Chapter 16- Shopping In the Normal World

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After I finally calmed down, Seto insisted that I come with him, so I went ahead and gave in and agreed. So he put me in his shirt pocket, leaving his cloak at home so he didn't look so out of place, and was wearing instead his black and grey clothes.

"Alright, ready?" He asked, digging in to his wallet to make sure that this time he had his list.

"Yeah, I'm good." I replied, feeling a little nervous. What if someone saw me? What if I fell out? What if I got lost and he couldn't find me, or what if-

"Hey." I almost started in surprise when Seto gently rested his hand over me, covering my vision. "It'll be ok." He assured me. "I'm a Sorcerer, remember?" I nodded, my forehead brushing against his fingers, and he let his hand drop back down to his side before grabbing his car keys and closing the front door behind him with a click. He jogged down the small steps of his house 'porch' before walking up to his car and unlocking it, getting in and slamming the door shut.

"Sorry." He apologized when I cringed at how loud it was. He turned on the car, then started driving. Then after a mile, he opened his pocket a little, allowing me to peek out.

"Can you breathe ok?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, I'm ok." I answered quietly, but loud enough to be heard over the engine.

After he drove for what felt like an hour, he finally started driving past buildings, homes and shops and restaurants. He drove a little longer before he slowed, then pulled up near a building, parking before cutting the engine. He sighed inwardly before fixing his pocket to where I could only see if I stretched on tip-toe before getting out of the car.

"So all I need to do is buy some things for a soup recipe and some brewing stocks, k?" He murmured to me. I replied quietly, "Ok" before staying quiet and ducking a little as he entered the grocery store.

It was huge. Several giant shelves of rows of many different kinds of assorts, and I had to remind myself that it didn't seem quite as big for a normal sized person, but don't even get me started on the height of the ceiling.

He walked over to a shelf of vegetables, then glanced around the assorted foods before grabbing a few carrots. Then he made his way through the aisles, getting things like bacon, steak, pork, fish, mutton and sugar. So far so good, I decided, still keeping low but peeking out every now and then. When he came to one section to grab some different food powders, I finally dared to climb up a little bit and see the world around us. No one was really around, so I was ok, but I still couldn't see much. I leaned up a little more when Seto suddenly moved, making me loose my balance and fall out of his pocket. Not good.

I managed to grab onto his shirt to break the fall before my grip slipped, and I landed with a muffled thud onto the waiting cold floor. The wind was knocked out of me, so I couldn't breathe or move as I laid there. So much for 'so far so good', I groaned inwardly, finally able to breathe when footsteps seemed to shake my surroundings.

"Ooh mommy there's a doll on the floor! Can I keep it?" My blood ran cold as a child crouched down, towering over me and staring at me like I was the most fascinating thing on earth... Which was what I was now worried about. "Mommy it looks so real!" She exclaimed loudly. "Can I keep it, pweeaaaassseee?" The mother looked doubtful, and was hopefully about to say no when someone gently interrupted.

"Ah... I'm sorry, but I dropped that. Belongs to a friend of mine." Seto had heard the girl's exclamation, then had realized I was gone. He now picked me up and tucked me back into the safety of his pocket as the little girl stuck her tongue out at him.

"Finders keepers." She protested.

"Emma!" The mother admonished. "Don't be so rude, now apologize." Seto simply laughed good-heartedly.

"No no, it's ok really, it's fine. I remember what I was like when I was a child." He squatted down to the girl's eye level and spoke directly to juvenile.

"I would be glad to give you this doll, except that she belongs to someone else, who holds her as a precious object in life, and it makes him very happy. You don't wanna make someone sad right?" The little girl had stared at him wide eyed before nodding in agreement. He beamed at her before opening his wallet and digging out a twenty dollar bill and giving it to her. "Now I want you to take this and buy yourself something real pretty for your beautiful self, alright Miss Emma?" The girl nodded, grinning while the mother smiled at his kindness.

"You didn't have to do that." She protested, a light blush of gratitude creeping over her cheeks. Seto smiled and stood back up.

"Ah, but I wanted to, it's my pleasure." The mother thanked him, and then the two walked off, all while I had listened in on the entire conversation, astounded.

"... Wow, you are so nice." I finally commented, looking up at him. He tilted his head to where he looked down, pretending to fumble with his wallet to look at me.

"The world needs more good than evil." He murmured. "But I know everyone makes mistakes in life; there's no changing that."

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