Chapter 20

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[Anna glares at Kreacher.]
Anna: You know where he is, don't you?
Kreacher: Master does not tell Kreacher where he goes.
Anna: But you know. [Kreacher grins horribly.]
Kreacher: Master will never return from the room from the Department of Mysteries!
Regulus holds Narcissa's hand tighter, Narcissa winces.
"Regulus! Let her go!" Said Lucius sternly. Regulus looks at Narcissa and sees he hurt her.
"Sorry." Said Regulus.
"It's okay." Said Narcissa. James and Remus are hugging Sirius like he's gonna disappear.
[Anna gapes. Kreacher cackles in his nasty way, and scampers]
Rose: (v.o.) Anna! [A stubby hand appears in the fire over Anna's head and grabs her hair, yanking her back. Both head and hand vanish from the fireplace.]
[Umbridge throws Anna to the floor.]
Umbridge: You think you could simply walk into my office without me knowing about it? Foolish girl!
"Pink toad caugh them." Groaned Barty.
[Anna looks around the room. Malfoy leans against a windowsill. Rose, Luna and Neville are under guard by the Inquisitional Squad, their wands piled on the floor. Umbridege draws her wand and waves it at Anna.]
Umbridge: Accio wand! [Anna's wand flips from her pocket to Umbridge's hand.]
Umbridge: Who were you trying to contact?
Anna: It's none of your business.
Umbridge: Casiopeia, would you fetch Professor Snape, please?
James and Sirius glare at Cassiopeia.
"Stop glaring! It's not like she can help them." Said Lily.
[Cassie looks at Anna hesistant, Anna nods. Cassie leaves. Umbridge smiles sickeningly at Anna.]
Umbridge: Very well, Potter. I have been patient enough with you. [Cassie returns with Snape.]
Snape: You wished to see me?
Umbridge: I have just caught Potter trying to communicate with someone in my fire. I need some Veritaserum. Truth serum.
Snape: Well, it appears that I cannot help you. I have none. [He turns to leave. Anna looks at him desperately.]
Anna: He's got Padfoot at the place it's hidden!
"Smart." Said Sirius.
"I hope he understands." Said Lily.
"Even if he undertands, will he help?" Asked worried Remus.
Umbridge: What? What does that mean?
Snape: Potter, if I want nonsense shouted at me, I shall inform you. [He sweeps from the office. Umbridge is enraged.]
Umbridge: We've played nicely, Potter. You leave me no choice! [She draws her wand, moving menacingly at Anna.]
Umbridge: You could have saved me a lot of trouble if those Dementors I sent to your house had finished you off!
"She sent the dementors?!" Yelled James.
"Reg, will you help me get rid of her body?" Asked Barty.
"Sure. She is getting on my nerves anyway." Said Regulus.
Anna: You sent the Dementors?
Umbridge: Of course I did! Someone had to act! [She points her wand at Anna's chest.]
Umbridge: CRUCIO! [Anna screams as the curse washes over her. She slumps to the ground, shaking wildly.]
"Aaaannnnna!" Screamed Lily. Everyone watched Anna get tortured again with sadness and pity.
"How many times?! How many time my daughter has to go throught this?!" Yelled furious James, tears rolling down his face.
Rose: No! Please, stop! [Umbridge looks pleased and turns to Rose.]
Umbridge: Well, well. [Anna looks at her wide eyed.]
Anna: Stay away from Rose and i'll... I'll tell you.. i'm sorry, Rose... [Rose looks terrified.]
"My baby." Cried Lily. James hugged her and they cried together.
Rose: No! I would rather die!
Umbridge: Shut up, Weasley! Now talk, girl! Who were you talking to?
Anna: We were trying to find Professor Dumbledore. We had to tell him...
Umbridge: Tell him?
Anna: That it's ready. The weapon.
"Good thinking, little snake." Said Barty proudly.
[Umbridge's eyes are shining with eagerness. She smiles at Anna.]
Umbridge: You will take me to it.
"Where do you think she will take her?" Asked Regulus. Barty shrugged.
"In a trap." Said Barty. Regulus gave him 'Really?' look.
[Umbridge and Anna move through the forest.]
Umbridge: Much further, is it?
Anna: Oh, yes. It's very well hidden.
"She is btinging them to centaurs." Said Narcissa.
"But they migh hurt her, too." Said Lily.
"She doesn't have other choice." Said James.
[They wander around for a while in silence. An arrow landa in the ground next to them. They stop, as about fifty Centaurs emerge once again from the underbrush.]
Magorian: What are you doing in our forest?
Umbridge: Your forest? This forest belongs to the Ministry of Magic! [The centaurs move closer.]
"She shouldn't have said that." Said amused Evan.
Umbridge: stay back, you beasts! [There are howls of rage from the ranks of Centaurs. Many nock and draw their bows.]
Umbridge: You cannot attack me! Any a wizard by a half-breed--
"She is dead. They will kill her." Said Regulus.
"She won't be missed." Said Barty.
Anna: Don't call them that! [Magorian roars in anger.]
Magorian: You dare to insult us? [Umbridge points her wand at him, though it is shaking in her hands.]
Umbridge: Come no closer! [Magorian rears up on his hind-legs and beats his chest.]
Umbridge: Incarcerus! [Ropes fly from her wand and wrap themselves around Magorian. The Centaurs charge Umbridge. Anna leaps behind a tree. She can still hear Umbridge scream, as the centaurs surround her.]
"Run, Anna! Run!" Yelled Sirius.
Umbridge: Ingrates! Animals! Filthy half-bloods! [There is blast like a gunshot and Umbridge screams again. Anna is grabbed by Centaur.]
Centaur: She has been here with Hagrid. She has heard the warnings and disobeyed. She must suffer the consequences!
Everyone is worried for Anna.
[Several trees to their left are torn from the ground and tossed aside like twigs. There stands Grawp. The centaurs stop dead in their tracks. Grawp roars.]
"Fuck." Muttered Sirius.
[Cassie paces in front of Rose, Luna, and Neville. Rose snatches up her wand.]
Rose: Stupify! [Crabbe falls over. Luna calmly kicks her restrainer in the shins. Neville slips out of the strangle-hold he'd been in and snatches up his wand. Goyle waves his wand, but Neville is faster.]
Neville: Expelliarmus! [The wand flies away. Cassie raises her wand on Neville. Theo raises wand toward Rose and Blair toward Luna, but they don't hex them.]
Cassie: Go! [Everyone looks at her surprised.]
People look at them surprised. Barty looks proud. Narcissa smiles at Cassie.
Blair: What are you waiting for? [They start to exit the office.]
Cassie: If any of you say we let you go, you're dead! [Rose nods.]
Neville: Thank you. [They leave.]
Blair: (groans) Potter will be the death of us.
Regulus and Lucius agreed.
Theo: (To Cassie) They better not get us in trouble.
Cassie: Goyle and Crabbe are knocked out and Umbridge won't bother investigating.
"She is right." Said Evan.
[There is silence as they all stare at Grawp.]
Grawp: Haggar! [There is another silence. Grawp sees Anna.]
Grawp: Anna! Where Haggar? [The centaurs raise their bows to point at the giant.]
"Holy shit! He really talks." Said surprised Sirius.
"Hagrid really taugh him English?" Said stunned James. Everyone look at giant shocked.
Anna: Grawp, help me! [Grawp roars again and beats his chest.]
Grawp: Grawp save Anna! [He reaches out for them. The centaurs loose their arrows. They pepper Grawp across the face and chest. He roars in agony and begins stomping on the ground, as if trying to squash the centaurs, who scatter. Anna runs away. As she departs, she hears Grawp one last time.]
Grawp: (v.o.) GRAWP WANT HAGGAR!
"He's so cute. He's like a baby." Said Lily.
[Anna reachs the edge of the forest. She stops to catch her breath.]
Anna: What am i supposed to do now?
Rose: That's just what we were wondering. [Rose, Luna, and Neville appear from around Hagrid's hut. Anna looks surprised.]
Rose: So, how do we get to the Ministry? [She tosses Anna her wand.]
Anna: I'd imagine we should fly, but we've got no brooms.
"They are really gonna break in ministry." Said Remus.
"They are crazy. I love them." Laughed Barty. Evan looked at him lovingly.
Luna: There are other ways to fly. [She nods in the direction of the forest.]
Luna: I mean, they can fly, and they're very good at finding places you need to go. [Anna and Neville sees two thestrals watching them.]
Neville: What are those?
Rose: What are what? [She looks right at them and doesn't see them.]
Rose: There's nothing there, Nev.
"There is. There are Theathrals." Said Barty.
Luna: Yea, there is. They're Theatrals You can't see them unless you've seen someone die.
Anna: All right, then. Get on one, and we'll be off.
Rose: And what about those of us who can't see them? [Neville reaches his arm out]
Neville: I'll show you.
[The sun has set behind the mountains in the distance. Anna and Luna, and Neville and Rose are each paired on one Thestral as they fly over the british landscape towared London. The Thestrals dive. Rose gives a shriek of surprise as they swoop down closer to the lights of London and grabs Neville tighter. Neville smiles at her.]
"They are cute." Said Lily.
[They soar between buildings and finally set down in front of a Telephone booth. Rose jumps off of the thestral shakily.]
Rose: Never again...
Neville: What now, Anna? [Anna leads the way to the telephone booth. She opens the door and steps in. The rest cram inside with her.]
[The lift grinds to a halt and the doors swing open. Anna and the others step out to the receptionist area with the golden fountain. The place is deathly quiet and completely deserted. They fan out, wands at the ready. Anna waits a moment.]
"It's too easy." Said Lucius. Everyone agreed.
Anna: All right, come on. [They head past the fountain and up the steps into the Ministry of Magic.]
[This larger lift clinks downward slowly. Finally, it grinds to a halt.]
Female Voice: Department of Mysteries. [The doors open and Anna leads the others out. This department too is abandoned.]
Neville: Where is everyone?
Rose: The Ministry closed a half-hour ago. I expect they all went home. [Anna nods grimly.]
"There still should be guards." Said Barty.
Anna: That's how Voldemort got in unnoticed. [They walk until they reach the hallway from Anna's dreams.]
Anna: This is it. Come on. [They make their way down the long hall until they reach the door at the end of the hall. Only it does not glow. Anna tries the handle. It swings open.]
Anna: Stay close. [She steps into the next room.]
[This room is large and circular. It is filled with identical doors all the way around. It is illuminated by blue-flamed candles. After Neville enters the room, the door swings shut with an echoing bang.]
Neville: Now where? [Anna looks around, confused.]
Anna: I don't understand. In my dream, the doors weren't identical.
Rose: Well, let's try a few. [Anna nods.]
Anna: Yeah. I'll know the way when I see it. [She goes to the first door she sees and opens the door. She steps inside. The others follow.]
Everyone is on edge, waiting for what will happen next.

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