Pesadillas (Nightmares)

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I must have fallen asleep on the plane sometime during the flight.

I was running through a forest. It was dark... really dark. Much darker than usual, even my natural werewolf abilities to see at night were diminished.

"Mom.... Help me!" I could hear her crying out for me, making me want to run faster and faster. But the harder I tried, the harder it got for my legs to move. They felt heavy, almost as if trying to run underwater.

"Abbie! I'm coming," I yelled from the top of my lungs, but it was as if I had become mute. I tried telling again, but my voice came out low... almost in a whisper.

"Abbie, I'm coming. Where are you?"

"Aaaaahhhh... Help me. Matisa is here. She's here, Mom," my daughter's voice was pained. I could hear the agony in her voice, making me break into tears as I fought through my incompetence to move faster.

"ABBIE!" I yelled once more, right before my foot slipped and made me fall, but I was able to put my hands forward, making me land on my knees.

Then my eyes widen. I could hear a sinister voice cackling. "Who are you? Show your face!" I growled, trying to shift into my wolf, Cali, but to no avail.

"Cali. Why can't I shift into you?" I cried, getting off the floor and running through the thick forest.

"I'm... I'm trying, Elora. Something is stopping me. I can't merge." she says through a whimper.

"Mom!" Abbie yelled once more, making me scream in terror as the frustration got the best of me. The evil voice of a woman laughed again, making me angrier.

"Come at me, bitch! It's me you want, not her. Leave my daughter alone, you hear me? Leave her ALONE!" I yelled, falling on my knees out of desperation, not knowing what direction to run.

"You dare act as if you're a loving mother? Do you forget you abandoned me? You're nothing but a disgrace to our kind and all mothers."

"No... no, Abbie, I didn't abandon you, baby, I swear. Let me explain. Where... where are you?" I pleaded, feeling my heart drop as I cried in agony.

"I don't want to meet you. You should go back. I don't need you; I never did. Leave! Go back to your shithole. I'm better off without you!" she says, making me drop to my knees, feeling my heart breaking.

"No. Abbie, you don't mean that. I've searched for you for so long. Please! I need you, baby. I already lost your dad... I can't lose you too. I finally have a clue where you are... hold on. I'm almost there, Abbie."

"Don't you get it? I never needed you. I don't love you. I never will. I hate you and every wolf in existence. You are an abomination that needs to be extinct. And I will make sure to do it for you." she says, making me shake my head in disagreement. She has to understand that she is a werewolf, too.

What if she hasn't awakened her wolf? It's in her blood, and she can't kill that part of her; it's who we are... it's who she is.

"Please, Abbie, you don't mean that. You are a werewolf,"

"Shut up! You've been warned. I will kill you." she says, making me close my eyes and cry.

My eyes turn toward my side, hearing a baby crying. I gasped as I saw a tiny bundle wrapped in a pink blanket. I know that blanket an awful too well. It was the same one Abbie had the day she disappeared.

"Abbie! No." I whisper in panic, getting off my knees and running, but a strong force pushes me back and throws me against a tree.

"No. I don't want to meet you. I don't want anything to do with you or Elena. Leave, or I'll make sure I kill you and Elena as soon as I see you.

The baby cries louder, making me cry out in pain as I feel my chest constricted by an evil force. Someone is using magic, making me immobile.

"Abbie! No." I choke as the force begins strangling my neck.

A large wolf suddenly appears, preying slowly on the baby, making me panic some more. "No!... Please, I'll do anything. Just don't hurt her. Don't hurt my baby!" I plead, but the wolf continues to stalk toward her, making my baby cry louder. The wolf growls, sniffing his surroundings, and looks back at me with a growl.

His eyes are red, not the natural color of most wolves, which means he's being possessed.

"Don't... you... dare!" I struggle through my breath as the magic force continues to choke me.

"You'll never see your precious daughter, Elora. Never!" the evil voice of the woman says as the wolf gives a throaty growl before opening his snout and biting the baby, making me yell out in fear.

"NO!" I yell right before I wake up.

"Elora! Estás bien?" Elena asks as I wake up from my nightmare. (are you ok?)

"Sí. Solo... solo fue una pesadilla. Estoy bien, pero... tengo el presentimiento qué algo está mal." (Yes,... it was just a nightmare. I'm fine, but... I feel something is wrong.)

"Why? What did you see?" Elena asks, placing her hand softly on my shoulder and looking at me with concern.

"I'm not sure. But I have a feeling we need to hurry and find my daughter or something awfully bad is going to happen to her." I say, as my body continues to shake inwardly from the nightmare I had just had.

I know that wasn't just a normal dream. I know Elena doesn't believe me, she has never believed that someone within our family could betray us, but I have a feeling the reason why Matisa disappeared wasn't just because her daughter went missing. I have a feeling she was behind everything. She was the one who tried to overthrow Elena years ago. But Elena never believed me. She is a great ruler, but she is soft and naive when it comes to family.

I will not be so kind and merciful if I find she was behind my daughter's disappearance. I have to find Abbie, no matter what.

And after I do...

I'll be making sure that whoever was behind her disappearance and my mate's death gets the same treatment they gave my mate.

No one lays a hand on my daughter and gets to live. I will kill anyone and everything that gets in my way of finding her. I will protect her, no matter what.

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