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Abbie's POV

Hunter ignored every bystander as he walked all proud. I felt awkward as they looked at us weirdly. I mean, with him carrying me over his shoulder as if I was a damn potato sack, why wouldn't they look at us like we're a pair of lunatics, right?

I had to rest my hands on his hips and back to hold my head up as I felt the blood rush to my head. I gave them awkward smiles as they snickered, smiling at us.

"Yes. I know. Your alpha is a weirdo. Don't mind us. We're just... uh, we're just taking a walk." I said, gesturing to them, making some girls giggle as they murmured. "Get her, alpha!" one girl cheered him on, making him walk like a proud maniac.

"Yeah, mark our Luna, alpha."

"Finally!" other girls yelled, making me grunt inwardly. "You guys are... horrible. Why are you cheering this big crazy lug?" I said, making them giggle.

"Nonsense, my love. They know what we're doing. Right girls? Yes, people. I'm marking our new Luna. Now get... enjoy the party. It's a damn potluck, after all, for fucks sake. Eat. Dance. Mingle. But don't drink too much. I won't be long." he says, swinging his free hand and gesturing to them.

Girls squeal as if it were grand news, making me groan inside. "Hunter. Do you need to tell the world what you intend to do to me?" I ask, making him chuckle.

"Damn right!" he says as I feel another hard slap on my butt, making me gasp. "Hunter!" I grunt, making him chuckle.

"Yes, baby. That's my name. The same damn name you're going to be moaning out soon." he says, making my face blush. I can't help but chuckle, pulling my hand back and smacking his butt.

"Hey... hands off the merch. Can't touch unless you're buying."

"Oh, really?" I say, smacking his butt again, chuckling as he kicks the door to his... I mean Our... uh... the room open. He trails his hand inside my dress, caressing my thigh, making me feel the spark as his warm hand caresses me softly.

"I knew it. Your skin is as soft as a baby's bootie. Not that I've touched a baby bootie, but you know what I mean." he says, making me chuckle. "Hunter, you're such a weirdo," I say, looking over his broad shoulder as he walks across the living room of our room.

"Yes. But!" he gestures, pointing with his finger, "I'm your weirdo, baby. All yours. You gotta deal with my weirdness now. Deal with it!" he says, making me chuckle.

I can feel he's walking up the steps, and once on top, he throws me on the bed, making me grunt. "Hunter!" I say as I gasp when my body lands on the bed.

"Hush, woman. Do you have any idea," he says as I rest on my elbows and look up at him. He unbuckles his coat, tossing it to the floor, and positions a knee on the bed, crawling toward me. "How fucking long have I been looking for you? And I'm not talking about today. I'm talking about all these years. Searching, and searching, and searching!" he says as his eyes turn dark; my heart begins to race, and I swallow hard.

"You... you have? W... why would you be... L-Looking for me?" I say as I push myself back, making him chuckle. "Oh, yes, baby. Far and wide. And now that you came to me, AND! I know you're ready to accept me; I'm never... ever," he gets closer and closer until his eyes look down at my half-exposed boobs, smirking and glancing at me with lustful eyes.

"Ever letting go," he whispers, claiming my lips. He moves my leg with his knee, resting his body against my throbbing core.

My hands instinctively interlace on his hair, making an involuntary moan escape. His hands wander my body, slowly trailing down my thigh and pushing my dress to the side, exposing my thigh. "Hunter... I," I whisper, moaning and closing my eyes as he begins to trail lustful kisses on my neck and upper chest. His hand slowly trails my collarbone, making me shiver. "I think you should know... I'm... I'm still a," My breath becomes staggered, making him grunt as he rocks his hips against me, pressing his bulge against me. Goddess, this feels so good, and he's not even inside me yet.

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