Chapter 3- I Am Only Human

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I flinched awake when I heard a clang! I was again in a dark place, it was stuffy and warm, but the outraged voice was what scared me.

"I told you, I don't know anything about Project Micro! I didn't even know it--er, her, whatever-- escaped."

"Of course we believe you, we just need to do a search just in case. Project Micro could be very dangerous. We didn't get to fully study her."

"I doubt it, but I'm surprised you're here, searching as well, Dr. Banely."

"Why, because I'm in charge?"

"No but-" the voice dropped to a whisper, and I had to strain my ears to make out the words. "Eric, i-it's just that ever since Project Macro failed... What if something worse than that happens? Remember all of the casualties? Did he not turn against us?"

"I remember, of course. And that's why it won't happen again." Eric responded firmly. I heard someone slide open a drawer just above me, then slam it shut. Realizing I was about to be found unless I moved, I dove under a sock right as the drawer I was in opened. Someone shuffled around, bumping the sock a few times before slamming it shut again. I was buried under a huge pile of clothes as footsteps receded. I was starting to feel dizzy from a lack of air when the drawer was opened again, with more care. The pile of fabrics was pulled off of me, and I started gulping in the fresh air.

"Are you ok?" The man that had broken my fall before I had blacked out or what ever frowned at me in concern as I recovered from the peaking of being asphyxiated. I nodded jerkily, managing to stand up shakily, only to grit my teeth and slide back down. "Wait, when did you get hurt?" I gasped as he scooped me up with one hand a d lifted me out of the dresser.

"D-Don't drop me!" I shrieked, clinging to his finger.

"Hey, chillax, will ya? You'll make your wound worse." I would have shot back something smart if he hadn't started walking again, which shut me up. He set me down gently on the counter and then left. I lifted my head to watch him leave and wondered more about D.I.E. What did it stand for? What were they trying to accomplish? Who is this Eric guy? Who was helping me, and why? All of these questions ran through my head when he came back with a small med kit. I stared at him intently as he pulled out all sorts of tools, too many for me to count. I laid back with a small shudder as he took a small cotton ball and pressed it against my leg. I hissed as my ankle throbbed in pain, and he set to work.

After a few hours of keeping my eyes squeezed shut, wishing for the pain to fade, it finally did. I weakly opened my eyes as the man started putting everything up.

"Aurora." I said quietly. He gave me a puzzled stare. "My name's Aurora Darwington." I amended. He blinked at me a few times before answering.

"Anthony." I managed a small nod as he finished cleaning up, and then helped me to my feet. "Can you walk?" He asked. I took a deep breath, then tried a step. No pain. The cast wrapped around my leg was thickly clinging to my skin, preventing it from much motion.

"Th-thank you." I said suddenly, looking up at him. He managed a small grin, friendliness gleaming in is eyes.

"You're welcome." He chirped happily, leaning away from me slightly to give me some space, but still kept his hand where it was. I hesitantly let go of his hand and took another meager step. I flinched at first, then relaxed. It didn't hurt that bad. I stared down at my injury for another moment, then looked up.

"Who are the D.I.E.?" I asked Anthony. The corner of his mouth quirked slightly.

"... All you need to know is that they are bad people, and that they do science experiments to get closer to making science fiction and fantasy real life. Well, that's my field of their work, anyways." He responded.

"And you work for D.I.E.?" He nodded. "So why are you helping me?" He hesitated.

"... I... Really think that microphilia and macrophilia is kinda cool, and that they shouldn't treat test subjects so... roughly." He admitted.

"Oh." Was all I said. Well what could I say? That's the best I could do.

"So you probably want to sleep somewhere, right?" I nodded sheepishly, and he picked me up again. This time, I didn't yelp in fear or something, but I still clung to his finger to feel safer as he walked past and through a few rooms. "You can sleep in my guest room. It's next to my room, and you'll have your own privacy." He asserted, walking in to a clean white room with black furniture. I perked up with interest.

"Me like." I complimented, marveling at the room. "Are you sure it hasn't been used?"

"Never." He confirmed, lowering his hand onto the pillow of the queen sized bed. I slid off his warm hand and looked around, getting comfortable with the sight. I had a brief flashback of my old perspective, the one where I was five foot seven and not around four centimeters tall, and found myself homesick. "What's wrong?" He asked, somehow noticing my forlorn expression as he lowered himself to my eye level. I sighed in despair while trying not to think about how huge he was compared to me.

"It's just... It's just not home." I murmured.

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