Your Plan Is Bound To Fail

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"I don't like this, Armand. Can't you talk to Hunter first? Maybe he can help us. This has to do with his mate. He has the right to know. Plus, confronting Taylor on your own doesn't sound like the best idea." Jen says as I sit with her at the dinner table, sipping a warm coffee.

I had to wait until our daughter Chloe was sound asleep to sneak out and talk to Taylor. I didn't want my little girl to worry about me.

She can sense when something is wrong, and lately, she is very uneasy.

"Sweetheart, we talked about this. Please... I need to know where Matisa is. We might not have that much time. You and I know what she is capable of. We can't let her go after Abbie. Abbie is not trained. She won't know what to do when she's against her while using her magic powers. I already hurt Abigail far too much. I need to do what's right and find where Matisa is hiding. If someone needs to finish her off, it has to be me."

But I can't help but wonder if Jen is right. Hunter is powerful. He might know what to do.

"What if Matisa kills you? What then?"

"She won't. I'll be careful, I promise." I tried convincing Jen.

The truth is, I know I'm probably walking into a trap, but there is no other way around this. I have to put an end to Matisa once and for all.

"I need to go, sweetheart. Don't wait up." I say as I kiss her, embracing her tightly in my arms.

I can't lie and say I'm not scared. I'm not as strong as I was. Without my wolf, I would have become nothing but a muggle. A mortal that can easily be overpowered and killed by Matisa or one of her witches. Let alone what Santiago can do to me. I don't even want to think about what he will do to me when I see him again.

He kept his word when he brought Abbie to me. That he'd kill me if anything ever went wrong. But I never thought my wolf would sacrifice himself to save me.

I walked confidently toward Taylor's quarters, determined to confront him. I was not going to go easy on him either. I was cowardly enough for a long time. I hate that I didn't stop Tara from getting involved with him.

I genuinely thought he was a good guy. I hate myself for not getting involved sooner. Tara wouldn't have had the disgrace of dealing with him and Matisa.

If Tara is right about Taylor being involved with Matisa, then I know she's out there somewhere. She has to be stopped.

I knocked harshly on his door, clenching my jaw as I heard grunting and moaning. I couldn't help but feel my stomach churning, making me feel on the verge of regurgitation.

I knocked again, seeing they didn't stop from their adultering act.

"Taylor! I know you're in there. Open up." I demanded, making them stop and quiet down.

"Who the hell is it, now? I thought I told Tara to ensure I wasn't interrupted." He says in his alpha tone, making me fist my hands and clench my jaw angrily.

"WHAT!?" He yells, swinging the door open.

I grunt, closing my eyes as I see the silhouette of a young girl with long brown hair get up, covering her front with the sheets. Her bare back was in full sight to me, giving me a view of her naked body.

"You! What do you want? I'm busy." He says, making me pity him.

He looked pale, tired, and sick. It wasn't the young and robust alpha I once knew. No... Taylor looked different. It was almost as if he was aging rapidly, like something was eating away his youth.

"I need to talk to you. You have a minute?" I asked, making him growl slightly. He was angry that I had interrupted his sinister act. But as far as I knew, Tara was his chosen mate, and that inside was certainly not Tara.

"Not now. I'm busy. Talk to my beta and see if he can schedule you sometime next week." He says, turning away and ready to close the door on me. I put my foot on the way, stopping the door with my hand as well.

"This can't wait, Taylor. It has to be now. It's important." I say, making him growl as he turns back, looking at me with dark eyes.

But my eyes widened as I saw his eyes red; it wasn't his normal wolfen eyes. I knew that look. He was possessed.

"Matisa!" I whispered her name, but he could hear me. He growls, grabbing me by the neck and pinning me to the wall, making my eyes bulge as I struggle for breath.

"You keep that name out of your fucking mouth. Am I clear?" he says, constricting my airway. My trachea was bruising; I could feel it; it wasn't just my neck he was trying to damage; someone was helping him.

"DO... I make myself clear!?" he warned, making my eyes water. I fought through it, "Y-yes," I managed to say.

He dropped me, making me gasp for air as I held onto my neck and coughed. I felt my airway still constricted, making me panic. Then I looked up and felt my blood run cold. There she was, the young girl everyone thought so innocent, none other than Matisa. How could I ever forget her face?

I had loved her for so long. When she was just a young girl still learning magic when we met. I was instantly in love, knowing we'll it was her who was destined for me by our moon goddess. I didn't care that she wasn't a werewolf like me. I loved her, I loved her with all my heart.

Until she broke me, rejecting me and leaving me with our daughter.

"Mati... you'll never get away with this. Abbie will stop you." I struggled to say as she continued to strangle me with her magic.

"She has no idea who I am, Armand. If you even think about telling her who I am, I will make sure little Chloe never makes it to her fifth birthday. So you better keep that mouth shut!"

With a wave of her hand, she made my body fly across the hall, making my back hit the wall with full force.

I cough out blood, grunting as I feel the shooting pain go through my back. I was sure I had a broken rib. If only I still had my wolf, but thanks to Santiago, my wolf was now long gone. This was surely going to take weeks to heal.

"I won't...let you get away, Mati. Not this time!"

My eyes bulge as Taylor is in front of me again, grabbing me by the neck once more.

"We already did, Armand. And not you... or anyone will be able to stop us." He says mockingly, laughing as I struggle for breath, wincing at the shooting pain on my ribs.

I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I have to stop her. I have to stop Matisa.


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