The Black Ravens Creek Pack

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We drove for what seemed forever. Jessie clutched onto my hand the whole time until she fell asleep, followed by me shortly after. I never realized how far I had strived away from the pack until now. Boy, did I really run so far when I was young? How in the world did I even manage to survive running so far away?

After a long drive and a quick nap later, I woke up, something inside me told me... I knew we had arrived. I gasped as I saw the huge gates leading to the pack entrance. The place was heavily guarded by warriors. Luke placed the window down, smiling toward them. I had forgotten how pretty Hunter's pack was. The huge iron gates in New fresh black paint made it look even fancier. The small olive trees his dad had planted when we were kids were now massive beauties.

"Good morning. Identification, please. And may I ask what your visit here is for today?" one of the guards asked, making Luke nod with a smile. He handed him his ID card along with his invitation. "We received an invitation from your alpha and he asked that I come early for the party. You can ask him yourself if you need to." Luke said with a smile.

The guard looked at the ID and invitation, then looked at Luke and Felicity. "Alpha Luke. No need Sir. Our alpha has been expecting you. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir. Would you please be so kind as to give us the names of all your guests, please? We just want to ensure we have everyone situated in proper sleeping quarters." he says, making Luke smile as he grabs the tablet and fills in the list.

"Here you go," Luke says handing him back the tablet. The guard looks over it and his eyes widen in surprise. "Wait, Marissa Shepherd... I know a Marissa Shepherd. She was from our neighboring pack, The Blue Lotus." he says smiling. "Oh. Yes, she's with us. She's part of our pack now." Luke says proudly.

"Is she here with you?" he asks, and I instantly want to hide. " No. She's in the next car. But you're welcome to say hi if you'd like." the guard chuckles, nodding to Luke's response. "I will. Thank you. Again, welcome to our pack, Alpha. Enjoy your stay." he says tapping on the car top. We made our way inside as they opened the gates, and my heart just went crazy.

I became more nervous than I thought possible. Is this really happening? I'm not dreaming, right? I'm really here!

I fixed my pants, ran my fingers through my hair to fix my loose curls, and smoothed out my shirt as I readied myself to get out of the car. "Ok. We got this, Merida. We got this! On the bright side... We finally get to see the rogue King in a few days when he arrives. After so many years, we finally get to see him!" I said excitedly, but Merida didn't respond. She seemed off as if she wasn't paying much attention to me today.

"Merida? Earth to Merida!" I said through our mind link but no response. She was acting so weird. I shook it off, she had her days so I learned to deal with it. Instantly, we were greeted by people from the pack as they made their way out to receive us. But I gotta say, I was really nervous, hoping none of them actually recognized me.

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