The Rogue King

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Abbie's POV

I made love to Abbie several times before we finally got too tired and sore. I think my dick is going to fall off. It's barely healing when it gets hard again, making me want nothing else but to claim her again. I'm a man on a mission right now. I said I'd get her pregnant on our first night together, and by all means, I am making Abigail Montero... no, Abigail Black! Pregnant... Tonight! I swear that after tonight, Abbie WILL be caring for my pup.

But- after our fourth round, and three hours later, as much as I wanted to stay in bed with Abbie while I kissed her tenderly, there was a party downstairs, and we had to attend. It would be impolite for us to host the party and not attend. But would it? Man, I want to stay here and hold her. She's finally mine. Mine, man, my cardigan girl is mine!

"Just shut up and get up asshole. We need to attend. I made you mark her, and now I can talk to my sweet Merida. Now get! Go and mingle with the boys. We need to keep an eye on that chick." Titus says irritatingly, making me growl inwardly. "Shut up, Titus. Let me enjoy my boo, ok?" I sneer, making him growl.

Titus hates Tara, but he knows she's a big piece of our puzzle. We need to make her ass fall, but we first need to find who she is working with. Girls are not going missing as much as before, but a few still are, and I am eager to see the rest of them fall.

I reluctantly got up and changed again after Abbie made me get up; It was almost as if she knew what Titus was saying.

She shivered as I slowly helped her zip up her dress. I kissed her shoulder as I finished pulling up the zipper, making her close her eyes and sigh, causing me to smile. "Are you sure you want to attend the party? I can always mind-link the guys. I'm sure they will understand." I say, making her chuckle.

She turns, wrapping her arms around my neck, and goes on her tip-toes, kissing my lips. "No. We have to go; I'm sure they're expecting you. Besides, we won't be there too long. Just enough for them to see us. Then we can come back and," I say, tightening her hands on my neck as I grip her waist tightly. I pull her closer to me, groaning as she leans in and kisses me.

"But I want to stay in bed with you," I say, pouting my lips, making her chuckle. I won't deny it; I wanted to stay and hold her in my arms, but it would look bad for the alpha of this pack not to show up to a big party. Especially knowing it was being held within our pack house walls. "I know, but my parents already mind-linked me. They are wondering where we are. We should go, baby. I promise we can continue when we come back, ok?"

"Promise?" I ask, pouting my lips and making her chuckle. "I promise," she says, kissing my neck, making me get hard again. I grunt, tightening my hands on her hips and pulling her against me. "Down, boy. Save it for after the party," she says, making my breath hitch as I feel her hand rub my bulge. "Oh, she's so going to get it. I'm going to make love to her all night, Titus. All night!" I say, making Titus chuckle excitedly.

"No doubt, boy. You finally did something good today. It was about damn time you made Abbie ours." he says, making me chuckle.

"I'm going to hold you to your word, woman. You have some making-up to do!" I say, sliding my hands down her butt and squeezing her cheeks lightly as I glide my tongue over her mark. She makes a seductive moan, tugging on my hair slightly. Hot damn, she's turning me on so bad. It doesn't help that I can feel the spark between us more intensely. Just smelling her scent makes me want to rip her clothes off.

I claim her lips, making her tongue glide so beautifully with mine. My Goddess, her kisses are so intoxicating. I can die here and be a happy man. Abbie is everything I ever dreamed she would be and more. I know she will be the best Luna and mate I could ever have.

Abbie and I walked together back to the ballroom. She held my hand tightly, making me feel big and proud to hold my Luna as the guards opened the doors finally, and we walked in. Everyone turned to look at us, making my smile widen.

Brandon was at the head of his table with a microphone in hand as everyone listened attentively. "I know none of this would have been possible if Alarick and Hunter hadn't meddled in my affairs, taking down all those corrupt alphas. It was thanks to them that I was able to find my beautiful mate, Bella. And I regained my status as the rightful alpha of the Silver Moon Pack." he says, making me smile.

Abbie listened attentively as I pulled the chair for her, making her sit quietly as she looked forward toward Brandon. "Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think this could be possible, yet here we are. I want to thank all of you for assisting today. We are not only celebrating our first anniversary as a united pack, but I am also celebrating my first anniversary with this beautiful woman by my side, my mate, my Luna, and my wife, Isabella Watson." he says lovingly as he extends his hand out for Bella.

She looks at him with so much love that it almost makes me covetous of what they have. I have longed for so long to find Abbie and have that with her. And after tonight, I will make her the happiest woman I possibly can.

I leaned close to Abbie, kissing her neck and making her shiver. She giggled, leaning closer, "To think this guy was still the Rogue King just a little over a year ago, right? He sure has gone a long way." I say, looking at Brandon and Bella as they kiss each other. Everyone began to cheer for them, but I couldn't help but realize Abbie was staring at me wide-eyed.

"What did you say?" she asks, making me chuckle. "Brandon is THE Rogue King?" she asks, looking at me as if I had just revealed the biggest secret in the world. "Well, yeah. Everyone knows that, baby." I say, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and kissing her lips. But I can't help but think, did she not know this? Even if she didn't, why is she so shocked to find out? I mean, she already knows who Brandon is; we already introduced him to her.

"Close your mouth, baby, you might swallow a fly if you don't," I say, kissing the tip of her nose. She blinks a few times, looking at me dumbfounded, making me chuckle.

I can't help but adore the way she looks at me, though. She looks so darn adorable with her sheepish look, making me pinch her chin softly and kiss her lips, winking at her as I sigh and look toward Brandon as he finishes his speech and sits back in his place.


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