Tubbo x yn

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Someone wanted more so here's moreee

Tubbo pov:
I was streaming for the tubbathon day 7 and over 100 hours more to go when suddenly someone came into my office. I looked and it was Yn. I dropped the pen in my hand and ran to her. "Hey? What's wrong?" I asked noticing she was crying. I noticed how she didn't want to speak due to the cameras. "Hey it's okay come with me" i said leading her into the kitchen next door where audio wasn't able to picked up. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked again. I noticed her hand flinch and suddenly hit her. Shit! She was having tics, these always happened before seizures. I took her hands to avoid her hurting herself again. "Yn? Your gonna be okay" i said softly. I understood why she was crying now. Seizures always scared her. "Calm down..calm down.." i said. She flinched again, i kept a tight grip on her hands. "Look..why don't you sit down . If you have a seizure it's took dangerous for you to be standing up." I said. "Okay..." she breathed. I guided her to the floor out the way of things that may hurt her. She continued to tic and flinch. Making noises and saying things randomly. She kicked me by accident. "Sorry" she said. "It's okay..." i smiled. She flinched again. "Calm down..." i said. "I'll be back in 30 seconds" i said running to my office and grabbing my phone. I muted as well just in case. I came back and took her hands both in one of mine. I called Tom. Him and Yn were friends long before me and Tom. "Hey Tom can you come to the kitchen in the office? Yns having a tic attack" i said. "Fuck!" Yn said as she hit herself again. "Hey calm it's okay" i said. "I'm on my way!!" Tom said quickly hanging up. "Calm it Yn..your okay.." i said still trying to calm her. "I'm so sorry" she said. "Hey don't be you've done nothing" i said again. I kissed her head. She seemed stressed as well as anxious. "Tom will be here soon..It's okay" i said. After a couple minutes Tom walked in. "I'm here! It's okay yn" he said instantly sitting infront of Yn. He took her hands from mine. "How long has Yn been ticing?" He asked. "About 10 minutes" i said. "Alright.. if it goes on for more than 5 minutes and doesnt become a seizure we might have to call 999" Tom said. I nodded.
Yn pov:
I kept ticing. I flinched more and more. "Your okay" Tom said, Tubbo saying the same. I felt dizzier and flinched harsher even stopping Tom from holding me down and hitting myself in the chest. "Fucking hell" i mumbled. "Oh Yn.." Tubbo said placing his hand on my chest, rubbing it slowly. "Ah..Tubbo" i said. Him touching it hurt more. "Sorry my love" Tubbo said. "I don't think I'm gonna have a seizure.." i said. "You sure? Your ticing a lot" Tom said. "I know...but Fuck..never mind my visions gone" i said realising that i might have a seizure. "okay..okay.." Tom said. "I'm Gonna lay you down in my lap" Tubbo said. I felt him move me. Suddenly i felt frozen....
Tubbo pov:
She layed in my lap and i slowly continued rubbing her chest hoping to avoid the seizure. "Your okay Yn..breathe" i said. She seemed to be struggling. "Yn? Talk to me babe" i said. "Hi.." she mumbled to let me know she was responsive. "Do you feel dizzy??" I asked. "Kinda..more just really hot" she said. I placed the back of my hand on her forehead. She was really warm. "Do you want an ice pack?" Tom asked me. I nodded. He went over to the freezer and grabbed one. I placed it behind yns neck to cool her. "Breathe..." i said. After about 10 more minutes she'd not had a seizure. "You feeling better..?" I asked. She'd stopped ticing. "Yea..i think I'm okay" she smiled. I sat her up. "You think your gonna be okay?" Tom asked. She nodded. "Sure? I can take you home?" Tom asked. "No..I'll be okay" she said. "Alright.. call me if you need anything" Tom smiled. She nodded. "Thanks again.." she said. "Anytime Yn hope you feel better" Tom said leaving. Yn came and sat on my lap while i played Minecraft. She cuddled into my shoulder and calmed down. I kept one hand on her back when i could. She mostly just rested. Chat thought it was cute but i knew the real reason..

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