Chapter 21- Uh, H-Hullo?

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"Wha... Wh-what happened?" I asked wearily, slowly sitting up and wincing at the effort. Then noticing how many of them were my size, I couldn't help but gasp. "Wh-who are you, what's going on!?" Then looking fearfully up at Icicle, I shyly added, "Pl-please don't t-torture me!"

"Whoa! Slow down." Icicle said, waving his hands in front of him slowly. I fell silent, blushing a little in embarrassment.

"S-sorry." I mumbled.

"Now, can you please tell us your name?" I blinked a few times in surprise at his kind inquiry.

"O-oh, my name is Aurora, Aurora Darwington..." I started getting up, and one of the others helped me to my feet. "A-and thank you..." I added timidly. The one who had assisted me in standing dipped his head.

"Ezio." He replied in a clear and quiet voice. "Ezio Nightfury Shadowstealer." Then he paused with an amused look on his face. "Well, just call me Shadow or Ezio." He amended. I gave out a weak chuckle as a girl hopped down beside him on the desk.

"And my name is Wildstar!" She chirped cheerfully, offering her hand out. I grabbed it, and we shook hands. "Pleasure to meet you! I hope my friends didn't scare you..." I shook my head with a fake smile.

"Oh no, of course not, and thank you for your hospitality." I replied, trying to keep my tone light to hide the pain I felt. Not just physical pain, but the emotional pain too...

"So, we uh, best leave you. To recover." Icicle stated, shooing the others away. They all went over to a toy box that I noticed was functional to support them as living quarters, which I couldn't help but think was ingenius. I nodded in a few small jerks, and Wildstar helped me lay back down on the makeshift bed behind me before following her friends. I stared after her as she neatly leaped off the side, landing with a roll. Wow, I wish I could do that, I thought, my eyelids already drooping with exhaustion. I let out a small sigh, letting my fake cheerfulness disappear like fog under the morning sun, and I turned over on my side, bringing the cloth meant as a blanket up to my shoulder.

I felt so weighed down. With grief. I was glad that I wasn't the only one like this, but... Was it because of the D.I.E., or had they been like this all of their lives? I sighed wearily, letting my eyes slide shut as I fell into a restless slumber.

"Tell me," A figure walked forward, folding his arms over his chest as he glowered at a figure on his knees, an amused look in his eyes. "Where did you send her?" The figure on the floor said nothing, only shifting his weight from side to side and staring at the concrete floor. The first man did a quick twist, bringing his fist down on his nape and making him hit the floor with a grunt. "Come come." He added in a smooth tone. "The sooner you confess, the sooner you go home." The second one glared at him, sitting up and huffing to blow his disheveled bangs out of his face, revealing his golden brown eyes.

"Never." He rasped. "I'm never telling you where I teleported her to, Eric." The first man, Eric, dipped his head.

"So we'll have to do this the hard way eh? Very well." He grabbed something out of the guard's hands, and held it up in a faint stream of sunlight, making it glitter as it hissed, coiling around his fingers. "Know what this is?" The young man on the floor sat back against his haunches, swallowing nervously. "This is a Nathair. Surely as a Sorcerer, you know what that is, hm?" He glared harshly at the man, his eyes glinting purple for a brief moment, then he gasped and recoiled, pulling on the chains that bound his hands and magic. "Now, if you don't tell me what I want, I'll have to let my little friend play with you." Eric murred threateningly.

"I'll never tell you." The battered Sorcerer snapped. Eric smirked at him.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He dropped the snake at his feet, and it hissed as it snaked over to the Sorcerer's feet. "Oh, and Seto?" He snapped his head up at Eric, indignant. "Have fun with him. He's a bit rough though." Eric left the cell room, sauntering down the hallway as echoing screams started up, the echoes of them followed him as he smiled coldly.

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