Chapter 17- Swimming Lessons

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"Seto, Seto, Seto, Seto, Seto. Seto wake up, pleeeeaaaasseee...." He groaned quietly, yawning.

"Why, what time is it?" He mumbled sleepily, turning over and opening his eyes to look at me. I had been nudging him him to wake up at around six o'clock because I couldn't sleep, and I had come up with an idea.

"Seven." He closed his eyes again, pulling the covers up over him a little more.

"What are you doing up so early?" He murmured groggily. I clambered up to him and poked his shoulder, and he gave me a soft glare.

"I can't sleep, I'm an insomniac, remember?" I replied. He sighed, stifling a yawn.

"Alright... Do you want something to eat, or-"

"No, I came up with an idea to have fun." He glowered at me with a "oh really?" look. Then he sighed again and started sitting up with a small sleepy groan.

"Alright, take your best shot." He replied slowly. I smirked up at him.

"Have you ever gone swimming at this size?" I asked deviously.


As Seto began to fill the sink with water, I was constantly frolicking around him, energetic for the silly idea I had come up with.

"Ok it's-" He had started to say when I slipped on one of my pacing moments and landed in the sink with a small splash. I quickly resurfaced, and Seto looked down at me with an amused look. "Having fun?" He teased. I laughed and backpedaled around a little.

"Yeah... thanks for letting me do this by the way." He grinned at my cheerfulness, grabbing a stool so he could sit down and still keep an eye on me.

"Well, as long as you stay safe." I held my breath and dived underwater, swerving around in the water before surfacing again, shaking my bangs free of water, but they were covering my face. I heard Seto chuckle as I swiped my bangs out of my face.

"I would say, 'You wanna join me!?' but you're kinda too big to fit in the sink." I joked. He gave me a fake hurt expression.

"Wuz that supposed to mean?" He replied, laughing. I shrugged, throwing a small handful of water at him, which didn't even reach the top of where the sink sloped down into its three dimensional shape, but he still yelped in surprise and sprang back while laughing.

After a while of swimming, I started feeling really cold and tired, and folded my arms over my chest while shivering.

"Are you cold?" Seto asked, reaching his hand in the water and gently scooping me out. I let myself sit down in the center of his palm, nodding and still having a small grin on my face still.

"A-and ti-tired..." I added, yawning a little. He glanced at his watch, which read 8:33.

"Well you've been in there for an hour and a half, so I think that's long enough." He said softly. I let myself yawn again as I hugged his thumb, shivering as his warmth slowly helped me go back to normal temperature.

"Oh-oh kay..." I chattered. He drained the sink as I realized that my clothes were sticking to my skin because they were so saturated, and I shivered again as he walked back to his room, grabbing his cloak. He set it down on his bed, then set me down on the cloak, and wrapped it around me before picking me up and hugging me to his chest to help me warm up. I happily snuggled up against him, nestling myself comfortably in the warm folds of the textile wrapped around me.

"Mmmm..." I murmured happily, burrowing a little deeper in his cloak. He chuckled softly, using the back of his finger to gently pet the top of my head.

"Does that feel better?" He asked. I nodded wordlessly, settling myself comfortably as I leaned against him and closed my eyes.

"Mm." Was all I said.

"... So you want breakfast?" He asked in a rhetorical tone.

"Mm." He quietly scoffed, continuing to pet my hair.

"What about sleep?" He suggested. I nodded, yawning again.

"Mmhmm." He eased himself onto the bed before lying down, Unwinding the cloak a little so that it covered me like a blanket. I shifted in response, letting my head rest on him as I rested on on his upper thorax. He let his hand rest over my tiny figure, still gently petting me.

"Just go to sleep then."He murmured. "I'll stay awake if you want." I would have answered, but I had already succumbed ito sleep.

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