Chapter 20- Vexation

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I woke up with a ragged gasp, my eyes flying open, only to close them with a moan at the brightness and dizziness. I waited a while, so tired that I could barely think... my consciousness so diffuse that I could hardly form any words. Finally, I forced my eyes open, blurry but I could make out hazy blobs of green trees, tall golden grass swaying in the bottom of my sight.

My hand twitched as I tried to sit up, only to shriek in pain and feel dizzy again. A groan followed my outburst, and I squeezed my eyes shut, panting for breath as the nauseated feeling faded. Then my mind slowly picked up its pace, and my eyes widened a little as I remembered what had happened.

I let out a small wail, bursting into tears. Once again, life was being unfair and cruel, separating me from the only person who ever cared about me. Who took care of me like... Like a real parent, despite his young age. Seto had been my best friend, now he was captured by the D.I.E., for me.

It was all my fault.

My energy faded from my outburst of weeping, and I slipped into unconsciousness.


I easily lost track if the time, but I think it had been a day since the tragedy I had gone through. I always had horrible dreams, no longer of my past but of different scenarios of what had possibly happen to Seto. I always woke up with tears stained on my face, and I would weep, not knowing or caring if anyone or anything heard me. I woke up the next day, crying as normal. My wounds by now were for sure infected, so I reckon I didn't have too much longer suffering. But then in the distance, I heard a slight shuffling.

Someone was nearby.

"Taiga, I can smell blood! You better go with me to find the source!" I was too exhausted to call out for help, or run, so I laid there with silent tears as a figure emerged above me, kneeling down in front of me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked. What's... Wrong? He... He's asking me... If I'm alright? I weakly lifted my head, feeling the strain on my remaining energy.

"... E... E-E-Eric..." I started tiredly, delirious. "H-he-he d-d.... Did this... T-to me...." I let my head rest back, my eyes partially closed at my use of energy.

"Shoot. Markus!" The normal sized person called out. I heard a slight rustle, then someone rested their hand on me. Not their proximal phalanx, or their fingertip, their whole hand.

"Either there's another Eric, or... Or I did this." The person whispered, sounding worried. I heard a small gasp eight next to my left ear.

"Icicle! You've never hurt a Micro in your life! Why would you say that?" The smaller voice asked incredulously. M-... M-Micro? I wondered. After feeling my forehead, he added, "Bring her inside. Now." I let out a small faint whine as I was picked up, feeling the warmth pulsing from Icicle-- I think was his name-- as he fast walked somewhere, and I opened my eyes again as he walked into a house, to a small bedroom. I let my unfocused gaze glance around, spotting something sitting on a laptop. No.

Not something.

Someone. Someone like me.

I stared at the small figure before letting out a shudder, letting my eyes close as I went limp in the strangers hands.

... Am I going to die?


"... Not letting them... 'ave you..."

"... In here!"


"... Trespasser."

"... Illegally harboring... Experiment."

"She's not a thing... Human."

"Hand her over..."

"Let her go!"

"I'm sorry..."





"One last piece... Linen fabric." I started growing conscious at a different voice, one from not a memory, but the real world. "And... There! All done!" The voice squeaked, sounding pleased with himself. I managed a small incoherent murmur as I stirred awake, opening my eyes with effort. At first everything was blurry, but over time I managed to take in a few small figures hovering over me, then the normal sized one-Icicle- looking down at me. I blinked a few times, taking in a weak but sharp breath. I was right.

I wasn't the only Tiny person after all.

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