The Ugly Truth

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Abbie's POV

I must have woken up somewhere around 6 am. Hunter was long gone, making me grunt as I found myself alone, still naked, and still wanting him. I know it's terrible, right? But damn, did I wake up wanting to have that man between my legs deep inside, if you know what I mean.

But- I wasn't about to play with myself. So, I decided to get up and shower. After my shower, I dressed in jeans, a white button-up, and white sneakers. I dried my hair and placed light makeup on it.

I went downstairs to wake Anthony but was surprised to see him already up. He was sitting on the new sofa, watching cartoons and eating cereal. "Hi, buddy. You're up earlier. What's up? You know it's Friday? There's no school today; I figured you were still sleeping." I said, not surprised that he was up early. He's an early bird, just like Hunter.

Our school had a student-free day today because today was officially King Arturo's birthday. So all of our schools were closed.

Tomorrow, the ones invited will be joining him at his party.

"Yeah, but I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep," he says, a little saddened. I sigh, sitting beside him and wrapping my arm around his shoulders. "Had another nightmare?" I ask, making him drop his shoulders and press his lips into a thin line.

"Yeah. Just a little," he responds, making Merida whimper. She had a huge soft spot for him and warmed up to him quickly. "Oh, honey. You are safe with us, ok? I promise. I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." I said, pulling him closer and pressing a kiss on his head.

I felt horrible leaving him in this state, so I decided to cast all things aside and spend the morning with him.

We watched cartoons together and ate cereal on the sofa, covering ourselves with Hunter's favorite blanket. After the fifth cartoon, Anthony rested his little head on me as I hugged him. He looked at me, making me smirk as I felt his little eyes on me.

He took his little hand and rested on top of mine, making me soothe his hand as I took my other hand on top of his. "Abbie?" his little voice barely above a whisper said.

"Yeah, buddy."

"Did you feel anything when you touched the amulet my grandma gave me?" he asks, making my eyes widen in shock. "Why do you ask?"

He turns, facing me and looking down at his feet. "I felt it, too. I saw it when my mom gave it to my grandma. She had stolen it from her when I was small. She said it belonged to a princess. And only the real princess could bring its magic back."

"What?" I ask, feeling turmoil in my heart.

He gets up and runs out of the living room, leaving me dumbfounded. He comes back quickly with a book that looks old.

"My grandma said my mom left me. She said that... she ran away. But really, I know she was killed." he says, looking down and shedding a tear.

"Sweetie, you don't know that."

"I do. I didn't understand it at first. But, the day you touched it... I was a boy to remember my nightmares. It's always the same dream. I don't only dream of how they killed my grandma, trying to make her give them the amulet. But, I dream of when I was four. My mom was alone in the house with me. A tall man with a dark and long ponytail came into our home and killed her."

"What?" I asked, wide-eyed and in shock.

"My mom always wrote in this book. She was practicing magic. She said... that the real princess would need her one day when they were both rescued. My grandma isn't my real grandma. She only took care of my mom and me because... my mom had me when she was a teenager. The man who killed her was my dad."


"Yeah. I know it's crazy. I shouldn't remember things from when I was four, right? But I do. I remember his face. He looked scary. I only know who he is because my mom wrote it in this book, and she has his picture with a name on it." he says, opening the book and showing me a picture of a man who looked just as he described him.

He was tall, somewhat of a bronze complexion, and had strong facial features. He was most likely native or of Spanish descent. He was wearing a white guayabera and dark jeans.

I dared to touch the picture, which took me aback as I had another revelation.

I gasp as I get taken back to the time this man dared touch that young girl. The way he forced himself on her, the way she was tortured and molested time and time again by the same man. I saw Armand secretly help her escape and being taken away to that old lady's home to be taken care of, where she gave birth to Anthony.

My heart aches as I see how she refuses to care for him until the old lady makes her see reason. It wasn't her baby's fault. She had a purpose, and her baby would someday have a purpose.

I see him barging into the old lady's home on a dark and rainy day. He fights with her, and just as she is trying to do an incantation, he takes out a dagger with an obsidian blade, slashing her across her chest.

Anthony cries beside her as a pool of blood surrounds them. He's also ready to strike Anthony but becomes startled when he hears growling. Wolves from that pack were running to her aid as they had listened to her pleas over the mind link.

But by the time they reach her house, she's already dead. Anthony is left motherless, and the man has already fled the scene.

I gasp as I'm pulled from my vision, making Anthony look at me with concern. "You saw her. Didn't you? You saw her." he says, crying, hugging me tightly. I stagger for breath, feeling all the pain she felt as she was killed.

My heart breaks for Anthony. So tiny, so innocent, and yet... to have to go through such tragedy.

I close my eyes, hugging him tightly. "Does this mean that you and I are related, Abbie? You're the princess. Aren't you? Because if so, that means that my mom and you were cousins." he says, looking up with tears as his bottom lip quivers.

"I... I don't know, sweetie. Maybe!"

"But you. My grandma told me the story every night. How your dad tried to save you, but my dad killed him when he took you away," he says, making my eyes widen in shock. My body shook, and Merida growled in my head as she filled with rage.

"I knew it. I knew it was him! We need to find that bitch, Matisa and Santiago, and kill them, Abigail. If they are responsible for your father's death, then they're going to pay. I will make sure of it. And I am not going to hold back from ripping them apart. She doesn't know who the hell she's dealing with. I'll duck her up and make her regret ever messing with you." Merida says, making me grunt inwardly.

"I need to talk to Hunter. He has to know. He was right not to want me around her. And here I was... thinking she was a friend. Fucking backstabbing bitch. I'll make sure she regrets what she did. It's her fault I never got to meet my parents. But I will sure as hell make sure her lineage gets cut off the books of history for good." I mind-linked Merida back, making her growl.

"Anthony, can I read your mom's diary? I want to see if I can find out more about this."

"It's yours, Abbie. My grandma told me that if I ever found the amulet's owner, I needed to give it to her and the book," he says, making me sigh, and I ruffle his hair and smile.

"Thanks, buddy."


"Yeah?" I look at him worriedly.

"We're going to be ok, right?"

"Definitely, buddy. I will not let anything or anyone hurt you. I promise." I say, making him hug me tightly.


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