about.
"Don't brush her offf like this! She told you, because she wants help from someone she trusts and you just brushed her off." Sneered Barty at Sirius. Sirius looked down.
Anna: I think you put too much faith in him.
Sirius: What that's supposed to mean?
Anna: Exactly what i said. Dumbledore isn't god. He doesn't know everything and he definetly can't fix everything. He is human like rest of us and he makes mistakes, too. For example, not trying to give you a trial when he definetly could. [Anna leaves.]
Slytherins looked at Anna fondly.
"She should have been in Slytherin." Grumbled Barty.
"I can see it now." Said Sirius. Gryffindors nod.
[Moody and Tonks stop outside the door.]
Tonks: We'll wait outside at first, Molly. It should be family first. [Mrs. Weasley nods and pushes her children through the door. Anna holds back, but she beckons to her.]
Mrs. Weasley: Don't be silly, Anna. You too. [And she ushered her inside.]
"I love Molly." Said Lily. James nodded.
[There are three patients in the ward. Arthur lies in the farthest bed by the window, propped up on several pillows and reading the paper.]
Mr. Weasley: Hello, everyone! [Mrs. Weasley bends down and kisses Arthur.]
Mrs. Weasley: How are you, dear?
Arthur: I am absolutely fine. If they could take the bandages off, I'd walk out of here in a jiffy. [He hugs Rose with his good arm.]
Fred: How come they haven't taken them off, then?
Arthur: Oh, I start bleeding like mad. The snake had some strange poison in it. Keeps the wounds open. But they'll find a cure, don't you doubt.
"He said that like it's normal!" Said Lily.
[George leans in close.]
George: What were you doing when it happened, dad?
Mr. Weasley: That's my own business.
Fred: You were guarding it, weren't you? This weapon thing?
Mrs. Weasley: That's enough! [She looks at Arthur.]
Mrs. Weasley: Moody and Tonks are outside, Arthur. They'd like a word. [She looks at her children.]
Mrs. Weasley: All of you, out, if you please. [They turn and leave. Mr Weasley calls Anna back.]
Arthur: Anna, stay a moment. [Anna returns to the bed.]
Arthur: I never thanked you properly.
Anna: There's no need-
Arthur: But there is, Anna. If you hadn't had your vision, no one would have found me in time. So... thank you. [Anna smiles, then departs.]
James and Lily smile at him.
"We should visit Weasleys. I'll ask dad he knows Arthur." Said James. Lily nodded.
"We could set up playdates with Anna and Rose, too." Said Lily.
[The door to the ward is closed. Rose is listening with her ear to the door. They lean close to the doors.]
Tonks: ...we searched the whole floor, Arthur, but we couldn't find that snake. Why a snake, anyway?
"Because he's parselmouth?" Said Barty.
Moody: He probably sent it as a lookout. See what he's up against. That's the closest he's ever gotten to it. (pause)
So, Potter says she saw the whole thing?
Mrs. Weasley: Yes. You know, Dumbledore seems like he's been waiting for something like this to happen.
"Of course he did." Said Sirius.
Mrs. Weasley: When I spoke to him this morning, he seemed very worried about Anna.
Moody: He should be. I mean, if You-know-Who is really possessing her... [Moody trails off.]
"Possesing?" Said worried Lily.
"She isn't being possessed!" Protested James and Sirius.
[Anna straightens and looks at the others huddled outside the door. They are staring at her in unmistakable fear. Anna looks away from them. There is a silence.]
Lockhart: Hello. [They turn.]
Rose: Professor Lockhart! [Lockhart looks puzzled]
Lockhart: Professor? Me? Did I really? Well, I expect I was hopeless at it! [He rubs his hands together briskly.]
"Even he knows." Laughed Evan.
Lockhart: Now, I'll expect all of you will be wanting my autograph?
Anna: No, Thanks. [Just then, a healer emerges from a double-door nearby.]
Healer: Ah, there you went, Gilderoy. [She comes up to them and gently takes his elbow.]
Healer: He keeps wandering off, handing out autographs, don't you know? It's a good sign toward recovering his memory, the poor dear.
[She takes Lockhart back in through the double-doors. Anna and Rose follow.]
[The Healer sits Lockhart down in a chair. There are other apportioned sections of the room.]
Healer: This is our long-term resident ward, for permanent spell damage. Well, I must go... Lockhart, you wait for me here for a little. [She bustles away.]
Mrs. Longbottom: Come along, Neville.
[Anna and Rose turn.]
"What is Neville doing there?" Asked confused James.
Rose: Hey, Neville! [Neville turns beet-red, and looks away. His grandmother looks at the two of them.]
Mrs. Longbottom: Friends of yours, Neville? (pause) Ah, yes, Anna Potter. Good to meet you, finally. And you must be Miss Weasley. Neville's girlfriend. He told me about you.
Rose: He did? (Neville blushed) Yes, I'm Rose Weasley. It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Longbottom. [They shake hands.]
Anna: Who're you visiting, Neville?
[Mrs. Longbottom turns to Neville.]
Mrs. Longbottom: You haven't told them?
Rose: Told us what?
Mrs. Longbottom: Neville's dear parents were tortured into insanity by You-know- Who before he disappeared. Aurors, you know, very well respected.
[Just then, Alice Longbottom, Neville's mother, emerges from behind the parition. She beckons tentatively to Neville, who goes to her. She gently, almost reverently, hands him a candy wrapper.]
Tears roll down Lily's cheeks.
"Alice." Whispers Lily. Other Gryffindors eyes tear up as well.
Mrs. Longbottom: Another one, Alice? All right, come on, Neville. [Neville is still staring at his mother, who smiles at him, then disappears again. Neville turns, locks eyes with Rose, and departs. As he goes, he slipa the wrapper into his pocket, as if it were his most treasured possession. Anna and Rose watch him.]
Rose: I never knew... Poor Neville.
Anna: Don't! Don't do that! Don't pity him! He doesn't need your pity!
Slytherins agreed with girl.
[Mrs. Weasley, Anna, Rose, Fred, George, Moody, and Tonks walk into the entry hall of Grimmauld Place. Mrs. Weasley looks at Anna concernedly.]
Mrs. Weasley: Are you all right, Anna dear? You look like you're going to be sick. [Anna's face becomes blank.]
Anna: I'm fine. [She walks up the stairs and shuts herself in her bedroom.]
People look at her sadly.
[Cassie hands champange to Mr. Nott.]
Mr. Nott: Thank you!
Cassie: You're welcome Mr. Nott! [Raises her glass.] Thank you for tonight. Your ball is amazing as usual. [They tap glasses and drink. Cassie watches how he drowns whole glass.]
"Something is off. I don't know what, but something is off." Said Narcissa.
[Anna begins to pack her trunk determinedly.]
Phineas: Running away, are we? [She turns to the portrait of Phineas.]
Anna: I have to.
Phineas: You know, I thought you to be brave.
Anna: I won't hurt anybody else.
Phinea: I see. You are running away out of nobility. You know, that's why I had hated teaching Griffindors. Young people always think they know what's best, as if no one else could possibly understand things better.
Anna: Well... The problem isn't no one else couldn't understand, problem is no one else is trying to understand. It always falls upon our shoulders to solve problems and save people. But it isn't what is the most frustrating, what is the most frustrating is that they treat us like children and excpected us to act like adults.
"Wise words." Said Barty. Everyone agreed.
[Phineas looks at her surprised. Anna moves to a window and opens it, leaning out Phineas.]
Phineas: I've brought a message from Dumbledore. [Anna stops and looks at him.]
Anna: What is it?
Phineas: Dumbledore says, 'Stay where you are.
Anna: That's it?
Phineas: When in all your life has listening to Dumbledore ever led you into trouble? Whatever his reasons, he has your best interests at heart, Potter.
[Phineas moves off the portrait frame and vanishes.]
Anna: Fine! Uggggh... [She tips her trunk over in anger and sits down on the bed. There is a knock on the door. Rose walks in, looking determined.]
Anna: Get out!
Rose: No.
Anna: Leave me alone!
Rose: (pause) Can you remember everything you've done this year? There aren't any blank spots in your memory?
Anna: No, I don't think so.
"She is checking for possession?" Asked Lucius.
"Seems like it." Answered Evan.
Rose: Then You-Know-Who has never possessed you, Anna. [She sits down on the bed next to her.]
Rose: I don't know what's going on with you right now, but possession's not one of them. [She smiles at her. Finally, she smiles back.]
Anna: (mumbling) Thanks, Rose. (Hugs Rose) What i would do without you?
Rose: (smiling) Crush and burn.
"Their remind me of us." Said James to Sirius.
"They do." Said Sirius fondly.
[Mr. Nott starts to shake and falls on floor. There is chaos. People rushes to him. Theo looks at Cassie and Cassie raises her glass and mouthes "Happy birthday". Theo looks wide-eyed.]
"She didn't!" Said Narcissa. Even Regulus can't mask his surprise. Gryffindors are too stunned to comment.

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