Chapter 4- I Can't Do This

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"The D.I.E, or Dragonfly Incorporation/Experimentation, is a facility that turns humans into killer beasts, used for their purposes, which is to overrun the human race. A few Rogues are found occasionally, but use their creations to destroy other D.I.E facilities. This is the true purpose of the D.I.E."

     I jerked awake as a lighting bolt crashed outside, aggressively announcing the raging storm outside. I sighed, wiping my forehead. It was really hard for me, everything was just so... Scary. Everything was too huge for me, too much. I-I can't stand it much longer. I can't do this. I uttered a small whispery whimper, burying my face in my hands in the dark, my mind slowly coming up with a decision. I had to leave, just no question. Even though Anthony was so kind to me, I couldn't afford to repay him by dragging him into this mess.

      I forced my aching body to get up, even though it was so tempting to just relax and sleep my problems away. I knew that wasn't possible. I limped over to the edge of the bed, then went over the side and carefully "zip lined" down. I then let go and dropped to the floor with a small thud, which was quickly disguised as another bolt of thunder vibrated through the house. I shivered, glancing up at the bed covers before I plowed across the surface of the floor. I pushed under the door and kept walking, taking a breath in front of Anthony's door. I looked guiltily up at the door handle. Even though I didn't want something to happen to him because of me, it didn't feel right to just leave without a trace.

     I pulled myself under the door and ran across the floor, then climbed up the end table, using the carvings that were etched into the wood to parkour my way up. I finally hauled myself over the edge and laid down on top of the end table, gasping for breath. Why does it have to be so tall? Geez.

     I finally recovered and slowly approached the bed, where Anthony's sleeping figure was. He looked so... innocent in his sleep. Like a small boy trapped in an older body. I was washed with shame. How could I do this, betray him? He saved my life, and this was how I'd repay him?

     Yes, because I have to keep him out of this.

     But- why am I even asking this? Why am I even here? To say goodbye at least.

     I took a deep breath, then backed up a few steps and ran forward. I used my long jumping technique and landed on the bed, doing a neat roll to break the fall.

     At least I'm in better shape as a midget.

     Anthony's soft and peaceful face lay beside me as I sat up. I shivered when I was reminded just how microscopic I was compared to a normal sized human. I swallowed nervously and approached him, then hesitantly held up my hand. I kept edging forward, slowly, step by step, until my hand touched his cheek. He twitched in his sleep, which made me start and jump back. Then I steeled my nerves and held my hand to his cheek bone.

     "I'm sorry, but I have to do this." I murmured, knowing he couldn't hear me. "I have to leave. Don't get me wrong, I'm so grateful for what you've done for me, but I need to find a way to get back to normal with out getting anyone else hurt." I waited a moment, listening to his breathing. It was slow and steady, moving my hair with every exhale.

     "Please forgive me... I'll return as soon as I'm normal again." I then sighed, turned and walked back to the edge of the bed. I threw one last glance over my shoulder, making sure he was still asleep before I slid down the covers and hit the floor. I stumbled and regained my balance, my heart quivering with guilt. But I had no choice. It had to be done.

     I forced my fears down and started walking to find the house's door.

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