Chapter 24- Tear-Stained

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(music's quiet at the beginning, don't worry, it's real good and suiting; but if you wanna, skip to 0:30)

I stared at the amulet all day, ignoring everything and everyone around me. By now the others had learned to leave me be when I sat silent, which I was glad for. I wanted to use the amulet... and yet I was afraid. If he was dead... I didn't know, and I didn't want it to be confirmed. What if it didn't work?

I gazed deeply into the amethyst gem for a long string of time, still not able to make a decision. I wanted to see him, so badly that it made my chest ache, but... I couldn't decide. I let out a small defeated sigh, then finally looked up to see that it was dark out, but the nearby lamp that had been turned on at one point illuminated the room. I spotted Shadow watching me, who immediately ducked his head and averted his gaze, and I bit my lip.

I finally got up and retreated behind the lamp, not wanting to go to my usual sleeping place. I didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted things to be normal, when it was really good, and fun, even if I had been shrunk down as an experiment-

'Anthony.' A chill ran down my spine. I hadn't thought about him ever since I had been rescued by Seto. Was he alright? Maybe he was helping Seto.

Ah, fat chance. I let out a weak titter to myself. 'Very funny,' I chided myself. 'He's probably forgotten about you...' But the real question still stood rigid. I held up the necklace by its chain, letting it slowly twirl like those decorations above a baby's crib. I had to make a decision.

I slowly put the amulet back on, then took a deep breath before laying down. I squeezed my eyes shut, taking a deep breath and bracing myself before whispering, "S-Seto-" I took a deep breath again and felt tears form in my eyes. "... let me in."

I was surprised at how fast I fell asleep, seeing I was an insomniac. I let my eyes flutter open, and I was met with a quiet forest. I sat up, surprised to find myself normal sized, and I looked around. It was beautiful, the trees were a golden green that blended magnificently with the golden light that peaked through the branches, and there was a bird singing its song not too far away, its plumage striking.

'Wow... this-this is amazing.' I looked around again, seeing that the grass was a healthy green, and there were clustered bellflowers. It was warm too, unlike the chilly days of Los Angeles. I slowly got up on my feet and still looked around. There was ivy that snaked up a couple of the trees as well; it was so... serene.

I heard quiet footsteps, and I slowly turned around, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"A... Aurora?" I ran forward and trapped the sorcerer in a tight hug, stifling a sob.

"Surprised?" I whispered, smiling. He relaxed and hugged me back, laughing happily.

"You've grown a bit," he joked. I laughed as well, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"I've been so..." I squeezed my eyes shut as tears spilled down  my cheeks. "-- so worried about you," I choked.

"I was worried about you too..." He fondled with my hair, taking a deep breath. "How did you get your hands on a Visiting Amulet?"

"Wildstar gave it to me," I explained, stepping back and fingering the responsible gem. Seto tilted his head at me, and I further went to explain. "When you-when you teleported me away, I-I was found by-by these other guys who-who are against the D.I.E. as well." I sucked in a heavy breath of air. "I'm not the only Project Micro." His eyes softened in joy.

"Are you happy? Where you are?" I was caught off guard.

"Of course not-- I miss you," I sniffled and rubbed some of my tears away, only to stop when Seto wiped them away for me.

"I just-, I just want you to be happy," He murmured sadly. "I don't know when I'll be able to come back. They put a tracker in me, so I'm leading them astray to throw them off long enough to get the tracker out, and then once I deal with them I can come back and get you." I sniffed and nodded in understanding, and he hugged me again. "I will be back," he promised. "Just hang in there. You're safe for now; at least try to enjoy yourself." I sniffled again before weakly grinning.

"What makes you think I haven't?" I croaked, resting my chin down on his shoulder again. He chuckled and patted me on the back.

"Because I know you too well," he teased. I smiled sadly and closed my eyes, relaxing in the embrace.

"Good..." I murmured, yawning.

"... the Visiting Amulet's wearing off. I'm gonna wake up soon in the real world." Crying silently, I pulled back again.

"Wh-can I visit again?" I whimpered. He smiled with tears glistening in his eyes, making them glassy.

"Soon," he promised. "But right now, you're waking up too. Since you don't have magic, you're falling asleep in this world so you can wake up in real life." He sat me down in the soft grass, sitting down next to me before hugging me and allowing me to lean into his embrace. I gladly snuggled him, relaxing comfortably as I yawned again. He smiled and stroked my hair. "It's just like when I comforted you from those bad dreams," he cooed softly. "Just close your eyes... and let your problems dissolve... Because you can handle yourself. Your a strong, strong girl..." I closed my eyes as he soothed me softly, and I felt myself drift off. "Promise me... promise me you'll take care of yourself..."

"I... promise..."

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