Chapter 10- I'm Startled and Apparently Still Hurt

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My eyes slowly opened to a blurry vision, so I closed them again, drinking in the warmth that seemed to protect me. Maybe all that had happened was a dream? I forced my eyes open again, this time finally seeing clearly. I was a little startled when I realized that the Sorcerer guy-- Seto, I think-- Was resting his forehead on his arms, which were folded in front of him, and next to me. He was sitting in a chair, but he was leaning on the table, appearing to be asleep.

I tried to sit up, but pain shot through my middle, and I fell back down with a gasp. Seto twitched, then abruptly lifted his head.

"You alright?" He asked quickly, looking exhausted with his brunette hair sticking up and the faint outline of bags under his eyes. Did he stay up all night or something?

"I'm... I'm fine." I wheezed breathlessly, laying winded on the table and not realizing that he had again put me on his cloak, which was under me even before I woke up in the first place.

"You're... Probably sore from running, and your leg's injured." He observed, carefully leaning closer to me with his owlish eyes gazing at me. I swallowed nervously, then shoved my fear away and forced my aching body to sit up, gritting my teeth at the effort, a faint whimper emitting from the back of my throat. He leaned back slightly, frowning in concern.

"You shouldn't do that." He pointed out gently. I gave out when I felt the excruciating pain again, and I fell on my back, groaning loudly and almost yelling. Seto quickly got up and went to the counter, grabbing something before returning. He gently eased his finger under me and helped me sit up as I panted to stay conscious.

"Here. I'd given you a potion to ease the tension in your body, but I guess it wore off..." He gently brought a small glass of a liquid up to my mouth and pressed it against my lips. I had no choice but to drink it, sputtering a weak feeble cough here and there until it was empty. He carefully set it down next to me, not only keeping one finger still behind me, but two. I let my eyelids slide closed for a moment, wheezing in exhaustion as the agony gradually and slowly faded. Then I just stayed there, partially laying in my acquaintance's hand. Then I finally forced my eyes open, setting my unfocused gaze to meet his.

"... Thank you." I rasped, sighing inwardly. He gladly gave me a faint honest smile.

"You're welcome." He replied softly. I weakly started to get up when he started helping me, and I tiredly pushed against his index finger.

"I-I should try it myself." I politely told him. He hesitantly nodded, and slowly withdrew his hand. I managed to get off my knees and stand, taking deep breaths.

"So... Are you uh...?" He trailed off, glancing away at me for a moment.

"Yeah... I'm ok, now... Th-thanks." I assured him, despite me still feeling like my legs could give out. He dipped his head, staying silent for a moment before looking back down at me.

"So... Uhm, I bet you're hungry?" He started asking. "And parched?" At the thought of food, my mouth watered, and I subconsciously nodded.

"Uh huh." I agreed mindlessly. He gently shifted his hand until his forefinger and middle finger wrapped around my waistline, and he lifted me up in the air before I could even speak. I merely took a sharp intake of breath in exasperation as he held me close to him, his other hand hovering just below me as he walked slowly out of the room. He walked into a dining room that was connected to a kitchen a few seconds later, and gently set me down on the table.

"I'll see what I can find." He left me in the dining room and went into the kitchen, leaving me alone. I sighed quietly, slowly sitting down in an unbalanced matter, still smarting a little. Was this how outlaws felt when being chased by the police, or am I just really out of shape? I scratched the back of my head with a small yawn, allowing my thoughts to wonder. I can't be the only person who was changed like this, to this size which is probably somewhere around... Five centimeters or four, right?

I sighed in defeat, exhaustion tugging on me once more. I'm probably not even taller than one's pinky finger. I rested my forehead on my knees, dozing off until a scent trickled over to me. It made me look up wearily, feeling my heart race as Seto returned with a plate of chicken.

"I'm uh, not the world's best cook," he commented sheepishly, setting the plate of food down next to me. "... But it'll have to do." I hauled myself up to my feet as he started cutting a small piece of the delicious looking poultry, then he brought it over to me. Surprised, I cautiously nibbled on it, and I muffledly exclaimed, "Oh my gosh this is so freaking good!" He softly chuckled as I nommed down on the rest, then gave me another piece.

"I'm glad I'm not the worst cook then." He replied jokingly, smiling modestly as I ate the next piece of chicken. Then after one more piece, I was full. He got up and left into the kitchen, then returned once more with a bottle of water and a small medicine syringe (the one with out the needle for when you have to take medicine orally) "Here." He filled the syringe with some of the water, then squatted down next to the table and offered me the tip. I hesitantly consumed a drop, then started greedily deinking in the H2O. Gradually, the water level in the small syringe dropped until I had drank it all.

"See? You really were famished, and thirsty." Seto commented as I yawned quietly. Now that I had eaten and drank my fill, I was drowsy. My head swayed slightly when I felt Seto cup his hands under my tiny figure, and he gently lifted me up. I probably surprised him when I laid down in the center of his palm, feeling the sleepiness threaten to take over.

 I yawned slightly one more time before I gradually slipped into sleep.

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