Screw The Evidence

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Hunter's POV

I sat at my desk, going over countless papers in my desk and arguing with Kaiden, Brandon, and Alarick over what to do with Tara.

"I don't care. I'm tired of pretending to be fucking nice to her. I'm done. I'm done! I want her far away from my pack. Far away from my mom, from my sister! I want her far... far away from Abbie! Don't you guys get it? She's a fucking menace." I said as I clenched my frustrated jaw, banging my hand on the desk.

"Dude! I get it. We all got stuck with a psycho bitch to keep away from our lunas, but the bottom line is, we still don't know who she is working for. We need more time." Kaiden says, making me slam my palm on the desk.

"Not. My. Problem! I'm done, man. I'm done. I was nice to that wench for long enough, Kaid! I want her far away from me and everyone in my pack, especially from Abbie. I don't want her near Abbie because if she tries to hurt her, so help me, Kaiden, I will rip her apart. Didn't you see the damage she did to Marissa? She nearly killed her." I fisted my hand, slamming it on the desk, making them jolt.

"I get your frustration, Hunter. I do. As alphas, you have an obligation to your pack's safety, and the way you want to protect your Luna comes evidently naturally, but we can't start getting angry. We need to stick to the plan." Alarick says, making me growl.

"Hunter, you've only been mated to Abbie for one night. One night, dude. Don't start losing sight of what we have been working on for months." Alarick says, making me growl.

"Are you guys listening to yourself? Didn't you make me jump into action the day we found Brandon was Livie's brother and we needed to go rescue him?" I snapped at him, making him close his eyes.

I looked at Brandon, clenching my jaw. "Didn't I go to join you the moment Bella's dad tried to invade your pack in an attempt to kill her?" I said, making them remember every time I had gone into action to help them when they were in need.

"Hunter, I get it. You have helped all of us. And we appreciate it. But this is different. We are so close to finding out who Tara is working for. If we find out, we can finally end all of this. We can all finally sit in peace and enjoy our time with our mates, sure of ourselves, knowing that our girls are safe. And all those girls out there have a chance at being rescued. We can't start acting out of anger, risking the opportunity to rescue all those missing girls." Kaiden adds, making me clench my jaw as I bit my thumbnail thoughtfully.

I know they're right. I have never liked Tara; I tried giving it a chance at being friends with her because I kept in mind she was Abbie's sister, but after finding out how she treated her and Marissa, I can say I loath her completely.

Her dad, Armand, doesn't fall too far behind either. The man is dying, and I sympathize with him for that, but if I had known back then he was beating Abbie and treating her this badly, I could have ripped him apart. I could have gone with my dad in time and had him sent to the dungeons, where he could have rotted to death.

"I give you guys three weeks to find out who she's working with. I want nothing more to do with her. If in those three weeks, you don't find who she's working for, if she even comes close to Abbie and hurts her, I will get her arrested and send her into my dungeons, where she will rot to death. Do I make myself clear?" I say, standing up and fisting my hands as I rest them on top of the desk.

They exchange glances, looking at one another in thought. "Will do, Hunter. Three weeks. We'll find out who she works for." Alarick says.

"And put an end to this long nightmare," Kaiden adds, making the rest nod.

I close my eyes, rubbing my temples in frustration. "For your sake and Abbie's, you better make sure Tara stays the hell away. Her scent is fucking revolting to me as it is. I can't stand being around her." Titus says, making me grunt in agreement.

"Then we need to make sure to do as we had said," I mind link Titus, making him growl.

"Have we found anything from the guards that helped Tara in yesterday's incident? Maybe the warriors found something?" Zane, Alarick's beta, asks, making me look up and wonder if my beta, Alonzo, and gamma, Henry, have found anything out.

Alonzo and Henry have been suspicious of those two guards, and they weren't wrong about their suspicions. Those two guards will regret ever crossing me and working with that hag.

"There's only one way to find out," I say, smirking.

I get up and make them follow me to the deepest part of my dungeons. The door to the elevator dings as it opens, and the lights of the long hallway begin to get brighter.

"Alpha, good afternoon." my guards say, vowing their heads. "Good afternoon, boys," I say as we walk past them until the end of the hallway, where my boys work on the traitors.

Henry punches one of them, making him grunt as he sits bloody on the chair. The other guy is out cold on the floor, with Alonzo's legs resting on top of him as he sits on a chair, using the guy as a footstool. Kaiden whistles, opening the door to the dungeon.

"Boy, you guys are here having some fun, huh?" Asher says, making Henry chuckle as he staggers for breath. "Just a bit, Ash. Hey, by the way, thanks for the potion. You're right; they would try and mind-link someone to warn them. It's a good thing we shot them with the potion first before we began to beat them."

"Did you find out who Tara and they are working for?" I asked, making Alonzo chuckle.

"Alpha, get ready. You'll never guess who it is. And he's been under our fucking nose this whole time." Henry adds, making my eyes widen in excitement. This was easy. I thought it would be more work than a beating.

"They sang like birds. It didn't take long for this one to sing after we beat this fucker." Alonzo says as he kicks the unconscious guard under him.

"So, if you guys already found out who it is... why are you still beating them?" Maiden asks, making Henry chuckle.

"Because it's fun, Kaid!" Alonzo says, making them chuckle. I nod, chuckling lightly. For once, I felt excited about this whole mission. Finally, Tara and whoever she's working for are going down.

"Good. It's time to round up the council. They're going to like hearing the news." I say, crossing my hands over my chest.

Tara is finally going down, and she better not try anything shady in the meantime. I'll make sure she rots in the king's dungeon for the rest of her pathetic life. If I'm lucky, we can take them down before the king's birthday bash. I'm excited to meet Queen Elena. If she's just as fierce as they say, I bet she can make great allies with my pack.


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