Chapter 6

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[Anna runs down the halls of Hogwarts. She skids around a corner, and pushes through the door to the Defence against the arts classroom.]
[The whole class looks around at Anna as she comes staggering in.]
Anna: Sorry, Professor... [Professor Umbridge smiles, toad-like, at Anna.]
Umbridge: Hmm, let's see, five points from Griffindor for coming in late. [Anna frowns, but sits down next to Rose.]
Umbridge: Now, as i was saying before Ms. Potter interrupted with her antics.
"I don't like her." Said Sirius.
Umbridge: Your defence against the arts education has been rather fragmented and disjointed in your past classes, hasn't it? (Pause) Know now that this is about to be rectified. I'll be following a pre-approved Ministry-prepared, theory-centered Defence lesson plan.
"What she means in theory-centred?" Asked James.
[She waves her wand at the blackboard and words are written down on it.]
Umbridge: Copy this down. [Everyone opens their books and begins copying, except Rose, who sits with her book unopened, her hand in the air. Umbridge ignores her.]
"She is ignoring a student!" Said irritated Lily.
[However, within the next few seconds, nearly the whole class is watching Rose. Umbridge sights.]
Umbridge: Yes?
Rose: I wanted to know something about your course aims.
Umbridge: Well, they should be perfectly self-evident.
Rose: Well, I don't think they are. They say nothing about actually doing spells.
"What? But how are gonna learn defence without doing spells?!" Said scandalised James.
Umbridge: (laughing) I can imagine no circumstance in my class where you would need to use spells, my dear!
Anna: First year DADA teacher tried to kill us.
Umbridge: Ms. Potter-
Anna: Second year teacher tried to oblivate me.
Umbridge: Ms. Potter-
Anna: Third year teacher, even through it wasn't his fault and it was an accident, almost killed us.
Remus looks down. Sirius puts his hand on Remus's thight.
"Don't do this! It's not your fault. Even she agrees." Said Sirius.
Umbridge: Ms. POTTER-
Anna: Fourth year teacher was death eater in disguise, which was also Ministry approved.
Umbridge: POTTER!
Anna: I run four for frour. So yes, I can imagine circumstances in your class i would need to use spells. Actually, if my math is correct, there is 100% chance you will attack me on june, 50/50 you are going to try to kill me, a 25% you will use unforgivable.
"She is right." Said Barty.
[Everyone gaped at her. Umbridge looks enraged.]
Umbridge: 20 points from Gryffindor for Ms. Potter's cheek.
Rose: Whole point of Defence against the dark arts is partical application.
"Exactly!" Said Lily.
Umbridge: Miss Weasley, this class has been approved by Ministry experts. Are you a Ministry expert?
Rose: No, but-
Umbridge: Then you have no business challenging those who are. We will be learning about spells in a safe, risk-free environment-
Rose: But we've got O.W.L.s coming up! You expect us to do the spells with no practice?
"It really is crazy." Said Remus.
Anna: What's good theory in the real world?
Umbridge: This is school, not the real world, Ms. Potter.
Rose: Shouldn't school prepare us for real world?
"Again! She is right!" Said Lily.
Umbridge: There is nothing out there waiting to get you.
"Dark wizards, killers, thieves, prejudiced people. There are so many dangers even without Voldemort and his followers. They need to know spells. That's the whole point of going to Hogwarts. To learn spells!" Said Lily.
Anna: What about Voldemort?
Rose: (wide-eyed) Anna! [The whole class (except Rose) flinched at the sound of the name.]
Umbridge: Ten points from Gryffindor, Ms. Potter. Let me set the record straight. [She stand behind her desk, leaning on her knuckles.]
Umbridge: Some of you have been told that a certain dead wizard has returned. This is a lie. [Anna stands up, knocking her books to the ground, A look of livid rage on her face.]
Anna: It-is-NOT-a-LIE!
"Now isn't time, sweetheart." Said Lily softly.
Umbridge: Ms. Potter, you have just landed yourself in detention! [Anna moves around hier desk stiffly, trembling with rage, her eyes dangerous.]
Anna: So according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead? Or are you calling me a murderer?
Umbridge: The boy's death was a tragic accident.
Everyone glared at Umbridge.
[Rose eyes burned with hatred, but she didn't say anything. Anna has reached the desk. She slams her fists against the wood, thrusting her face right up to Umbridge's, glaring at her.]
Anna: It was murder! I saw it happen! [The class is deathly still. Parvati Patil is covering her mouth.]
Umbridge: Ms. Potter, you have earned yourself a week's worth of detentions!
Anna: Yeah, talk to somebody who cares. Voldemort killed Cedric, and you know it. [Umbridge snatches a quill up and scribbles a note, and hands it to Anna.]
Umbridge: That goes to Professor McGonagall, dear. [Anna rips it from her hand.]
Anna: When dear old Voldy starts killing, i hope he starts with you and your precious Minister! You good for nothing fools! [Class gaped at her and Anna storms out of the room.]
"I hope he does, too." Said Sirius.
[Anna storms down the halls, turns a corner, and practically kicks open the door to McGonagall's office.]
[Anna stomps in and hands the note to McGonagall. She takes it and glances at it.]
McGonagall: Is this true? Did you shout at Professor Unbridge?
Anna: Yeah. But she called me a liar!
McGonagall: My dear girl, Do use your common sense! Umbridge is reporting directly to Fudge. She is here to... interfere... with Dumbledore. And things could get much worse, trust me. (Pause) Use caution, always, Potter. Do not mess with Dolores Umbridge, she is dangerous. The order's hands are tied at Hogwarts, Anna. If you get too deep into trouble, we may not be able to get you out. Do you understand?
"She is right." Admitted Lily.
Anna: Yes, Professor.
Mcgonagall: Good. Off you go.
[Anna and Rose sit in a corner of the large common room, trying to ignore the talking and chattering going on all around them.]
Rose: How can Dumbledore let that horrible woman teach? And when we're taking out our OWL tests, too!
Anna: When did Dumbledore do anything? He's always in his office while we fight. In the end, we're all alone.
People look at them sadly.
Rose: (smilling sadly) Us against the world?
Anna: (sights) Us against the world.
"At least, they have each other." Said Remus.
[At the moment, Angelina Johnson comes up to Them.]
Angelina: (angrily) Well, way to go, Potter. Your detention is at the same time as Quidditch Practice!
Anna: Oh! Sorry...
Angelina: Yeah, well, you're going to have to get out of it somehow. We're holding tryouts for keeper now wood's gone, and i wanted to have the whole team there.
Anna: I'll never get out of it, Angelina.
Angelina: Well, just... don't do it again! [And she storms off.]
[Anna and Rose are heading back inside to the Griffindor common room. The sun is setting in the distance.]
Rose: Well, Anna, shall we start on Snape's report?
Anna: Later, I've got detention.
Rose: Good luck.
Anna: Thanks, i have a feeling i'll need it.
People look worried for her.
[The door to her office creaks open, and Anna enters.]
Umbridge: Ah, Potter. Sit down. [Anna sits in a chair right in front of her desk.]
Umbridge: Using this quill. You're going to be doing lines, tonight, Ms. Potter. [The quill was blood-red and sinister looking. Anna takes it.]
Umbridge: And you will write "I will not tell lies" until I tell you to stop. Understand?
Anna: There's no ink.
Umbridge: won't need ink.
Everyone's eyes widen guessing what that quill might be.
[Anna begins to write, then gasps in pain. She looks at her hand, and finds that "I will not tell lies" has carved itself in the skin of her hand, and the quill had written the words on the parchment in bright red blood.]
"She is dead." Growled Remus and Sirius.
"I don't even need wand! I'll strangle her with my bare hands!" Yelled James.
"It's illegal!" Said Lily, horrified for her little girl.
"I will show that pink toad how you carve words on someone's skin!" Yelled furious Barty.
"She is a child!" Said Narcissa.
[Then the words healed over again, on her hand. Anna lookes at her wound horrified, than schools her expression and glances at Umbridge, who is smiling evilly.]
Umbridge: Problem, Potter?
Anna: Yes. There is a problem. This is blood quill which is illegal and i refuse to use it.
"Oh. Thanks merlin! I was afraid she wouldn't know." Said Lily.
Umbridge: You will do what i say.
Anna: I would, but than i'll have to tell my head of house, Professor Dumbledore and Minister of course, that you harmed your student on detention not only psychologically, but Physically. [Anna suddenly starts to cry.]
Anna: It's so traumatic. I don't know how teacher could do this to me. She-- i know ministry hated me, but this much. [Anna stops crying and smirks at smug Umbridge.]
Anna: I would have to tell the press this and you will be sent to Askaban and we wouldn't want that now, would we? It would be such a... loss. [Anna looks in her eyes.]
"Go, little snake!" Cheered Barty.
"That's my girl!" Said Lily proudly.
"That's my daughter/ goddaughter!" Cheered James and Sirius.
"That's my niece!" Said Remus proudly.
[Umbridge glares at her, her lips pressed in thin line.]
Umbridge: And who will believe you, girl? You are nothing, but dirty liar.
Anna: It's Heiress Potter or Ms. Potter to you and Dumbledore would believe me and i'm sure Minister wouldn't be pleased with how much drama it would cause. Now are you gonna give me legal detention or should i go? [Umbridge glares at her with pure hatred, than brigs out newspaper.]
Umbridge: You will rewrite this with your own quill, of course. [Anna looks at Newspaper, titled: "Anna Potter: Girl heroess uses lies to seek attention" with the subheading of " Hogwarts Headmaster buys her story."]
Anna: Of course. [Anna starts writing.]
"She's pschologycally torturing her and the worse is there is no rule for not rewriting newspaper!" Said Lily, glaring at Umbridge.
"We should turn her to toad. She already looks like one anyway." Said Sirius to James. James nodded.
[Anna moves down the dark hallway again, slowly, meaningfully. Locked doors are all around her, lining the walls as far down as she could see. She breaks into a jog, and then a run, then a sprint. The doors rush past her. Suddenly an invisible force grabs her and pulls her along, faster and faster, the doors a blur.]
"She is dreaming about it again. You think it's coincudence?" Asked Evan.
"Why would they show us this if it wasn't somehow important?" Said Barty.
[Then she saw the end, a blinding light, which he blasts into with a smack, and as the light fades, she catches a glimpse of a further room, beyond the light, for only an instant. Then it too is gone, and Anna awakes with a yelp, hands pressed against her scar, which is burning horribly. She rubs it, until the pain goes away.]
[Anna closes marauders map.]
Anna: Mischief managed. [Anna puts map in her pocket and goes toward Cassiopeia.]
Anna: Hello, Malfoy. [Cassiopeia doesn't look surprised.]
Cassie: Potter. What do you want?
Anna: I have a deal for you. [Cassiopeia looks intrigued.]
"What? No! You don't make deal with snakes! That's unwritten rule!" Said James.
Cassie: What deal?
Anna: I want you to get me everything on Umbridge from what kind of pregnancy her mother had to what her favourite food is. I want every single thing about her.
"She has point. She needs information on her if she's gonna deal with her." Said Lily.
"She could get it any other way!" Said James.
[Cassie looks surprised and raises an eyebrow.]
Cassie: Why do you want that and why are you so sure i can get it?
Anna: It's clear she has vendetta against me. It's always good to know your enemy. And about second question... You are Cassiopeia Malfoy. You have connections. I'm sure you can find some dirt on her.
"Don't get my daughter involved in your mess, Potter!" Sneered Lucius.
[Cassie narrows her eyes.]
Cassie: And what is it in for me?
Anna: The girl who lived will own you the favour. No Slytherin would say no to this offer. [Cassie looks thoughtful.]
"She is right." Said Regulus.
Cassie: You can't back out later. If we make a deal, you will have to keep up your part of the deal.
Anna: If you give me, all information on Umbridge you can find, I promise to do any one legal favour you ask me. Deal?
"She worded it good." Approved Regulus. Narcissa agreed.
[Anna reaches her hand out.Cassie considers it and shakes Anna's hand.]
Cassie: Deal.

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