Concerned Mate

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Abbie's POV

I had a long day and worked with Luna Mandy well into lunch. I loved everything she was teaching me, and I even enjoyed a nice lunch with her as we worked on a few errands. But I couldn't help my frustration as I tried to do my things, all while missing Hunter terribly.

This mating bond is no joke. It makes you want to be with them always and miss them when you are not close to each other.

Luna, Mandy, and I got so caught up that I didn't even get to see Hunter for lunch today. I missed him; am I crazy to say that? Just a few days ago, I wanted him far away from me, and today... I yearn to be close to him. I miss him so much.

"I think that is all for today, sweetie. How about we go back to our rooms and get ready for dinner?" she says, making my eyes widen in shock. Dinner!

She looks at me with a weird expression, making me feel dumbfounded. "Oh, my goddess. Luna Mandy! I was supposed to meet Hunter for dinner tonight. He said he had a surprise for me. I... I have to go." I said, standing abruptly and making her chuckle.

"Alright, dear. I will see you again tomorrow morning. We need to go over the inventory for the kitchen and look over the high school schedules for upcoming events, so don't be late. We'll meet in my room at seven in the morning, sounds good?" She asks, making me look at her with a smile.

"Sounds like a plan. I'll see you then. Have a good evening, Luna." I say, kissing her cheek and taking off.

When I arrived at my room, I headed straight to the bathroom and heard the shower running. 'Did he just get here too?' I wondered as I climbed the last step, gripping the handrail and sighing. My eyes went toward the floor, and I rolled as I saw his clothes on the floor. "Men!" I say, making Merida chuckle.

"Get used to it, Abs. Men are not always as tidy."

"Oh, believe me... Hunter is a neat freak, but I guess he was rushing today. He did mention he had a lot of meetings to attend today." I stated, making Merida agree. "True. He must be so tired." She adds, making me wonder if dinner outside would be a good idea. He did stay up late, and he was gone so early in the morning. He didn't get much sleep.

I mean, I get it; we're werewolves, and we don't need much sleep, but that man barely had an eye rest.

I sighed, laughing inside, going over to grab his clothes, and froze as I leaned down and grabbed his shirt, realizing it was covered in a splatter of blood. I felt my blood run cold as I looked at it and caught the scent of another werewolf. I grabbed his trousers and coat, realizing they had blood, too, and I felt all of my body tense up. My heart began to race, and I became scared.

"Is he ok? What if he's hurt, Merida?" I asked her, making her whimper. I ran into the bathroom, bursting the door open, and seeing him with his head down in the middle of the shower. His beautiful muscles flexed with ease as he held his hand, resting it on the wall before him.

"Hunter!" I whispered, but he heard me. He turns and smiles, giving me a clear view of his naked body. "Hi, baby," he says calmly, making my eyes water as I walk quickly and examine him.

"What happened? Are you alright? Are you hurt? Where were you today, huh?" I begin to berate him, making him look at me with a smirk. "What? Abbie, I'm fine."

"No, you're not fine. I saw your clothes; they are completely covered in blood. Tell me, tell me who hurt you?" I said as I began to cry, not caring that I was getting wet as I stood in the shower with him.

"Baby... I'm fine. That was not my blood, Abbie."

"Don't lie to me. What happened?" I said as I continued to examine his body, making me nerves rattled. I get it; I didn't exactly pay attention as to whether it was his blood scent or someone else. I just... got scared. I thought the worst, thinking he might be hurt, and I became so startled that I wanted to cry. My whole body trembled, hoping I didn't see anything on him like cuts, bruises, or scrapes.

"Abbie... Abbie!" he says, making me stop. I look at him as he cups my face and looks at me in the eyes. "Listen... I'm fine. I am not hurt. That was not my blood, Abbie."

"Then who? Who's blood, is it? how can you scare me like that, Hunter?" I say, hitting him in the arm, making him chuckle. "Hey... ouch. Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you scared. There was an incident I needed to take care of. But I promise it was not my blood."

"Then who was it? What happened?" I asked him, letting him hug me tightly as I sniffled, resting my head against his chest and hugging him around his torso.

"I will tell you everything at dinner, ok? For now, just relax, baby. Relax." he says, making me feel a bit relieved. I was scared out of my mind seeing his clothes covered in blood. But, if it wasn't his... then whose blood was it? And why is there so much?

Hunter finished showering, taking my clothes off and helping me shower. We both got ready together for dinner, and before we knew it, we were on our way.

"So, where are we going?" I asked, all while he kept looking at me with a bright smile. "It's a surprise. But you'll love it," he says as he winks at me. He grabs my hand, kissing my knuckles and interlacing his fingers with mine as he drives away.

My eyes widened in surprise as he approached a small, tiny cottage-like restaurant where I used to love coming to eat with him and his family when we were kids. "Grandma Netti's?" I asked with a sparkle in my eyes as he pulled in front of the restaurant. It was a small place, but I loved coming here. I hadn't been here since I was around twelve when my father, Armand, became more demanding with me about doing things in the house.

"That's right. I hope you like your surprise. Come on, Netti closed the place early so you and I can have a quiet dinner. I hope you're hungry." he says, going to open my door quickly as I look at the place, completely mesmerized.

I'm still in shock that this place is still here. It makes me feel so emotional, returning to the old memories of his family bringing me here.


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