Chapter 19- Falling Apart

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I shuddered, turning over restlessly and pulled the covers higher over myself as I tried to fall back asleep. But I couldn't, for some reason. My mind was wide awake, no matter how much I wanted to sleep. The was this heavy feeling over me, like something bad was going to happen...

I sighed in irritation and finally sat up, shaking myself a little to shake my bangs out of my face before I stood up and looked around. Seto was still asleep, peacefully sleeping on his bed, which wasn't too far away since I had wanted to not disturb him for once. So I decided against waking him up, instead going to the edge of the end table and sliding down one leg of it, landing on the hard wooden floor and wincing. Maybe walking will help my insomnia.

I made my way out of the bedroom and walked through the ominous hallway to the living room, seeing the coffee table in front of the couch, where I had first woken up. I had been so shy then, I laughed quietly at myself before going up to the couch and climbing up it, managing to scramble onto the cushion. I sank in it a little since I was so small, but I didn't mind as I laid back, staring up at the dark ceiling.

I must have fallen asleep at some point, because I felt myself be gently picked up again, and when I opened my eyes tiredly in response, the sun was peeking through the windows already. I closed my eyes again and let out a small peaceful sigh, turning over and hugging Seto's thumb.

"Why are you so tired?" He asked, sitting down on the couch and cradling me in his arms. I stifled a yawn and snuggled in his sleeve a little, using it as a blanket.

"... Lack of sleep... Catchin' up..." I mumbled.

"Oh." I shifted and opened my eyes wearily to look up at him, letting out a small yawn. He smiled a little and gently pet my head. "Go back to sleep." He suggested strongly. I let my eyes close, nestling myself comfortably in his arms.

"Ok..." I murmured sleepily, yawning again before drifting back into sleep.


"Aurora... Aurora, wake up!" My eyes fluttered open at Seto's voice.

"What are you whispering for?" I questioned, sitting up and stifling a yawn. I realized that we were huddled in a dark place, which I came to realize was his closet.

"Those men... Eric's... They're here." He murmured. I widened my eyes, my breath quickening. He noticed and gently rubbed the top of my head. "I'm not letting them have you." He assured me. I closed my eyes in slight relief, raising my head to nuzzle his forefinger.

"Sir, they're not here." We both stiffened at the muffled voice, and Seto quickly dropped me in his pocket.

"... Check the closet." A sharp voice commanded. As soon as the door opened, Seto shouted a spell, sending the man flying with a crash.

"Sir, he's in here!" Someone shouted as he sprang out of the closet, sweeping them off their feet with magic. He ducked when someone tried to tackle him, and he managed to lock them in his room, now in the hallway. He ran into the living room, only to suddenly be grabbed by his hoodie and flung against the wall, falling to the floor and losing his breath. I tumbled out of his pocket, landing on the floor out of breath.

"Well well well." A voice said mockingly. "What have we here?" Seto scrambled to his feet, picking me up and backing away from the man.

"I know what I have." He snapped. "A trespasser." The man raised his eyebrow.

"And I have a thief, illegally harboring an experiment." He took a threatening step forward, and I started quivering, wanting this to just be a dream, to wake up.

"She's not a thing, she's a human." Seto's back was now against the wall, no longer able to move back. Eric chuckled in a deep tone.

"Alright, I'll give you a choice. Hand her over to me, and you'll be rewarded." He instantly covered me with his hand, out of Eric's sight.

"Never." Eric dipped his head.

"Very well." He suddenly sprang forward, pinning Seto against the wall. "Johnathan!" He called out, and a moment later another young man took his place. I cried out when cruel hands suddenly wrenched me out of Seto's, and I tried writhing out of his grip.

"Let her go!" Seto tried protesting, but Eric only laughed, tightening his iron grasp on me and making me lose my breath. He tried breaking away from Jonathan, who kept him pinned still. I finally came to my senses and tried something... Daring.

"$#*@!" Eric yelled, dropping me as soon as I bit him. I landed with a thump, stars dancing in my vision. I already knew that my ankle was dislocated again from the impact. I weakly started hobbling to my feet when I was snatched up again, Eric squeezing me so hard that his nails dug into my skin.

I screamed. For the first time in my life, I had screamed, feeling the pain explode through my body, the wet thick feeling of blood forming on my skin. Seto finally wrenched away from Johnathan, tackling Eric to the ground. I was dropped to the floor as they rolled away, Eric pinning Seto to the floor and punching him. He coughed, fixing his unfocused gaze on me as I weakly stared at him with horror, fear, and guilt.

"... I'm sorry." He rasped, then threw his hand at me and shouted a spell. My surroundings instantly began to fade, and Eric shouted, "NO!!" I went limp and closed my eyes as my surroundings gave in to black, murmuring, "No... Seto..." Before I passed out.

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