Chapter 22

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[Anna, and Neville, still carrying Rose, re-emerge into the circular room of doors. Rose's X's have fades from the walls.]
Neville: Where do we go?
Anna: I don't know... [A door opens and Luna emerges.]
"Luna." Said relieved Evan, Regulsu and Barty.
Anna: What happened?
Luna: Death eaters attack. No serious injuries.
Evan and Regulus glare at drath eaters angrily.
[Another door opens, and five death eaters emerge.]
Bellatrix: There they are! [Stunning spells rain all around them. Luna is blasted off her feet by a stunning spell. She tumbles to the floor.]
Evan, Barty and Regulus look worried, again.
"Luna!" Yelled worried Evan.
[Anna has no choice but to keep running. The next stunning spell hits Neville in the back. He falls to the ground, Rose rolling away from him.]
[Anna and Rose stagger into the Room of the Veil. Just as they enter, Rose is hit and falls. Anna slips and tumbles down to the bottom of the chamber. She comes to rest by the dais of the Veil. Doors all around her burst open and Death Eaters enter, climbing down to surround her--from a safe distance.]
Everyone extremly worried. No one is saying anything and watch the eventd unfold tensely.
[Anna staggers up onto the dais, her wand held weakly in her hand. Blood trickles out of her mouth and down her chin. Malfoy shoves his way towards Anna.]
Lucius: Your race is run, Potter. Hand it over. [Anna glances around frantically.]
Everyone glares at Lucius.
"I haven't done it. It's future." Defended Lucius.
Anna: Let my friends go and I will. [Bellatrix and several other Death Eaters drag his friends into the chamber.]
Lucius: You are not in a position to negotiate. [Neville struggles against the Death Eater holding him.]
"Beg to differ. She has what they want." Said Remus.
Neville: Don't do it, Anna! Don't!
Anna: Stop, Neville! [Bellatrix looks at Neville.]
Bellatrix: Neville? Neville Longbottom? [She laughs in glee.]
Bellatrix: My dear boy, I paid your parents a visit a long time ago. We had such a time!
Lily growled at her.
Neville: You put them in st. Mungos! [Bellatrix beams at him.]
Eveyone glares.
Bellatrix: So, Potter. Give us the Prophesy or I'll see how long it takes to crack Longbottom like his parents. [Anna is desperate.]
Neville: Don't give it to them! [Bellatrix points her wand at him.]
Bellatrix: Crucio! [Neville howls in pain, curling up in a ball and screaming at the top of his lungs.]
"Nevilleee!" Yelled Lily. Gryffindors look at boy worried.
[The doors at the top of the chamber explode off their hinges. Everything stops as Lupin, Sirius, Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley. They blast spells at the Death Eaters.]
"Yeeees. We show up!" Said Sirius.
[Malfoy moves to attack, but Tonks diearms him. Anna leaps off of the dais, landing next to Neville.]
Anna: Are you all right?
Neville: Yeah... [He and Anna begin making their way away from the fighting. A man grabs Anna from behind, his large, sweaty arm around Anna's throat.]
Death Eater: Give me the prophesy!
[Neville leaps upon his back and hits him in the face. Anna elbows him in the ribs. The man falls away. As he falls, he strikes Anna's hand by accident. The prophesy flies from her hand. Malfoy sees it. He raises his wand. Sirius leaps into him. Both men fall the rest of the way to the lowest level of the room, landing hard. The prophesy bounces off of a step, flips down to the next level and shatters against the stone. A ghostly version of Professor Trelawney appears over the shattered golden orb, speaks something which cannot be heard over the fight, and dissolves away. Anna and Neville seem frozen, staring at the broken pieces of the orb.]
"Prophecy is destroyed!" Sayed surprised Lily. Lucius and Narcissa shake worried look.
[Sirius gets to his feet and sprints to Anna and Neville.]
Sirius: Get out of here, you two! [He points at one of the doors.]
Sirius: That will take you back out of the Department of Mysteries. [Sirius makes to go back to the fight. Anna grabs his arm.]
Anna: You come with us! [Sirius shakes his head.]
Sirius: You're the important one, now, Anna. I have to help the Order.
Anna: You're important, too. I need you!
Sirius: I'll always be here for you, Anna. Now go!
James looks at his friends and daughter worried.
[Slowly, Anna lets go of Sirius's robe sleeve. She looks into her Godfather's eyes. He pushes Anna away from him towards the door. A spell rockets past Sirius's head. Bellatrix leaps down in front of Sirius. She smiles. Sirius grins.]
Sirius: Hello, cousin! [He fires a spell at her. She dodges, leaping down to the Dais on which the Veil sits. Sirius leaps after. Their wands clash, blinding lights exploding from the tips. Anna and Neville climb towards the door.]
Lucius: Potter! [They whirl around to find Lucius only feet away, holding his wand out at them.]
Lucius: We may have lost the prophesy, but I can still deliver you to the Dark Lord! [He waves his wand.]
Everyone glares at him. James and Sirius try to attack, but are stopped by Remus and Lily.
"This hasn't happened yet." Said Remus sternly.
Lucius: Stupify! [Anna raises her own.]
Anna: Protego! [Malfoy's spell bounces away from Anna. The door opens and Dumbledore, eyes blazing, enters, his wand at the ready.]
Neville: It's Dumbledore!
"Dumbledore came?" Asked shocked Barty.
[Malfoy attempts to run, but Dumbledore snaps his wand out, and Malfoy is knocked over and dragged back.]
Narcissa look at him worried.
[Dumbledore moves past Anna and Neville, descending into what appears to be a war zone. He reaches the fight before the Death Eaters even know he's there. Dumbledore blasts two of them across the room before the rest notice. They break for the exits, but members of the Order are already there, stunning them. Bellatrix fires a stunning spell. Sirius ducks under it, laughing.]
Sirius: Is that the best you've got, cousin? [He doesn't even see it coming. He's barely finished his sentence when the second spell strikes him in the chest. He is lifted up into the air, a look of shock upon his face. Time seems to slow for Anna as she watches Sirius's descent. And then Sirius falls into the Veil, his body simply falling behind it. He does not reappear on the other side.]
Everyone sits stunned. James gets out of shock first.
"Noooooo!" Yellled James. James hugs still shocked Sirius tightly. Remus follows James. Tears roll down Regulus's face, Barty places comforting hand on his back, but he doesn't seem to notice.
"Shhh...Reg, It'll be okay. He will be okay. This hasn't happened. It'll not happen." Whispered Barty to Regulus and rubbed his back soothingly. Narcissa looks at Bella disappointed and hurt. Lucius holds Narcissa's hand, Narcissa leans into him and Lucius wraps his arms around her.
[Anna sprints for her Godfather, but she seems to move in slow motion.]
Anna: (screaming) Sirius! [She leaps down towards the Veil, abandoning everything. Tears are streaming down her face. Her wand drifts from her grasp and clatters behind her. She leaps to the lowest level and charges up to the dais. Lupin reaches out and grabs her, holding her fast. He himself looks destroyed.]
Gryffindors(except Sirius) and Regulus sob. Narcissa silenly mourns.
Anna: (screaming) Let me go! [She hits at Lupin, trying to break away from him.]
Lupin: Anna! ANNA!...he's gone...there's nothing you can do.... [Anna hits him across the face, still struggling wildly.]
Anna: LIAR! [Things seem to slow down. All sound dies away for Anna.]
Sirius tries to calm James and Remus.
"We are gonna fix it. Like James and Lily's death. We will fix it. It'll be okay." Said Sirius.
[Spells flash and explode all around, bathing the room in strange colors, mixing with the light of the blue candles. But Anna's legs simply give out and he slumps against Lupin, who is also weeping. Anna clenches and unclenches her fists in agony, beating them weakly against Lupin's chest.]
Anna: No... no... no... [Lupin bodily picks Anna up, still weeping, and carries her away from the Dais. He lets go of Anna and turns to help Neville. Anna stands, dumbfounded beside him, still staring at the Veil.]
"Don't do something stupid, Anna." Said Lily with raspy voice.
[Kingsley leaps up to duel with Bellatrix, but she blasts him aside. Dumbledore turns and attempts to stop her, but she deflects the spell and leaps towards the door. Anna watches her, and there is cold fury in her eyes. Anna sprints after her. Lupin turns to see her leaping up after Bellatrix.]
Lupin: Anna, no! [She flies through the door after her.]
"Noo!" Yelled Lily, Barty and Remus. Everyone looks worried.
[Anna enters just to see Bellatrix escape through a doorway. She charges after her.]

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