Chapter 2- Blessé et trouvé

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The long snaking metal walls seemed forlorn as I limped my way forward. It was so dark, and so cold. I could hear my panting breaths echoing through out the tunnels, calling their lonesomeness. My shivering was audible, and clearly visible as I stumbled blindly in the dark, feeling the walls for my freedom. But where would I go after this? Could I ever be normal again?

     I heard a creaking sound behind me, which boomed into my eardrums. I gritted my teeth and clamped my hands firmly over my ears in attempt to stop the agonizing pain. What the heck was that? It finally died away, and I turned over my shoulder, seeing nothing. No, wait.

Red eyes. A Rat.


     I ran forward, swallowing my pain as I bore down on my injured foot. I heard a squeak and a patter of small paw-steps. It was chasing me. I kicked in to my sprinting gauge and flew forward, spotting a small light in the distance. Was it Heaven, or was it my way out? I kept running, my entire leg numb with pain at this rate. I finally high jumped over one of the blocking metal slips at the entrance of the vent, and I fell past, into the bright light. From one danger to next, because I kept falling. I screamed, flailing my arms for something to catch on to. This is the end, isn't it? I finally calmed down when everything went dark, and I landed on something soft, so soft that my bones were only jarred together. I lost my breath with a grunt at the impact, laying down winded.

     Then my surroundings moved, slightly. I gaped for air like a fish out of the water as my ears started ringing. My God, was I cold. I caught my breath again and curled myself up in a ball, quivering and almost crying. I didn't know where I was, and I was scared even though it was starting to seem warm, I admit it. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare. Or whatever the heck this was. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt my environment continued to move. Then I felt something warm slip under me, and my body was lifted up. I opened my eyes to no longer see darkness, but fleece and skin. My eyes traveled up to slowly meet the stranger's eyes, which were slightly wide with surprise. I then looked away, too scared to keep his sharp and startled gaze. Big mistake, as soon as I looked down I spotted how far away the ground was, which made me gasp and hug tightly what was keeping me from falling.

     "Wow, you're really scared, aren't you?" My heart was hammering against his finger. I was beyond scared. I was terrified. He didn't say anything after I didn't respond, just lowered me back in his pocket, which came as an utter shock. I hesitantly let go of his index and slid into the dark warm wooly place. He started walking again, and I lost my balance, falling back and pressing myself against one side for warmth. I didn't know who this was, but what was he going to do with me? I buried my face in my hands, my shoulders heaving with shudders in a desperate attempt to not cry. I don't want to die. I don't want to be "Put Down"!

     I finally broke down and a tear slithered down my cheek. I whimpered and wiped it away. What did I do to deserve this? This- this torture? This torment! I know life's not fair, but this is outrageous! I always thought that microphilia was cool-- the clean, non-sexual kind, not the... bleh. But this? This is koonago!

     Light flooded in my small space, and I jerked my head up to see the guy looking down at me.

     "Are you crying!?"  He sat down on a park bench and picked me up again. I only covered my face in guilt, silently crying harder. "Hey, why're you crying?" He cradled me against his chest and looked down at me, who was still crying. I finally sobbed and curled myself in a tight ball, shaking. Then I felt something rubbing my back. Warmth. It was reassuring, offering protection seemingly. I stole a glance up at him, my tears stopping for a moment.

     "Wh-what do you want from me!?" I sobbed. He stopped stroking me.

     "Wha?" He asked.

     "Go on, wh-what is it!? Money? A pet? Worse!? An Experiment!? WHAT!?"

     "I... I don't know what you're talking about."


     "Listen, alright? I just rescued you from the D.I.E., you should be thanking me." I froze, not even breathing. "Is this about what I said earlier? Because I was just jok- ... uh, hello?" He lightly waved his finger in front of me. I tried to say something, but it came out as a wine. "What? What's wrong, what did I do this time?" I finally shuddered, rubbing my arms. "Is it alright if I take you home, or do you want me to just leave you in the wild?" I gave him my answer my resting my cheek against his shirt whilst nuzzling him, still lost in thought. Who or what was the D.I.E.? "All right, Hormones Girl, I'll take that as a yes." I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. I could hear more than that though. There was the gurgle of his digestive system, the wind whistling through his lungs and breathing pipe, the blood pulse...

     It was surprisingly warm and relaxing whilst making my senses feel fuzzy, and the man didn't budge me, even as he started walking. He did pull his coat or what ever over me to keep the public from seeing me as I drifted off into the void.

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