Chapter 12- Talking... Sorta

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I felt like I was drifting, floating in a warm atmosphere, only this time I knew for sure that I was safe. It was no longer an illusion to allow myself to sleep without worry. To be honest, I didn't want to wake up for once. I wanted to just lay there and doze for a very long time, and not face my problems.

But it was too late, as I was already starting to wake up. I opened my eyes to a bleary vision of darkness, completely submerged in warmth. I didn't mind not being able to see, but when I lifted my head up, light shined through a thin crack of space, blinding me as I covered my eyes. As soon as my eyes adjusted, I climbed out of the folds of fabric I was in and peeked my head in the morning light. I noticed that Seto was still asleep, so I slowly pulled myself out from under his sleeves and slid onto the covers, letting curiosity guide my steps. I wandered away from the unconscious Sorcerer, and took in the view of the room.

First off, I was standing on the edge of the bed, which was next to a desk that had a computer and a mic. I guessed that it was his bed room, obviously, and I interrupted my thoughts with a small yawn. It wasn't too fancy, stocked with expensive suite furniture or anything, but it looked cozy. I sat down with my legs hanging off the edge, letting my mind travel back to what had happened last night, the flashbacks. How come I was starting to remember all of a sudden? As far as I had been concerned, I had lost my memory, but now...

I heard Seto stir behind me, so I turned my head to see him shifting, still asleep. A small smile formed on my face. Some people say that when people sleep, they look about ten years younger. And Seto looked so innocent and almost cute right now.

I turned around and laid down, tucking my feet away from the edge as I stared up at the ceiling, relaxing in the morning sunlight. It felt nice, to not be worried about surviving or running or hiding for once. I finally let out a small quiet yawn again before getting up and going over to Seto's unconscious figure, climbing up on to his arm, grabbing one small section of the cloak and pulling it over me, relaxing and closing my eyes.

I dozed for what felt like about an hour when I felt Seto stir awake, and I heard him yawn quietly. I peeked out from under his cloak, and he spotted me immediately, greeting me with a small sleepy smile.

"Hey, sleep better?" He asked softly. I nodded, stifling a yawn and sitting up. He closed his eyes and mumbled,"Good, good..." I hesitantly slid of his sleeve and landed in his relaxed hand, sitting down in the center of his palm. He stirred again and looked at me with tired eyes.

"So what happened last night?" He croaked groggily, tilting his head up partway. I swallowed nervously and looked down.

"... Uh..." I trailed off, lightly shivering. He noticed this, and carefully sat up against the wall, beginning to lightly pet my shoulder blades. I stifled another yawn before continuing. "W-well, when I was... 'cut down in size', th-they erased my memories, a-and now all of a sudden I'm-I'm starting to remember things... Things from before." He gazed distantly at me, completely focused on what I was saying.

"And what did you start remembering?" He murmured. I hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Wh-when the-the D. I. E. first kid-kidnapped me." Seto's gaze softened, and he gently closed his hand around me.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." His eyes had a slight glint of purple in them, which made me a little apprehensive as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"B-but that's not all." I stuttered, a small shiver running through me. "Wh-when I -I was ten, I-I was always picked on... F-for being who I am, a-and everytime I brought my favorite book, th-they always tried to-to ruin it,but-but It always somehow stayed ok..." I shuddered as the memory crossed my mind once more. "A-and it was be-because my father left me, a-and my mother-" I took a deep breath, stopping and letting my head hang a little. "People always called me a freak." I finished in a strangely calm voice. I fell silent for a moment, wallowing in my grief as I let the information sink in, then I added in a small voice, "B-but I'm ok." He frowned at me.

"You don't look ok." He pointed out. I took a shaky breath, then looked up with as sharp a gaze I could.

"I'm fine." I insisted, lying. He rolled his eyes and looked up from me, his gentle yet firm grip on my small form slackening, allowing me to move.

"Aright, whatever." He answered, in a tone that told me he didn't believe me. Then he spoke up again. "So, breakfast?" I nodded eagerly, glad to move on to another subject.


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