I was protecting a Lamborghini for Jimmys new video. I was anxious about it not pasting stage 1. 10,000 bullets. I worked all night to protect it. "YN! YOU HAVE ONE HOUR! GOOD LUCK" jimmy said. So far i had containers,water jugs and a bunch of other metals to avoid it from going though. "YN TIME IS UP!" Jimmy called. I went over to a safe platform and watched as the 10,000 bullets were fired at the car. I hoped my defenses would do. And they did! "Stage one complete! Now on to stage to! IN EXACTLY 24 HOURS THAT CAR WILL BE DROPPED 100 FEET FROM THE FLOOR! LIFT IT UP" jimmy said as the car was raised up. I began to work. 4 containers creating a pit which i got my team to fill with pillows and air mattress' along with bouncy castles and soft items. "Yn.?" Someone said softly. I turned around. It was my boyfriend Karl. "Mhm?" I said. He hugged me. "I'm proud of you" he smiled. "Thanks" i said kissing him. The next 24 hours was up! The car was about to be dropped. "3...2...1 DROP THE CAR!" Jimmy shouted. The car dropped and I ran to see if it was okay a small crack in the windshield and bumper. But it was okay! Stage 3 was apon me... 10 flaming cars. I told my team to cover the lambo with a container. Connect 2 on top to deflect the cars. Fill the sides with dirt and remove ALL wood. Another 24 hours and it was time... the first car was fine the second was fine from the 3rd car i saw the metal buckle. I hoped it wouldn't go down anymore and crush the car.. the final car was dropped and i ran to see if the car was okay. "CAREFUL YN" Karl shouted. The car was okay! Finally stage 4...the train. My plan was to derail it! I got to work immediately. Wood stacked up to try derail it while some of the team blocked the track. I used the shells of the flaming cars to block it. I had a couple hours left and was feeling incredibly tired. I'd had about 20 hours sleep over the last 3 days. I stopped in the middle of working as i felt dizzy and tired. "Yn..? You okay" Karl asked. "I'm fine.." i smiled continuing to work. "1 HOUR REMAINS" jimmy told me. Okay almost done..i thought. As the last few minutes counted down i folded on the floor from exhaustion. "You alright?" Chandler asked. "Mhm..." i mumbled. "KARL?" He called. "Babe?? Hey you okay?" Karl asked crouching next to me. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed it slowly. "Tired.." i mumbled. Karl pulled me onto his lap and rocked me gently. "You worked very hard babe..you should of slept more" he said. "I know..I'm sorry" i said sleepily. Karl kept rubbing my back. "You feeling dizzy?" He asked noticing my eyes fluttering. "A bit..I'm okay" i said. "TIME IS U- is she okay?" Jimmy said running over. "She's sleep deprived. She'll be okay" Karl said. Jimmy looked unsure. "im fine..." i mumbled. "okay yn cmon you need some sleep" karl said. "Agreed" Jimmy said. "But.." i didnt have the energy to fight back . i let karl carry me to his car. He drove me to the place id been staying in. karl placed me down on the bed and sat next to me. i cuddled into his chest. "Babe you really need to stop getting so low on energy" karl said softly running his fingers through my hair. "I know..im really sorry" i said. "Its okay love...Just sleep" he said. I closed my eyes as he rubbed my back softly. he kissed me and i remember no more.......

Yn x YouTubers
FanfictionYn x YouTubers .... Yn - They/them . Tw will include : Shortness of breath / asthma Panic attacks Anxiety Disassociation Slight blood x gore (Ill give a bigger TW if there is more detail)