You've Gone And Fucked Up

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I sighed, closing my eyes in regret as I saw Abbie walk away from me. What the hell just happened? I was just trying to help. "Boy, you're messing up left and right. You just had to open your mouth and make things worse!" Titus says, making me growl in anger.

How dare she talk to me like that? I'm her damn mate. She can't just leave me! I haven't rejected her, did I? And she sure as hell hasn't rejected me! And I'm not letting her reject me. She's stuck with me, baby... forever!

Alarick comes beside me, crossing his hands over his chest, Brandon on the other side, wrapping his hand over my shoulders and clearing his throat. "Hunt, my boy. I do believe you just done well fucked up." Brandon says, making me grunt.

"Yeahp. Big time." Alarick says, chuckling as Abbie shifts back into her Wolf and sprints off toward the infirmary. "I was just trying to help. I swear. How did everything get so messed up? This morning we were doing so good!" I say, shrugging my shoulders. These two fuckers chuckle making me irritated.

"Well, if there's one thing you gotta learn, Hunt. You never... And I mean never!" Brandon says, tightening his hand around my neck, "EVER! Contradict your woman. Especially with a feisty one like Abigail. She's a keeper. But... I guess you'll never find out anymore will you?"

"Yeahp. She sure did look like a keeper. I like her, she's feisty." Alarick says, making me growl. "Watch it, fucker. She's mine." I say, gritting my teeth. He chuckled, bidding his head, "Don't get your panties twisted, Hunt. I love Livie, and I'd never mess with another female. But if I were you, I'd hurry off before you lose cardigan girl for good!"

"Yeah. If I were you, I'd stop wasting time and run after her. Before... you lose her for good." Brandon adds, making me sigh. There's no way in hell I'm letting her leave. She's my mate, my boo, my baby. I can not lose her.

I'm ready to sprint off, I know there's a lot in question and I will get to the bottom of it; but his do I talk to her without getting angrier at me?

"Henry, find out what happened here, get to the bottom of this. Talk to everyone who may have seen anything. I need to know what really happened." I mind link my gamma, making him hum in response. "Yes, Alpha. Right away," he says, gesturing to my beta. They speed away and get to work, meanwhile, I begin to walk toward the infirmary.

"Hunter, wait. If you don't mind, can I walk with you? I... I wanted to get these scratches looked at. I'm not sure if Marissa had her hands dirty or done thing, but, it really burns where she scratched me." Tara says, making me look back at her.

I look back at Brandon and Ricky who look away whistling. Titus growls, he's never liked Tara and hates it when she's around me. I get that people have speculated that she's tried to advance at me a few times, but, I have no feelings for her nor nothing against her. I had let everyone know long ago I was not taking a chosen mate, and she has done nothing but respect that. She's a good friend to be around with, especially since she's also Abbie's sister. I've always had a special place for Abbie's family.

"Listen, I need to talk to Abbie alone."

"No, yeah, of course. I just... I mean you're walking to the infirmary either way, right?"

"Alpha, can I talk to you, sir?" Darren calls out to me, making me feel relief. "YES! Uh, Spence... why don't you take Miss Montero to the infirmary to get treated?" I gestured to my guard, Spencer, making him nod. "Yes, sir."

"But... I can wait." Tara adds, making me grunt inwardly. "No no. You don't want that infected, do you? I'll take her, brother." my sister says from behind me, making my eyes widen in shock. It's been over a month since she's been out of her room. I immediately hug her, sighing deeply. "Lil!" I whisper, closing my eyes.

"Hi," she says in a tiny voice. "You're out of your room," I say, making her roll her eyes. She looks so frail, making me worry. "I am. I heard what was happening so I came to help."

"Lily, you don't have to. I have this under control." I said, quietly, holding her by her shoulders. "I know. But, Abbie needed me, and, by the looks, so does Tara," she says smiling. She can't fool me. She's up to something. I know my sister far too well.

I glance down as she puts her hand inside her skirt pocket, taking out a napkin. "Come, Tara. Let's get you cleaned up. Those scratches look pretty bad. If we don't treat them, you can get an infection." she says, holding Tara's hand.

She wipes her hand, and I see it. She caught something on Tara's hand. My sister always loved playing detective. I smile, nod my head, and turn to talk to Darren. "Whatever it is you're doing, you need to tell me," I tell my sister, Lily through our mind-link.

She walks away with Tara, looking back at me, and winks. "Whatever do you mean? I just came to make sure Abbie and her friend were ok. Nothing more. After I take Tara to the infirmary I'm going back to my room." she says through mind-link making me sigh.

"You'll be at the party, right?" I ask.

"I will. For a bit," she says, as she continues to walk away. "Abbie is on her way to the infirmary. She wants to leave. Please, Lily... talk to her. I can't lose her, sis. I need to her." I say, feeling pain in my heart.

"I will. But you have to be the one to fix this. Don't think I'm not aware Tara is already causing trouble between the two of you."

"Lil, Tara has nothing to do with Abbie and me. She's just... stubborn."

"If you say so. Goddess, open your eyes, brother. Even I can see Tara has been trying to get in your bed. Stop being so naive." she says, making me look back confused. "No. She wouldn't. She's.... She's Abbie's sister, Lil. She wouldn't do this to her own sister."

"For fucks sake, Hunter. You're not a kid anymore. You're a wise man, think." she says, making me clench my jaw. Has Tara been trying to seduce me still I've been so busy with things that I haven't noticed.

"Now...what can I do for you, Darren?" I say, crossing my hands over my chest and looking at Darren sternly. "Right, I just wanted to give you our Luna's new card. She was supposed to stop by and pick it up today, but I haven't seen her. It's my day off, so, I was only waiting for her to come by and get it." he says, handing me over a white envelope with her new card inside.

"Thanks, Darren. I'll make sure she gets it. You can go now." I say, opening the envelope and seeing her new black card. I smile, as I admire the engraving. In a few weeks, two months tops, this card will also be changed. It will no longer have her last name, but mine.

I know the possibility of me fucking up is grand. I don't see it but whatever, and how dare she flip me off? I'm going to do my best to make things work between Abbie and me. I did not search for her far and wide just to have her leave. She's my Luna and my mate. And I will leave her no choice but to have her accept us.

And as for the finger? I'm going to make sure she's punished for it. She's sleeping in my bed after all. You're going to be begging for me to stop Abigail Montero. You're Mine, and tonight, I'm marking your ass.


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