Telling Him The Truth

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I looked at Hunter with my eyes wide in shock. Did I hear him right? Bella's mate, Brandon, is THE Rogue King?

I have been searching for him and asked far and wide if anyone knew him, and no one ever knew who he was! I mean, as far as I could go, of course. Sadly, I was around humans most of the time and rarely talked to other werewolves besides those in my pack, but STILL!

Brandon Watson is The Rogue King! I think I'm going to cry. I am trying to hold back tears and not cry.

"Oh my goddess, Merida! It's him, it's really him!" I say, looking at Hunter with my mouth agape. Merida jumps up and down excitedly, making me feel happy.

"Close your mouth, baby. You might swallow a fly if you don't," Hunter says, kissing the tip of my nose. I blink a few times, looking at him, feeling dumbfounded and making me chuckle.

I turn my body to look at him closer, cupping his face and making him look at me. His mouth was squished between my hands, making his lips look more plump.

"Uhm, Abs?"

"Please tell me you're not joking?"

"Baby, what are you talking about? Of course, I'm not. You know Brandon, everyone knows he's the notorious rogue king." he says, holding my hands and kissing my palms. "Well, obviously, not everyone. I didn't!" I admit, making him raise an eyebrow and tilting his head quizzically.

"What? Really?"

"Uh, yeah!" I say, stating the obvious, gesturing with my hands. He chuckles slightly, nodding his head. "Are you serious? Baby, everyone knows this. What are you, Amish? Have you been living under a rock or something?" he asks, chuckling, making me cross my hands over my chest as I look at him bothered.

"Oh. You didn't know. Huh!" he says, clearing his throat and rubbing his head. My Goddess, he looks so handsome doing that. "Get it together, Abs!" I scold myself inwardly, closing my eyes. Damn it, the mating bond made me even more attracted to him. Focus, girl, focus.

"I can't believe I've been in front of my savior all this time, and I didn't know. And I got to meet his mate, my goddess!" I thought out loud, looking at Brandon and Ella. "Uhm, savior?" asked Hunter, making me look back at him with a sparkle.

I smiled from ear to ear, feeling my eyes water as the excitement took over me. I nodded, biting my bottom lip. "My savior, Hunter. My savior, the reason I'm still here. Still alive! If it weren't for him and the other wolf back then, I'd be dead! And then, The Raven's Creek pack... My Goddess! I'd be a goner. You would not be with me; you'd probably be destined to someone else." I said as I felt tears roll down my cheeks, unable to hold my excitement inside.

His expression changed from a big smile to one of worry. "What do you mean, dead?"

"Precisely that, baby! Dead!" I replied, making him tilt his head puzzled. "I don't... I don't understand. First, your dad and Tara said you had run away, and other times, they said you left with this guy. I was so mad at first, but then I realized their story always changed. In the end, Tara said you had rebelled and didn't want to be part of their pack anymore, and that's why you had left. But, I always had my doubts about why,"

"That's not why I left. Hunter, that's a load of crap. That is not what happened." I said, chuckling, unable to believe what I was hearing. But why am I not surprised, though? It's Tara, after all. She couldn't care less about me or what happened to me, and I get why now. "Yeah, because she wanted our smexy hunkie mate, that bitch!" Merida says, making me growl slightly.

"Then, why did you leave without a word? Abbie, do you have any idea how much it hurt when you left? The day you disappeared, I was ready to ask you to be my girl. I've always been able to tell you were my mate. Don't ask why. I just... I knew. And I've longed to find you for the longest time." he says, making me purse my eyebrows, looking at him with adoration.

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