Queen Elena and Luna Elora

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Abbie's POV

"After the ceremony is over, I'm going to be going on a long...long vacation." Luna Mandy says, making me chuckle.

I had piles and piles of paperwork before me, sitting on Luna Mandy's desk. She explained the whole process to me, showing me the paperwork she did each day, the daily tasks she had to take care of, her daily schedule, and all the classes I had to take before taking over the position.

It was intense. I never knew there were so many classes needed. Now I see why Felicity was so stressed out at the beginning of her position. There is so much responsibility to take on, but I was excited.

"My son tells me you wanted to become a teacher as well," she asks, making me look at her in surprise. "I do. I was studying to become an elementary teacher." I reply proudly, smiling at her. She smiled back, resting her back firmly on the chair across from me as I sat at her desk's chair.

"That's good," she says, looking to the side in thought. "I like the idea. You know, we are in need of a first and third-grade teacher. You would do great in our elementary school. But, if you ask me, I think the high school could need you." she says, making me look at him surprised.

"You think I can do better with teens? I... I don't know. I mean, it's such a big responsibility to teach teens. They are in their prime to become young adults. Everything in that stage is much more sensitive for them. What they learn during that time will forever shape the rest of their future." I said, feeling uncertain about her suggestion.

"Exactly why I think you would do great. Abbie, you have no idea what a great impact you can have on those kids. They look up to you. Even when you weren't here, you were someone they looked up to because of your academic achievements while you were here." she says, making me blush. I smile, tucking a loose strand behind my ear.

But she's not fooling me. I'm pretty sure Hunter had a lot to do with this. Still- I felt appreciated.


A soft knock makes us turn toward the door, and Spencer comes in with a file in hand.

"Luna Mandy, I sent Miss Montero away. This is the file you asked for. Is there anything else I can do for you?" he asks, lowering his head in respect.

"No, sweetie. That will be all. Listen, Abbie will be taking over some of my tasks starting tomorrow. Make sure she has everything she needs before she begins, will you?" she says, making me tilt my head quizzically.

"I am?" I ask, making her chuckle. "Of course, silly. As I said, if all goes well, you and Hunter should have the Luna ceremony within a month or so. It will be plenty of time to get you situated and for me to plan my trip to the Bahamas and Cancun."

"Oh, great choice, ma'am. I love Cancun. It's such a beautiful place. You must venture off to the smaller villages in their mountain."

"Oh, yes. Maybe I can leave with the Huītzi Pack's alpha, Elora if she comes. But if she does... I'm leaving with her. She's supposed to be coming up here for the king's birthday after all." she says, making me look at her in shock.

"She is? I have always wanted to meet her. Is she really coming?" I asked, making her smile.

"I believe so. The king is going to go all out this year for his birthday. He's been wanting to court Queen Elena. She's been reigning alone for the past two hundred years. And being widowed for over forty years now, he thought it best to seek the possibility to join their kingdoms. That's why he invited the queen and her sister, Elora, to his birthday this year." she says, making me think. I suddenly felt excited about this party. I haven't been to a formal party in so long.

I have never really dug deep into studying her kingdom. Not much is written about them, but I did learn that Queen Elena is someone of great power. Her kingdom is one of the most influential worldwide, and she even has enterprises within the human world. She has casinos, hotels, resorts, and so much more.

For this, many alphas have tried to court her, but only to seek the possibility to overpower her kingdom. They have all learned the ugly truth when they dared misjudge her, thinking they could get in her bed and take over her pack.

She not only ends up embarrassing them, but she also makes them eat their words in front of other alphas when they call her a weak link. She's said to be heartless and cold.

What intrigued me more was her sister, Elora.

There's not much said about her other than she was a great warrior in her younger years. She was Queen Elena's right hand until the kingdom got too big and needed to be split. Queen Elena didn't trust anyone to help her reign other than Elora. Thus, Princess Elora became one of the first alphas of a new pack under Queen Elena's reign. Her pack is by far one of the wealthiest and strongest in the southern regions.

Nothing has been heard from them since the day tragedy hit Elora's pack one day other than that Elena swore revenge on whoever hurt Elora. Rumor has it a pack came to Elora asking her for protection from a clan of vampires, but Elora saw it was a trap. An alpha who had suffered Elena's embarrassment wanted to get to Elena by hurting Elora, setting a trap for her and her warriors. They got a group of Nahuatls, evil shifting witches, who tried to kill Elora, but she overpowered them and killed them all.

She had the Nahuatls beheaded and sent the heads back to their clan. But when before she returned, she found her mate was dead, and she felt the unbearable pain in her body from her loss. When she got home, she found they had also stolen her baby, who was only three or four months old. (how to pronounce Nahuatl: naa-wa-tl; google)

Since then, Elora has been unheard of, and Elena promised to one day take revenge on the person who stole Elora's heir.

I've always been intrigued to know more about Elora, but nothing was ever heard from her again since nearly twenty years ago. There is a sign other than they think she went mad after her baby went missing. Whoever it was, I don't think I would want to be in their shoes. Queen Elena is not to be reckoned with. She has been on a long killing spree, beheading every Nahuatl she gets her hands on.

She sounds like she was savage, as did her sister Elora once. They are two women worthy of admiration, though.

To be the alpha and Luna of her own pack... wow. I can't imagine all the weight those women hold over their shoulders. I mean, I haven't even started taking over as Luna, and I already feel all the pressure that Luna Mandy takes on every day. It must be stressful at times. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm excited, but I get it can sometimes be exhausting. It's super exciting, but there is so much responsibility to withhold.

I just hope I live up to the Blood Moon pack's standards. I'd hate to think our moon goddess destined me to be with Hunter just to let him down. I love him; I do. I always have loved him, and a part of me knows I never stopped loving him. Even with all these years apart, I know I never stopped feeling so in love with him, which is why I have to try my hardest.

I need to make him proud, make myself feel proud, and make my pack proud!

'Wow... my pack!' I think, feeling butterflies flutter in my stomach and making Merida chuckle. "Our pack, silly girl. Our pack," she replies, making me smile blushingly.


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