TW— Shortness of breath,Slight dizziness,Passing out, Chest pain
Overview: Wilbur and yn were filming a vlog with Tommy ( If you stop dancing you get electrocuted) . YN Tom and Wilbur all had electrocut bands round their legs when one shock of electricity stops yn in their tracks...Yn pov:
We were on our way to collect Tom to film a vlog for his channel.
It wasn't a long drive . He only lives 5 minutes away.
Five minute time skip
Me and Wilbur were sat in the cab waiting for Tom to come out of his house
After another few minutes Tom arrived in the back of the cab with us
Alright will?"
"Yea big man how bout u?"
Tom just nodded. I just stay quiet looking out the window. Not because i didn't want to say hi i was just tired.
Twenty minute time skip
We arrived at the forest Tom chose to film in.. Our aim was to get the the "cock tower" as Tom called it (The i360 in Brighton)
Toms pov:
"ALRIGHT , Everyone get your electrocution bands on your ankles!" I said as I attached mine to my leg..
"Wait what now.?" Wil asked before falling to the floor.
Wil pov:
As we continued dancing and joking around the forest i noticed YN looking a bit lost.
"YN? You ok?" I asked walking over to them.
Realising ash would shock me i danced over to them hoping i wouldn't be stopped trying to help them.
YN pov:
I stopped dancing by mistake i was trying to pick up my keys when i got shocked..
The shock wasn't like it the others.. it made my chest hurt
I couldn't breath.
"YN? are you ok?" I heard wil ask.
"I-i can't b-breath" I stuttered out..
Wil turned back to me " Hey, YN look at me.. Hey,Hey,Hey it's ok ! Your ok sit down..."
Wil gently guided me to the floor resting me against a tree.
He continued speaking to me but i couldn't make out what he was saying... My head pounding the sky fading in and out ..
Everything was going..
3 minute time skip
"Hey..." A voice softly spoke to me. A hand gently rubbed my shoulder
My eyes opened the light stinging them
I saw wil a worried look painted across his face . He moved his hand of my shoulder to shelter the sun from my eyes.
"W-what happened... "i mumbled
"You passed out.. "
"What? H-how? Why?" I said my voice slightly over a whisper
"Ash shocked you and it made you lose your breath a bit.. I tried to calm you down but you wouldn't im sorry YN." Wil explained a slight guilt in his voice.
"It's fine can we just go please.. my head hurts and i just wanna sleep" i spoke flatly tears forming in my eyes
I got up before he noticed ⟟ was crying
"I'm sorry i ruined your vlog Tom. Sorry ash for being a p*ssy and passing out. It's not your fault" i spoke my voice cracking slightly before walking off calling a cab.
20 minute Time skip
Wils PoV:
I smiled at Tom following YN.
"WIL?" Tom spoke
"Yea?" I turned around to face him
"Tell YN it's not there fault! I wasn't aware shocking them would be so dangerous"
"Oh no Tommy... it's not your fault! I think it just got to much for them! They haven't slept for a while" I replied walking off after YN. Who was just about to get in the cab.
"Hey... wil" YN replied wiping their eyes...
"Hi. You ok?"
YN nodded
Time skip (now at home)
Yn PoV:
I opened the door ,took off my shoes and went straight to the bedroom . Wils jumper was on the end of the bed... i grabbed it slung it over my clothes and got into bed. I Shut my eyes tears starting to fall as i repeat everything i did wrong earlier that day.
A few minutes later wil came in...
"Yn.." he spoke softly... "it wasn't your fault ok?. It wasn't anyone's fault!"
Wil got into bed next to me, kissing me on the head he continued to speak
"Look Yn.. why are you blaming yourself? You know it's not your fault! It's just because your tired ."
"That's why it's my fault!" I rolled over to face wil " I didn't sleep when i knew i needed to!" I buried my head in his chest crying again. "Sorry." I mumbled though the tears
"Oh Yn.. it's ok" he spoke planting another kiss on my head " breathe.."
Wils PoV:
I rubbed Yns back til they fell asleep hoping tomorrow they would be ok.. i doubted it.
Yn was complicated but i tried my best
I shuffled down the pillow ,making sure not to disrupt yn, before closing my eyes as i felt Yn relax showing me they were finally sleeping..🪐A/N! ⭐️
860 words!
Thanks for reading! How did you like it?
Please leave suggestions of Mcyt you want to write about! Give me a small context about the story!
I'm gonna work on a James Marriott x yn next!Happy now 🍄

Yn x YouTubers
FanfictionYn x YouTubers .... Yn - They/them . Tw will include : Shortness of breath / asthma Panic attacks Anxiety Disassociation Slight blood x gore (Ill give a bigger TW if there is more detail)