She's Not Getting Away This Time!

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Abbie's POV

"Please, Abbie...Check again; maybe it went under or between the seats; I don't know... It has to be here." Elena repeated, sounding really concerned as I searched the car I had arrived in. I was sweating bullets by now, searching every corner of that car, but as the minutes passed without me being able to find anything, the more my concerns grew.

"Abbie, what if it is back in your room? We should call someone. Didn't you say your adoptive mom and dad were there taking care of Anthony? Maybe they can check if the amulet is in your room?" Elora says, making me sigh frustratingly.

I closed my eyes, regretting being so careless. I thought I had placed the amulet in my bag. I was sure of it... but I guess I was wrong.

(third-person POV- as Abbie looks for the amulet, she, Queen Elena, and Elora don't realize they are being watched in the shadows, reporting back to Matisa what is happening. Matisa's eyes sparkle with excitement, and she orders everyone to look around for the missing amulet.)

"Luna Abigail, is something wrong, ma'am?" I hear someone call from behind me, making me turn.

"Who are you?" Queen Elena asks, looking at them with a scold.

"Uh, sorry, my name is Gustavo. But you can call me Gus, for short. Can I assist you in any way? Did you lose something?" he asks, making me bite my bottom lip as I look between Elena and Elora.

Elora nods, and so does Elena. We don't want to draw attention, so I sigh, exiting the car. "I seem to have misplaced something. My son gave me an amulet, and it's really special to me. Could you help me look, please? I can't seem to see it properly. It's so dark on this side of the parking lot." I say, smiling politely.

He smiles, lowering his head. "Of course, ma'am. I'll take a look," he says, making me raise a brow and smile.

"Thank you. I appreciate your help." I reply, making his smile widen.

"What does it look like?" he asks as he takes out his flashlight and turns it on, looking everywhere on the car's floor.

"It's a small round amulet. It has a wolf in the middle, with a moon." I said, looking at Elena and Elora, biting my bottom lip nervously.

He's looking everywhere frantically, making me more nervous by the second.

"Stop worrying. We'll find it," Elora says, touching my shoulder. "I know. I just can't believe I misplaced it. I'm so careless." I said, making her and Elena sigh.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, it looks like it's not here. Maybe you dropped it somewhere else," he says, making me drop my shoulders. By this time, I'm ready just to grab a damn shovel and dig up my own grave. This cannot be happening to me.

I met my mother and aunt less than twenty-four hours ago and have already let them down. How horrible am I?

"The worst, you imbecile! How could you lose it?" Merida says, making me grunt inwardly.

"Please, keep looking. It has to be here," I beg, making him purse his lips. He looks at the front seats, but nothing. "I'm sorry. There's nothing there," he says, sighing. He turns his flashlight off and looks away, feeling awkward.

"It's no use. Look, let's just go back inside. There's no point in us getting worked up. It will turn up, ok? Don't worry." Elora says, wrapping her arm around my shoulders as she sees me saddened.

" Yeah. It will turn out. You're right, Elora. Abbie, I'm sorry I was harsh on you earlier. I should have a little more faith that things will be ok. Let's go back inside. The king is expecting us in there. We shouldn't be disrespectful toward his hospitality." Elena says, smiling slightly.

"Thank you, Gus, for all of your help. We'll be going back inside," Elena says, smiling at the guard.

"My pleasure, Queen Elena," he says, smiling and nodding. He flips his flashlight, catching it in mid-air, and sprints away.

We make our way back inside and immediately get spotted by the king. "Are you guys alright? Where were you?"

"We're fine, Arturo," Elena says, making him smile.

"Any sign of Hunter and the other alphas returning?" I ask, looking around for my mate. I was worried about him. What if something happens to him? I'd hate myself for not going with him and fighting by his side.

The party continued, with guests being oblivious to what was happening. There were two things we had to deal with immediately. One- save that cargo with the missing girls. And two- Get rid of Matisa and her gang. Only the night will tell how it all unfolds.

I hope the moon goddess is in our favor.



I paced back and forth as I waited for good news. I had never felt so frustrated as I do right now. The witches I had disguised as werewolves had been caught by Hunter and Brandon, making me rage. "How could they be so careless?" I yelled, making Santiago clench his jaw.

"I told you to get the best of our group. Why did you send those imbeciles with low power?" I sneered, making Santiago slam his fist on the wall, making the wall break.

"I told you, I can't send the best to deal with a mediocre case. We need the best for later when you finally get to overthrow Elena," he says, making me grunt.

I know he's right, but I was still mad. "There were only a handful of girls with whom we managed to escape. You need to eat. It's a full moon, and you'll need all the energy you can gather later. It's nearly midnight!" he says as a young girl gets dragged in. I smirk, seeing how young she is. "She will do just fine," I say, sighing.

I grip her chin, making her look at me. She's still out by the potion Santiago gave her, which will make it easier for me to drink her life. I whisper my incantation, creating the essence of her life come to life in a cloud over her. I begin to slurp, indulging in the sweet taste of her soul.

Just as I'm about to finish her off, I get a call from one of my youngest warriors.

I grunt angrily. I hate being interrupted when I'm having dinner.

"What?" I tell on the phone.

"Matisa, I just heard the queen and Elora. The girl lost the amulet."

"What?" I asked excitedly. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. They're out everywhere looking for it now."

"Go, tell everyone to look for that amulet. Report back to me as soon as you find it, but be careful not to get caught." I say, making him chuckle.

"Yes, ma'am."

It wasn't long before he called back. "I got it, Matisa. It was so much easier than I thought. Those three are so stupid, it was in plain sight!" he says, chuckling.

He had the amulet. It was mine. Finally! The amulet was mine. "How?"

"I saw them looking in the car and offered to help. The amulet was under the driver's seat, and I snagged it. They were so busy arguing that they didn't see me tucking the amulet inside my pocket." he says, making me smile.

"Good. Bring it. Make everyone retrieve. Its time. Elena is not getting away from me this time. She's mine. She's finally mine!" I say as I'm unable to contain my excitement, chuckling away.


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