Chapter 5- On My Own? Fail -_-

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     It was still raining when I finally peeked my head out through the small space under the door, and I would have been able to see nothing had I not had a certain buff; I had Night vision. I went ahead and didn't question it, so I started walking away from Anthony's dwelling and out into the wild. I didn't know where to go, but I had to go somewhere, anywhere as long as I stayed away from everyone else and remained on my own.

     I dodged some raindrops in vain, getting soaked only a foot away from the doorsteps. Then another raindrop crashed onto me, and I was forced down on the ground into a puddle, saturated from head to toe. I cried out in surprise, scrambling out of the small body of water and stumbling away from it. My gosh was it cold, I felt like I was going algid. I let out a shaky verbal sigh mixed with a sob of exasperation as I grabbed a leaf and wrapped it tightly around my body, quivering with chills. So much for being independent.

     I heard the door suddenly be flung open, rushing footsteps splashing through the increasing puddles of water, then a shadow covered me.

     "What are you doing!? Are you insane?" I whimpered when Anthony picked me up, and I hugged the leaf tighter, shrinking away from his scolding face. "Seriously, you'll die out here!" He reprimanded, and I shrank down farther away from him, pressing against his hand and covering my head with the leaf. He stopped scolding me and stared down at me, a slight glint of guilt in his eyes. Then he sighed.

     "Look, I'm sorry, let's get you cleaned up." He carried me close to him to keep the incoming rain from further drenching me as he walked back into the house. I sighed at the change in the atmosphere, feeling warmer. I gave myself a violent shake, sending small water droplets flying. He pulled the leaf off me and set it down on the end table by the door, next to a clock that read 4:07 AM. He messed with his hair, which resembled when someone had way too much gel in their hair. I couldn't help but laugh even though it was a weak one, as I looked up at him in my lying down stature, with one hand lying above my head, the other resting on my midriff while one of my legs were bent slightly over the other, which was stretched over Anthony's palm. He scoffed inwardly as he carried me over to the kitchen and grabbed the kitchen towel, setting me down on it and starting to wrap me up with it.

     "Hey!" I protested, muffled as he pat me down. A few moments later, I was finally dry, and he let me go. "Was that necessary?" I demanded, scrambling away from him as he set the towel down on top of the sink faucet. He gave me a calm glare.

     "Necessary?" He asked quietly. "Necessary!? Was trying to run away necessary?" I felt my eyes sting a little, and I took a step back.

     "I-I'm sorry, I-I thought-" I tried to say, but he interrupted me, waving his hand in the air for emphasis.

     "You thought!? Well, you thought wrong! If you go out there now in the cold and wet rain then you'll die-"

     "Why do you care!?" I screamed, cutting him off. I sat down and hugged my knees, sighing inwardly as he let his hand drop to his side, staring at me. "Why... why don't you just... let me go? I'm not worth this much trouble..." I whispered, staring down at my feet. We both fell into a lapsed silence for a moment, then he sighed and glanced at the oven clock.

     "Why don't we both get back to sleep, and we'll continue this in the morning, ok?" He asked quietly. I looked up at him and nodded.

     "Oh kay." I murmured. He laid his hand flat beside me, and I hesitantly climbed on, taking a deep breath as he lifted me up off the counter.

     "You're staying with me." He asserted firmly. I was about to protest when he added, "No buts, you need to stay safe."

     "So what, you're my babysitter or something?" I grumbled as he carried me out of the kitchen and turned a corner into a hallway. I clutched his index finger for support as his answer came.

     "Haha, no I don't think so." He pushed his door open and walked in, setting me on the edge of the bed and grabbing a pillow case. "Here." He folded it a few times until it was a small neat square, then set it on his dresser. He picked me up, making me start in surprise since it was against my will, and put me down beside the makeshift bed. "That should do it." I circled the fabric a few times before climbing onto it, Anthony's gaze not leaving me as I felt the fabric. It was... cold, but I ignored that. I wanted to prove that I wasn't helpless or vulnerable.

     "Th-thanks." I stammered, settling myself down on the scratchy fabric as he got onto his bed.

     "No problem, just don't get any ideas about taking a midnight stroll or-or running away or even getting off of that dresser, alright?" When he didn't hear my answer, he looked over at me while asking, "Aurora?" I was already asleep, curled up in the pillow cover's folds. He smiled and reached over to my sleeping form, gently petting the top of my head. "Sweet dreams." He whispered quietly, smiling at me before backing away, lying down and falling asleep.

     Little did he know that I was smiling as well, in my sleep.

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