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Abbie's POV

"Come on, let's dance a little. Maybe it'll help get your mind at ease." Hunter proposed, making me grunt in protest. I see what he's doing. I'm not a dummy. He chuckles, kissing my lips and cupping my cheeks as he judges my nose against his.

"Please, baby? Go and have some fun with me." he pleads, giving me his puppy eyes as he pouts. I roll my eyes but chuckle, seeing how cute he's being. He's trying to keep me busy, so I budge, forgetting all about this for now, and I don't ask him any further questions. Slick devil, isn't he? But what can I do? He really is a charming devil.

"He better have good answers for me later, Merida. Or he's sleeping on the couch tonight." I say, making Merida chuckle. "Abbie, I hate to tell you, but you know damn well he's not. You're going to be wrapped up under those sheets and banging that sexy god all night. I know you're damn well nowhere near done with that hunk." she says, making me want to burst out in laughter.

I grabbed his hand and allowed him to lead the way as we danced the night away.

I had a fun night talking to all his friends and getting to know each of them better. The women were exceptionally nice. I had never thought of a group so intriguing as them. To say that I've never been the kind to fit in anywhere is an understatement. But here... I felt like home. It wasn't just Hunter; everyone in his group was so nice, especially Livie and Isabella.

The night, they ensured Lily felt safe and kept talking to her when she looked sad. But then you have Molly, Maddy, and former Luna Selene, who were silly, making everyone laugh. They were so fun to be around. I met so many people, including the former lunas, the former beta, and their wives. I also met Asher's parents, beta Tyler and Emily. And Bailey was right, and you can feel the power a Primord emits. They are so cool. I had never before walked close to or had the honor of talking to a demigod werewolf, but I can happily say I had that honor today.

It's as if all the black sheep of the groups had gathered together and joined in a group to feel welcome. This... This might be my group.

"I think I'm going to get a few more cookies from the dessert table. I'll be right back." I say, placing my hand on Hunter as he talks with his buddies. He smiles and says, "I'll get them for you, sweetheart."

I pull him down and stand up, kissing his lips. "No. It's ok. I'll go. You go ahead and continue talking with your buddies. I won't be long." I say, making him smile. "Are you sure?"

"I am. I won't be long." I announce as I begin to walk away.

"Abbie, can you take me to get more cookies?" my little sister Jesse asks behind me, making me turn. "Hey, peanut! Of course, you can, baby. Come on, let's go get some more." I say, picking her up and hoisting her on my hip as I hug her. She giggles, wrapping her little hands around my neck, and kisses my cheek.

I am so wrapped up in my little world that I don't pay much attention to my surroundings. Right now, it's Jesse and me time. I grab a plate for her and allow her to fill it with various goods. She puts one cookie after another, from snickerdoodles to chocolate chips, mint chips, and so much more that I have to help her rearrange them as I chuckle when I see them trying to slide off the plate.

"Jesse, this is too much." I chuckle, making her giggle as she grabs another cookie and places it on the table. "Are you sure mom is ok with you having so many cookies?" I ask, making her giggle again.

"They are for mommy. She told me to get them for her and Daddy. She was going to get them to share with me, but Daddy pulled her to go dance. See?" she says, pointing her tiny finger towards the dance floor. I look back and see them dancing; Mom throws her head back, chuckling as Dad acts as if he's singing the song that is playing now, making her laugh.

Dad has a beautiful singing voice, but he deepens it, singing like he's Elvis to make Mom laugh.

"Ok," I say, shrugging my shoulders as I reach for another plate. "Then I guess you need two plates. One for you and one for them." I say, making her eyes go wide. She gives me a huge smile, and she jumps happily, turning, and begins to fill her plate.

I look toward the end of the table, and my heart gives a skip as I see my stepmom with Chloe. Chloe is easily Jesse's age, but she looks much tinier, shorter, and thinner than Jesse. My stepmom is crouched down, talking to her as her little eyes look straight at all the desserts on the table. She points to a slice of cake and makes Chloe smile lightly. She grabs the cake and smiles at her, ready to turn, but of course, the devil in disguise has to come: my father, Armand.

"Now, don't get too many sweets, Chloe. You won't be able to sleep tonight." he smiles, ruffling her hair. I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to Jesse.

"Abbie, you have to try these. They're so good. What are they?" she asks as she lifts her little fingers holding a green cube. I take a bite and smile, holding my hand up to cover my mouth. "Oh, my goddess. These are so good. I haven't had one of these in forever." I say as I indulge in the sweet melting flavors of chocolate and mint truffles.

They had to be Luna Black's chocolate and mint truffles. They were Hunter's favorite. "What are they, Abbie? They taste like the tiny chocolate bars you got for mommy lady year," she says, making me smile as I look over to the table and see a big plate full of them.

I immediately grab a few, stuffing one in my mouth, and let a small moan out. "These have to be Luna Mandy's truffles baby. They're Hunter's favorite." I say, stuffing another one in my mouth and munching on it. "Oh, then, you must take me to him, Abbie. He'll love them," she says, making me smile, winking at her.

"You're right, baby. I'll tell you what, I'll walk you back to the table and come back to get some for him, ok?" As she sees, I'm already holding plates filled with goods she was taking for her and my parents.

"Uhm, ok," she says, shrugging her shoulders and smiling. I turn, and I'm immediately startled as Amrrmand stands before me. He's equally startled, gaping his mouth. "I...uh... Abbie. Please, sweetie, would you mind if"

"First- I'm not your sweetie. And second, the answer is no." I say as I take a step to the side and begin to walk away. I look back at Jesse and tilt my head, "Come on kiddo. Let's take you back to our table with OUR parents." I say, looking menacingly back at him.

"Abbie, please," he says, holding my arm. I look at his hand, growling slightly and making his hand retrieve. "The answer is no. Why don't you go and see how your favorite daughter is doing? I'm sure she's still throwing a tantrum about the fact she didn't get her way for once." I spat, making his face soften with sadness.

"Jesse, let's go, baby," I say, tilting my head to the side and clench my jaw.

We walk back and go about our business, but not without me missing that Armand keeps looking our way. Hunter kept close to me, sitting with me, standing close to me as he held me around the waist most of the time. But I guess he felt me stiffen from time to time.

He kisses my cheek and sighs. "You know you're going to have to talk to him sooner or later, right?" he says, making me look at him with furrowed brows. "Why would I do that?"

"Baby, I'm just as mad to learn the truth from how he was with you. But Armand is,"

"I don't care what or who Armand is. I want nothing to do with him. I get you became fond of them in my absence, but they are nothing to me. And I owe them nothing. Now, can we drop this conversation, please?" I whispered, making him look at me with saddened eyes.

"As you wish, love," he says, grabbing the back of my head and kissing my forehead.


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