Prologue-Wait, How Did I Get In This Mess?

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Everything was so... Blurry. So bright. Someone turn down the contrast, I can't see properly! What... What happened to me? I can't remember... I do remem... Remember something. Yeah... D.I.E. Why? What does it stand for anyways? What's wrong with me?

Hang on, just backtrack, this could be amnesia. You never know. Ok... My name? Aurora Darwington. Friends? Pft, as if. I remember that I was abandoned and made fun of, so nothing on that. But there was something... Something about a brother... Started with a vowel I think.... Actually, I don't think, because I was never told his name. I was knocked out with that IV's medicine before I could remember- wait, IV?

I groaned and my head swayed a little, pressing against the hard surface of something. My eyes were closed again, still trying to summon enough energy to keep them open.

"Project Micro is successful. Her vitals remain normal-ish."

"What do you mean, normal-ish?" What were they talking about? Project Micro? Like, Microphilia or Microbots? What?

"Well, since she's so small, it's hard for her body to create it's own energy, so she's technically cold blooded now. The longer she is without another thermal energy creator..."

"The lower her lifeline is. Get Brayden in here, now." I tried opening my eyes, everything still woozy on me. I could see huge silhouettes, moving here and there. I squeezed my eyes shut, aware of everything going on. Footsteps, breathing, heartbeats, a heart monitor, cameras... What did they do to me?

"Is there something wrong, sir.?" Everything went dark past my eyelids, and I was further alert of a breeze stirring my hair. "She looks alright."

"If Project Micro needs warmth to survive, how would you suggest we do that, Dr. Meller?" I felt something rest on my midriff, hard. I flinched back with a grunt of pain, then rolled over.

"She's fiesty!" Someone called out, chuckling. I gritted my teeth at the booming loud exclamation, then slowly picked myself up from the hard ground.

"How is she doing this? She's supposed to still be asleep!" I heard a rush of air, then a "Wait!" "Why should I? She'll get away at first chance. Did you not giver her enough?"

"Are you kidding? She'll do worse than break every bone in her body at this height proportion." I finally opened my eyes, seeing clearly for the first time. I held up one of my hands, clenching and unclenching it to make sure it was mine, because I could barely feel anything.

"Dr. Meller, what do we do?" I looked up at the voice and breathed in sharply. Standing above me were three giants.

"Get her in a cage, while she's still in shock." One of them, Dr. Meller, answered, watching me widen my eyes. I stumbled away from them, starting to suck in huge and fast breaths. Panic. I had never panicked in all of my life. But I felt cold. So cold. I shivered and hugged myself as one of the huge people reached forward with a giant hand. I took a few steps back, then stumbled and fell on my back as he was closer.

Then I blacked out.

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