King Arturo's Birthday

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Abbie's POV

It was late afternoon, and we were finally preparing for King Arturo's party. My mom and queen Elena left last night, leaving me feeling empty again. I just met them, and I already miss them so much.

I placed the last of my mascara on, sighing nervously. I've never been to a royal party before, so I can't help feeling the anxiety rise in me.

"You look so beautiful, Abbie!" my best friend, Marissa, says as she walks up the stairs to my room and sees me staring into the body-length mirror.

I chose a beautiful design that Luna Mila had suggested for me. It was a long ball gown in dark blue with a sweetheart neckline, strapless, and a beautiful crossed lace on the back. The skirt was big, like a princess dress, flowing beautifully, ending in a gorgeous embroidered design that looked like a frost was rising onto the skirt in the same dark blue tone as the dress.

I went with my hair down, leaving it in loose curls, and pinned it up slightly on my left side, revealing the silver pearls Hunter had gifted me, pairing it with matching silver stilettos and a thin necklace with a tiny diamond in front.

"Thank you. You guys look amazing, too. I am so glad you guys are finally here. Goddess, I missed you guys so much," I say as I hug Marissa and my sister Felicity. It wasn't until now that I realized how much I needed a hug from them. Don't get me wrong... Hunter makes me feel protected and happy, but there's nothing like a hug from your loved ones in times of need, and right now... I really need them.

"You look like a princess, Abbie. I can't believe the dress looks so good on you." Felicity adds, making me blush.

They had arrived extra early to try on their dresses. Hunter had pulled it off as promised, bringing countless dresses exclusively designed by Mila Tanner. My mom, Elora, and Aunt Elena also told me last night they were wearing dresses she designed. I can't wait to see their dresses.

"Hunter, I'm not so sure about leaving Anthony by himself. What if Matisa tries to do something g while we're away? I'd feel more comfortable bringing him along." I pleaded with Hunter, making him sigh and pressing a kiss on my forehead.

"I know you're concerned, baby. But he's safer here. I have a feeling Matisa will be at the party. Her main target is the queen, so I'm sure Anthony will be safer here. Besides, Alonzo will protect them, as will your parents. Anthony is in good hands, baby." he says, making me sigh.

I sigh, dropping my shoulders. I stayed up all night reading through that journal, and the more I read, the more concerned I became. I'm not ready to confront Matisa. She may be disguised behind a timid, vulnerable-looking girl, but I know she's not. She's powerful, and no matter how much she tries to hide her power, I know it's only time before she shows her true colors.

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