Chapter 9- Not Everyone's Mean... Right?

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I felt so warm, bathed in relaxation and comfort for the first time in a while, and I actually felt safe. Protected. Reassured, as if I'm not on the run like some outlaw. How does it feel, you might ask? ... I honestly don't know exactly, because I'm one who does not just down and relax.

So I did the stubborn thing and slowly stirred awake to consciousness. I weakly opened my eyes, my vision blurry with sleep. I closed my eyes and gently rubbed them, trying to wake up. I finally managed to see clearly (ish), and then I suddenly froze as soon as I saw my surroundings.

I was no longer out in the wild, bust instead in a dwelling. A person's dwelling. My gaze darted around in a frenzied panic, taking in the light brown-tan walls and the wooden floors. I was resting not only on a smooth wooden table, but I was lying down on some type of fabric, neatly folded under my fragile body. I blinked a few times, exhaustion causing me to let my eyes slowly close again, and I ended up dozing off. Just end me already, in my sleep, I had weakly thought before drifting off.

When I woke up again, it was to the abrupt sound of plastic glass falling and hitting the floor, as well as someone softly muttering under his breath, obviously cross. The voice belonged to what sounded like a very young man, perhaps just out of his teenage years? I couldn't tel too well, until the glass had been dropped and I jerked awake with surprise. The man was indeed young, with soft looking brown hair and brown eyes to match. He wore a simple grey and black outfit.

As he bent down to pick up whatever he had dropped, I couldn't help but let a small gasp escape me, and then I ducked under a fold of the black textile, whatever it was. I trembled, holding my breath and trying to stay still. Where am I?

Then the fabric was gently pulled off of me, and I looked up nervously to see that the man had cautiously lifted it up to reveal me to him. I shrank back, my heart pounding. I felt so small, helpless, cornered like a wild animal. I slowly registered that his expression wasn't one of surprise or "By Gawd, a million dollar find!" Instead, he was gazing at me with concern and relief.

"... You're awake." He finally murmured, slowly setting the fabric in his grip behind me. I backed away from him, terrified at what he might do. A small whimper escaped me, and I immediately clamped my hands over my mouth, cringing and shivering in fear. His gaze softened even further and he moved his hand from behind/over me. I shrank back in the shadow his hand casted, and I was almost lying down on my back, as if I was trying to vanish into thin air. I felt a gentle force touch my head, gently petting me, and I realized that the boy had rested his pinky on the top of my head, gently rubbing it.

"It's ok, you're safe." He cooed softly. "Those men won't find you." How does he know about that? I wondered. Another faint whimper sounded in the back of my throat, but I didn't move, too scared to even try to run. The comfort from Anthony had been only because I had no choice, and even though it had only been... Yesterday?... The sensation of feeling weightless when lifted by human hands that could kill you or offer comfort was long gone.

The young man suddenly shifted his hand until my back was lying against something soft, and I yelped as my feet left the soft texture of the... Jacket? Whatever it was.

"It's ok, shh, it's ok. " he murmured reassuringly, slowly lifting me up into the air as he stood up his full height. I glanced nervously at the floor, which seemed like miles away, and I shivered, both at the thought of falling and at being chilly, despite his warm and gentle touch. "Are you cold? Here." He slowly picked up what I had been lying on earlier, which I now realized was a cloak, and easily threw it around his shoulders. To my uttermost surprise, the strings tied themselves together, securing around his neck as he slowly knelt on to the floor, now half his original height. I was breathing shallowly, starting to feel light headed, and my head lightly swayed.

"Hey hey hey, it's ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." He promised, carefully bringing me over to him and cradling me against his chest, using his spare hand to pull a small section of the soft silky cloak over me. I shivered and immediately hugged it, grateful for the extra warmth. My shivering gradually faded, and I finally relaxed in his hand with a small quiet yawn.

"Wh... Wh-where am I?" I stuttered timidly, still feeling helpless. "Wh-who are you, a-and how do you know a-about me, a-and-" The young man's gaze softened again, and he gently interrupted me.

"I'll explain everything later, but right now you should rest. I had to put you to sleep for three days in order to safely remove the tracker that was in your foot, and you haven't eaten or drank anything in a while." I widened my eyes.

"Th... Three days?" I echoed. He nodded slightly.

"Yes, three days. And had I not found you in the forest-"

"Er... Th-the forest?" I squeaked. Then I remembered the cloak, and the wolf, and things clicked together. I mean hey, if tiny people are real...? "A-are you a Sorcerer?" He chuckled, grinning as he moved his hand a little more out in front of him, adjusting the cloak to still be covering me.

"As I said, I'll explain everything later; you need to rest." I shook my head in small jerky motions.

"N-No. I-I'll feel safer r-resting if-if I know you better." I protested daringly. He sighed inwardly, closing his eyes for a moment.

"... Very well." He replied calmly. "Yes, I am a Sorcerer, and I will answer your questions."

"W-... W-were you that wolf?" I asked quietly. He opened his eyes and looked down at me.

"... Yes." He answered in a soft tone. I took a deep sharp intake of breath, avoiding his gaze and glancing down at my Achilles Heel, seeing a small neat wound just under it, on the heel. I felt nauseated and used for a moment. The D. I. E... They used me? How-How did they even give me a tracker, and with out noticing. And how did this Gypsie dude even know about it if I didn't?

During the brief moment of silence, the boy had noticed my nauseated expression, and had partially turned to grab something on a counter-like table. He turned back around with a small vial.

"Here, drink this." He easily took the cork out with his thumb, and helped me struggle into a sitting position. Panting at the effort, I weakly grabbed the small vial after he handed it to me, and I cautiously sniffed it.

"Wha... What is it?" I asked slowly.

"Herbs, to help you recover. You're obviously in no condition to hear me out." I tried to protest, but his gaze was firm. Then I weakly took a few sips.

"All right... Then, Gypsie dude." He chuckled at my slurred words.

"Ah no, you can call me Seto." He replied,grinning faintly. I yawned, cautiously leaning against his fingers.

"Fine.... I still... Don trus... You...." I was so exhausted that I could barely even finish speaking before I slipped into sleep with the help of the warmth emitting from the Sorcerer's soft touch.

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