Chapter 18- Winter Comforts

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I pressed my small hands against the window, my breath showing as condensation as it fogged a small part of the window. I was looking outside, watching as the snowflakes danced in the air, floating to the ground.

"It's really pretty isn't it?" Seto was standing behind me and leaned over slightly to peer through the glass as well, and I nodded.


"I always loved the Fall and Winter," he added. "Because it's a lot cooler and not as hot, and then it snows here a sometimes during the cold seasons. Sadly not too much, so enjoy it." I nodded in agreement, still staring at the white powdery crystalized water.

"It didn't snow much where I used to live." I murmured. I had remembered that I lived somewhere else before my mother had made us move to Los Angeles. That was when the bullying had first started...

"Well, I'm gonna make some hot cocoa." Seto left me on the window sill as I still stared out and watched the environment change from green to white.

A few minutes later, he came back with a small thimble of the hot cocoa for me, and a normal sized cup for him.

"Here." I accepted the makeshift cup and took a sip.

"Mmm." I , greedily starting to guzzle it down. Seto sat down in the chair not too far away from where I was and took a drink of the warm beverage, still keeping his focus on me.

"Hmm, not too bad." He agreed, and I glanced back outside again, staring at the snow longingly.

"..." Seto noticed my gaze, and he set down his mug.

"You wanna go outside?" He asked. I turned my head to face him.

"Really!? You'd let me?" I squeaked in surprise. He grinned and nodded.

"Yeah of course, besides it's not like I own you or anything remember?" I nodded and hopped up eagerly, setting my empty 'cup' to the side as he got up and picked me up. "First off, you'll definitely need more layers." I looked down at myself, remembering that I was only wearing a white v-neck t shirt with black lining, grey shorts, and black, white and purple shoes. And they were a little dirty of course.

"Right..." I said slowly, not knowing how to fix that problem. He carried me to his room and set me down on his desk next to his spell book, and he started browsing through his nearby bookshelf. Then he opened one and skimmed it be before reading one certain part of it.

"Got it." He closed the book with a small thump and put it back up, then closed his eyes and raised his arms, muttering something under his breath as he moved his hands in a repeated pattern. A few seconds later, his hands started glowing, and a moment later a small winter outfit apparated in his hands. They looked about my size, so I was eager to try them on as he set them down beside me.

"There you go, I think those should fit." He turned around to give me privacy as I quickly changed, then I climbed up onto his spellbook, checking out my new outfit. I had on knee high black books with purple lacing and grey soles-- similar to my other shoes-- black undershirt, grey boot cut pants, a black parka with the inside of the hoodie being dark grey. He had even given me small black mittens.

"I like it." I complimented, and Seto turned back around and grinned when he saw me.

"I do good?" He asked in a small voice. I giggled a little at his silly attitude.

"Yeah you do good." I replied cheerfully. He rested his hand on the desk, palm up.

"All right then, hop on." I eagerly clambered on, and he carried me to the front door, grabbing his cloak and putting it on over his shoulders before opening the door. A small cool breeze immediately tickled my cheeks, making me laugh a little as Seto stepped out onto the white field. He walked away from the house a few steps before crouching down and setting me down on the snow. I squealed a little as I fell back in the snow, and Seto laughed a little as I sat up, my entire backside covered in the white soft powder. I glowered up at him playfully before making a small snowball and hitting his index finger with it.

"Hey that's cold!" He yelped, sharply withdrawing his hand while I chortled at him. I laid back in the snow, making a small snow angel before getting up and shaking myself to rid my backside of the snow that stuck on it.

"I'm sorry, is it cold?" I teased him. He rolled his eyes and sat back on his haunches, watching me with a sweet smile on his expression as I goofed around in the winter. I finally came up to him and nudged his knee with my head. He smiled at me and picked me up, resting me on his thigh. I nuzzled him happily, grateful that he had saved my life almost two weeks ago. He affectionately hugged me against him with his hand, and I snuggled up against him.

"... Are you getting cold?" He asked.

"Mm... No, I'm just thanking you." I murmured, closing my eyes peacefully. He pet the top of my head, smiling at the 'hug' I was giving him.

"You don't have to thank me-"

"Yes I do, you saved my life, when everyone else was trying to catch me like some dumb animal." He sighed quietly and closed his eyes as well for a moment.

"... I'm just glad that I got to meet you." I tilted my head up at him, realizing that he was speaking in past tense.

"Well... What do you mean by that?" I asked. He gave me a slightly sad look.

"Well, I I'm sure that you want to go home... You're not gonna stay here forever are you?" Of course. That one question, that always troubled me.

"I... I..." I didn't know what to say, until I noticed his slightly crestfallen expression, and I blurted out, "N-not entirely!" He blinked and the expression was replaced by confusion.

"What do you mean by that?" he questioned. I shivered a little as I leaned back away from him to properly face him.

"I... I wanna stay." I whispered. "You-you've been so nice to me a-and... And kind and you've treated me as an equal. You're the first and only person to have done that to me. For me." He stared down at me with surprise before he gave me a wide smile, looking really happy.

"I'd love that too."

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