Tubbo x yn (period)

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Female reader! Tw: stomach pain,groaning,blood

Overview: Yn was on her period. She hates having it every month.Her boyfriend,tubbo woke up to his girlfriend in severe pain... once she finally told him why Tubbo having lived with 2 sisters all his life tried his best to help..

4am yn PoV:
I woke up to a sudden pain in my stomach
"Fuck sake" i groaned going to the bathroom quietly trying not to wake my boyfriend next to me in bed.
Knowing I'd started my period i changed into Tubbo hoodie and his joggers and went to the kitchen making myself some coffee and a hot water bottle. I placed the hot water bottle in the pocket of Tubbo hoodie as it rested perfectly on my stomach. I turned around to get the sugar for my coffee when i felt a head on my shoulder and two hands around my waist
"Babe... it's 4am why are you up?" Tubbo mumbled sleepily.
"I just.." I began when another sharp pain shot through my stomach making me groan in pain .
"AH FUCK" I shouted maybe a bit to loud as Tubbo soon awoke
"Babe? WTF! Are you okay" Tubbo said worried
"I'm fine" i mumbled back wriggling free from his grip and slumping down on the sofa. Raising my knees to my chest pressing the hot water bottle against my stomach firmly i covered my face with my arms and began sobbing lightly.
"Babe..." Tubbo placed his hands on my shoulders and gently massage them.."what's wrong?"
"Nothing Tubs .. Just cramps" i replied my head still rested on my arms...
"Oh baby..." Tubbo moved his hands off my shoulders and came to sit next to me..."do you need anything?"
I just shrugged "pain killers maybe?" Tubbo got off the sofa and got me some pain killers..."here" he pressed them into my hand gently "thanks" i mumbled taking them with my half cold coffee.
"Why don't you try sleeping again!?" Tubbo suggested sitting back down next to me,wrapping his arm around me.
"I can't tubs it's to painful!"
"Please... for me?" tubbo asked gently pulling me back onto his chest. Reluctantly i uncurled and relaxed on my boyfriend....He carefully slid his hand under my hoodie and rubbed my stomach in small circles.."just breathe and try sleeping babe"
Time skip Tubbo PoV:
I looked at my phone 7am. Yn was still asleep on my lap.I can't imagine how much pain yn must be in ...I slowly slid my hand out from under Yns hoodie and moved her off my lap on the pillow and went to our room to get changed.
"YOOO TUBS YOU READY?" I heard tom come into the apartment. A second later he burst into mine and Yns room.
"TUBBO CMONNNNNNN LETS GO!" He shouted at me.
"SHH.. Yns sleeping ... look i can't film with you today I'm so sorry Tom"
"Why not mate!?"
"Yns on her period . It's not fair for me to leave her alone.."
Yn walked in right after i said that..
"Tubs if you wanna film you can I'll be fine-" Yn spoke moments before falling slightly back against the door in pain.
"Woah Ive got you" i said grabbing Yn and helping her on the bed. "See Tom it's not fair to leave her" I turned back to Tom."Tubbo babe go film I'll be fine yea? I could do with some peace for a bit..." Yn reassured me
"Okay fine but promise your call me if you need anything"  she nodded laying down.

2 hour time skip
Yn PoV:
Tubbo had been gone filming for about 2 ish hours now. The pain was only getting worse but i didn't dare call Tubbo as i didn't want to worry him. Instead i just tried to distract myself by watching some Tv.I made another hot water bottle and placed it on my stomach again this time it didn't help much...but i kept it there anyway .. Finally after another hour i couldn't take the pain anymore. 
*calling Tubs*
"Hi Tubbo umm"
"You okay?"
"Mhm i was just wondering how long you were gonna be filming it's getting worse and i honestly can't get off the sofa now."
"Oh baby I'm sorry I'll come home now!"
"Don't come home until your done babe it's okay"
"No I'm coming home now!"
.time skip 20 minutes
Tubbo PoV:
I just entered home about 20 minutes after Yn called me.
"Babe?" I called
All i heard was a groan from the sofa. I went over to the sofa and help Yn sit up
"Oh baby shh" I picked her up and sat her on my lap once more and rubbed small circles onto her back.
"I'm sorry Tubbo" she buried her head into my chest her hands grasping her stomach."hey it's okay just clam down and breath yea? I'm sure it will be over soon" i kissed her on the head and called philza
"Hello Toby"
"Hey philza.. um your wife can i speak to her quickly?"
"Umm yea sure! Everything okay?""
"Hey Toby!You wanted to speak to me?"
"Yea well your a women.. how do you help people with cramps? "
"Oh umm that depends.. i find heat pads on my back very helpful and cuddles if I'm honest!"
"Oh okay thanks Kristen!"
"That's alright darling"

"Hey Yn?" I asked not realising she was sleeping again.."nevermind babe you just sleep"
I kissed her on the head and watched tv until eventually i feel asleep..

927 words
Umm kinda basic? Idrkkkk


happy now 🍄

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