Chapter 21

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[Anna opens the door and enters. The rest follow. The room is like an upside-down ziggurat, with huge steps leading to the base of the pit. On the lowest level rests a dark, grey veil that flutters as if there were a breeze. Soft whispers fill the room.]
Anna: Who's there? [She clambers down to the Veil and stares hard at it. The whispers intensify. Anna looks around the room.]
Everyone is worried.
Anna: Sirius?
Rose: There's no one here, Anna. This isn't the right room.
Luna: Does anyone else hear that?
Anna: I do. It's coming from the Veil. [They look at it. It flutters menacingly though there wind. Anna moves closer to it, slowly. Her eyes are locked on the veil. She walks closer.]
Rose: Anna...
Luna: There are people in there!
Rose: Anna, I think we should leave. [Anna reaches out her hand towards the veil. Rose comes up behind Anna and grabs her arm. She tries to pull away from her, eyes still locked on the veil.]
"It's like the mirror. She should stay away." Said worried James.
[The whispers have intensified into harsh moans as Anna is only feet away from the veil.]
Rose: Anna, we're here for Sirius, remember? [Anna stops. She blinks and drops her hand.]
Anna: Sirius... yeah... [Rose gently leads her away from the Veil. The moans have returned to whispers once again, muttering angrily as they depart.]
"You saved her." Said Remus to Sirius. Sirius smiled.
[They return to the Room of Doors. Rose draws a flaming X over the door they just closed. Anna moves to the next one. It is locked. She raises her wand. It remains closed.]
Anna: Alohomora! Whatever's in there, the Ministry sure doesn't want anyone getting to it. [She moves to the next door and opens it, stepping inside.]
"Really? I thought they would want everyone to get in ministry." Said Lucius.
[They enter the clock room. Every surface is covered in clocks.]
Anna: This is it! Come on! [They move through the clocks. Anna leads them back to the end of the room, where another door lies.]
Anna: This is it. This is where uncle pads is! [She opens the door and charges through.]
Everyone watches worried and nervous.
[Anna and the others spill into the hall of prophesy and stop. Anna glances around. They grip their wands tightly. The room is gigantic, being over fifty feet high and incredibly lond. There are rows and rows of shelves. On every shelf are dozens of dusty golden orbs. The room is lit by more blue-flamed candles.]
"Prophecy room? What they want there?" Asked confused James.
Anna: He's in here somewhere. [She leads them down the center isle, peering down each row. She turns down one row, leading them to the end. This end opens out into another wide isle. The row is empty. She looks around in confusion.]
Rose: I don't think Sirius is here.
"I don't think i'm there either. I wasn't even allowed lo leave house." Said Sirius. People get more worried.
[Neville stares at one of the orbs.]
Neville: Anna, have you seen this? [Anna looks over her shoulder.]
Neville: Er... It's got your name on it. [Sure enough, there was a golden orb resting on the shelf with the label "S.P.T. to A.P.W.B.D.: The Dark Lord and (7) Anna Potter." Anna reaches out for it.]
"She has prophecy???!" Asked freaked out James.
"She had it with dark lord. What does that mean?!" Said Barty.
Anna: What's my name doing here?
Rose: Don't touch it, Anna! [Anna glares at her.]
Anna: Why not?
Neville: Yeah, Anna, don't. [She looks at Neville, who is very pale.]
Anna: It's got my name on it! [She takes it off the shelf and looks at it.]
Lucius: I warned you before that one day you would come to a sticky end, Potter.
Gryffindors glare at Lucius.
[Lucius Malfoy emerges from the shadows, cloaked all in black. Two dozen other Death Eaters emerge around her. Anna and the others are surrounded and outnumbered.]
People look worried.
Anna: Where's Sirius? [Lucius, and several other death eaters laugh.]
Lucius: We don't have him, if that's what you mean.
Anna: Of course. You never did, did you? It was all just a trick.
Lucius: The Dark Lord knows your weakness for heroica, Potter. All it took
was a little nudge to get you here.[Lucius reaches out his hand, palm up.]
Lucius: Now give me that prophesy.
Lucius receves death glares from Gryffindors and Barty.
Anna: What prophesy? [Lucius points at the Golden orb.]
Lucius: That prophesy. Now hand it over or we'll have to use wands on you. [Anna raises her wand at the same time that Neville, Rose and Luna raised theirs.]
Anna: Go ahead. [Lucius regards her coldly.]
Lucius: Very brave of you, Potter. Or are you foolish?
Anna: Come and find out! [Lucius doesn't move.]
Lucius: Really, Potter. You expect to defeat all of us with your little school friends? Now hand it over, and they won't have to die here.
"You are giving her chance." Said surprised Evan.
Anna: I would rather die on feet than live on my knees!
James looks at his daughter proudly.
[One of the Death Eaters moves forward, throwing back her hood. It is Bellatrix Lestrange.]
Bellatrix: I haven't escaped from Azkaban for this!
"Ughhh... My least favourite cousin." Said Sirius.
[She raises her wand. Lucius forces her arm down.]
Lucius: No! If the prophesy is smashed-- [He stops and turns back to Anna. But Bellatrix turns to several other Death Eaters.]
Bellatrix: Take the ginger girl. We'll see
how committed Potter is as we torture her.
"Bitch." Said Lily.
[Luna, and Neville close in around Rose. Anna steps in front of Rose, wand out and aimed at Bellatrix's chest. She holds the prophesy in her other hand.]
Anna: You even try to take her and I'll smash this thing. [She tosses the prophesy casually into the air and catches it again. Lucius stares in horror.]
Immature trio laugh at Lucius.
Anna: So, what kind of prophesy are we talking about here?
Bellatrix: Surely you jest, Potter?
Anna: Not really. How come Voldemort wants it?
Lucius: You dare to speak the Dark Lord's name?
Anna: Who, Voldemort? [Anna laughs.] Oh, yeah, I dare. Voldemort, voldemort, Voldemort--
"Can't yous top antagonising enemies?!" Yelled Lily at her daughter.
Bellatrix: Silence! How dare you utter that name from your half-blood mouth!
Sirius, James and Barty snort.
Anna: Hey, did you know Voldemort's a half-blood too? [Bella raises her wand to strike, but Malfoy stops her again.]
Lucius: Control yourself, Bellatrix
Anna: What's so special about this prophesy anyway? [Bella shrieks with laughter.]
Lucius: You mean Dumbledore never told you the reason you bear that scar was hidden here? [Anna looks as if slapped, she is so surprised.]
Anna: What? [Lucius and the Death Eaters laugh.]
People glare at them.
Anna: (whispering) When I give the signal, blast the shelves... [Rose nods grimly.]
Lucius: So that's what took you so long. We wondered.
Anna: But why did he need me to take it?
"Only a person for whom the prophesy was made can take it." Said Regulus.
Lucius: Only a person for whom the prophesy was made can remove it from its self, Potter, and the Dark Lord certainly couldn't get it himself. [Anna is angry.]
Anna: So he used me to do his dirty work, did he?
Lucius: Precisely, Potter.
Anna: NOW! [No less than four wands fire into the shelves at once. The Death Eaters cover their faces as debris covers them.]
"Good working." Said Remus.
"Now run!" Yelled Lily.
Anna: RUN! [Dust fills the air. Entire shelves fall crashing to the ground, raining glass shards and golden orbs. The students break and run for the door. Malfoy grabs Anna by the shoulder.]
Malfoy shrinks when everyone gives him death glares.
[Rose waves her wand at him.]
Rose: Stupify! [Malfoy is blasted backward. Anna and Rose run after the others. Spells explode around them.]
Lucius: Stop them! [Anna is the last through the door.]
[Rose slams the door shut and points her wand at it. The door seals itself.]
Rose: Colloportus! [Anna looks around. Only Rose and Neville are still with him.]
Anna: Where'd the Luna go? [Rose looks around.]
"You think she will be okay?" Asked worried Evan.
"Of course, she will." Said Barty and kissed Evan's head. Regulus and Barty shared worried look.
Rose: Anna, she went the wrong way! [They run after Luna. Just then, the door blasts off its hinges. Anna, Rose, and Neville dive underneath several desks. Death Eaters enter the room, slowly moving between the clocks and desks.]
Death eater: They might have gone on to the hall.
Bellatrix: Check under the desks. [Anna leaps out from under her desk.]
Anna: Stupify! [A jet of red light hits one of the Death Eaters in the chest. He is knocked backward into the wall. Rose jumps from under her desk and runs for the exit. Bellatrix sees her and raises her wand.]
Bellatrix: Avada-- [Neville emerges from beneath his desk.]
Neville: Expelliarmus! [Bella's wand flies from her fingers. Anna finishes her off.]
Anna: Stupify!
"They are good. They took down two death eaters so easily." Said James.
"They got lucky." Said Lily.
"No. They just used teamwork, speed and moment of surprise." Said Sirius.
[Bellatrix is struck with the same red light and falls to the ground. There is a yell from the next room. Two Death Eaters enters the room.]
Daeth eater: Impedimenta! [The spell blasts Anna, Rose, and Neville backward. Neville flies over a desk. Rose strikes a bookshelf and is nearly buried under the falling books, and Anna strikes the wall.]
Everyone looks at them worried.
"Where is Luna?" Asked Evan.
Death eater: We've got her!
Rose: Silenco! Stupify! [The death eater falls silent, and then to the ground. Anna staggers to her feet, dazed.]
Anna: Pretificus Totalus! [The second Death Eater falls to the ground and cannot move. The mute Death Eater attacks Rose, making a slashing movement with his wand. Purple flame blasts from the wand and slashes Rose across the chest. Her eyes go wide and she falls to the ground.]
"Rose!" Screamed Gryffindors.
Neville: Stupify! [The death eater falls over.]
Anna: Rose! [She runs to her. She appears to be sleeping.]
Anna: Please don't be dead, please don't
be dead... [She checks her pulse and sights.]
Anna: Thanks Merlin!
Gryffindors sigh out in relief.
[Neville runs over.]
Neville: What's they do to her?
Anna: I don't know, but she still has a pulse. [Neville sighs out in relief.]
Neville: I'll carry her. You're better at fighting. [He hoists Rose up on his back. They move on to the next room.]

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