Wilbur x yn (Anxiety)

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Tw: anxiety,anxious stimms,heavy breathing,dizziness,crying
(Yn is a trumpet player like Leandra in Lovejoy so u r a band member!) NB! Reader

Overview:Wil and Yn were filming a vlog with ash about band life.When Lovejoy were being interviewed yn started to get anxious. Wil noticed yn had gone quiet and began figiting.He tried calming them down and managed to help yn keep their cool until the end of the interview. After the interview they went back to the tour bus .. that where yn broke....

Yn PoV:
Me and the band had been in Milwaukee, America for about a day now. We had just finished the 100th show.
"Yn?" Will called me over to where he was sitting. Some cameras surrounded the platform in which Wil and the band were apon.
"Mhm?!" I said walking over to Wil the cameras starting my anxiety off.
"Interview" Wil said patting the seat next to him motioning me to sit down which i did.
Time skip 7 mins
Wil PoV:
We hadn't been in the interview for long when i noticed Yns head down. I looked at them then at their hands . They were fidgeting with their fingers.. i opened my mouth to say something when
"Wil." Joe said poking me.
"Oh um sorry what was the question?" I asked again laughing slightly.
"You've just released a new single. Normal people things. Why did you choose to name the song this?" The interviewer asked.
"Oh um. The songs about meeting someone who is completely opposite to normal. They are the most out of ordinary person you could ever meet. It just felt right to calling it normal people things as it's the opposite of what the song is about!" I explained constantly glancing at yn whose legs were now shaking.
"Hey it's okay..." I whispered next to Yns ear grabbing their thigh and squeezing it lightly trying to show them some comfort. They looked at me briefly before looking down again.

Time skip end of interview
Yn pov :
The interview had just finished and i was still in my own world . Until i felt
Someone touch me.
"Hey yn you good babe?" Wil asked me as he took my hand and pulled me into a hug. "Sorry" i whispered . I wasn't sure what i was apologising for.
"Babe you've not done anything don't apologise" wil said pulling away from me and taking my hand again. He lead me towards the tour bus. That's when i felt the worst feeling ever, knowing an attack was rising i ran down to the end of the bus where wil slept. I didn't want to embarrass myself infront of the band. I sat on the bed and tried breathing normally it was hard as my breath kept picking up...
"Babe!? Hey hey shhh your okay.." wil said as he walked in to the room seeing my attack.
"Wil I'm so-sorry" i stuttered leaning my head back against the window of the tour bus closing my eyes my hands shaking as Wil took them in his hands. "Hey shhh" Wil said . I felt the bed next to me move as i felt hands around me moving my head. "Shh copy my breathing babe your okay" i opened my eyes. I was rested on Wilbur's chest ..slowly i noticed my breathing slowing down. Wilburs hand wiped the tears of my face. "You're okay" Wil smiled at me kissing my head as his hand began rubbing my back slowly and soothingly
"Sorry" i mumbled again.
"Babe stop apologising . You can't say sorry for anxiety. You can't control it yea? It's not your fault" Wil spoke sloftly.
I nodded. "Why don't you sleep? It's late" Wil moved me gently of his chest and on to the pillow of his bed.
"I'll be back in a sec okay? Just try resting please" Wil kissed my head once again as i closed my eyes

Wilbur PoV:
"WIL! Is yn okay?" Joe asked
"Yea just a bit anxious I've told them to sleep for now. I said I'd come and join them in a sec"
"Oh Alr mate. You gonna go to bed now?" Joe said questioningly
"Umm yea i think it's just easier for Yn to know I'm there and stuff. Sorry guys but it is almost 1 am now. We got a sound check as 7." I said "night Joe,mark,ash,Leandra and crew" i walked of back down the hall.
"NIGHT" a chorus of voices called after me.
I walked back into my room at the end of the tour bus where I'd left yn. Carefully i opened the door. Yn was sleeping peacefully. Smiling i changed into my hoodie and shorts. Climbing into bed next to yn i gently slid one arm under them and placed the other on top of them pulling them close. I rested my head on there shoulder and gently kissed it. "Mhh" a slight groan came from yn as they rolled over burying their head into my chest wrapping their arms around me.
" you good babe?" I asked petting their hair lightly. "I don't know Wil.. I'll be fine" they replied.
"Babe if your feeling anxious or anything you can just tell me yea? You know I'll listen."
"Yes Ik but it's not just at certain times Wil. It's all the time.certain things make it worse..."
"Oh babe I'm sorry" i replied kissing them once again
"It's whatever" they closed their eyes again squeezing me tightly before relaxing on my arm.
"Sleep well love" i said before closing my eyes...

932 words! Shorter story. Might have one more out tonight x yes Ik this is another Wilbur one but fuck it! Might do a James next bc I've got a whole Wilbur/james request list from friends and ppl on my insta dms and tiktok !

Happy now 🍄

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