Chapter 8- Mother Nature's Karma

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     It was raining. Again... I don't think I'll ever get a break. I started awake at the first rumble of thunder, hardly able to see anything. I whimpered and drew further back in the small hollow log, shivering and freezing cold. I was shivering, my teeth lightly chattering, almost clacking together. Another bang of thunder made me flinch and whimper again, curling myself into a tight ball, desperate to keep warm.

     I heard a light pattering sound, different from the rain that bore outside, and to my surprise a wolf crawled into the log, whimpering. It was really young, barely old enough to not need milk from its mother. It had soft grey fur, black 'socks' and purple eyes. I froze as its unreadable eyes landed on me, and its lip curled back in a weak snarl. Then it whimpered again at another loud crash of thunder, and laid down, wrapping its tail around its paws and me. I blinked in surprised as it herded me over to it, still emitting a small canine whine. Not wanting to upset it, I hesitantly came over to it, feeling puny under its huge eyes. It nuzzled me with its muzzle, curling itself around me. Warmth seeped into my skin, and I sighed quietly in comfort, gradually not quivering. I gently and cautiously hugged its fluffy tail, and I fell asleep.

*****Le time skip of uh... Fluffy? Idk XD*****

     The birds tweeting made me twitch and slowly stir awake, my surroundings feeling soft and fluffy, like fur. I was confused for a moment until they shifted, and I made out the figure of the wolf pup. It barked at me sharply, looking happy to see me awake. I let out a small smile, chuckling and gently petting its flank. Thanks to it, I survived the night, and stayed warm.

     "Thank you." I told it, knowing it couldn't understand me. Its tail flicked around, and it started nuzzling me. I gently pet its muzzle when I heard shouting in the distance, and I tensed in alarm. "St-stay here." I gently told the wolf, and I crept to the side of the log, peering around the edge. Black boots covered my field of vision, and I puled back sharply, covering my mouth with my hand to keep from gasping.

     Eric sir! The tracker says that she's somewhere around here!" The man called out, turning to someone. I took in the one called Eric's appearance, studying him, but before I could, the other man kneeled down. I froze when he spotted me. "Sir, I found her!" He exclaimed, turning around. But when he did, I was abruptly picked up by the collar of my shirt, and my surroundings were suddenly blurred, blended in with the swaying motion I was feeling. "Hey, that animal just made off with her!"

     "Well don't just stand there like Medusa's statues; after it! She's valuable to our success!" I realized dimly that the wolf had grabbed me and made a run for it, but why was a mystery to me. It leaped over other fallen logs from the storm and weaved through the trees and the thick undergrowth, the men's calls to each other gradually fading. The wolf finally stopped running, gradually going into a gentle trot. It glanced around, me swinging from its jaws still and making me moan from a  nauseated feeling, and it dipped its head before opening its mouth and setting me down on the ground. I stumbled when I landed, and I almost fell back when its muzzle nudged me from behind and kept me from falling. I sharply inhaled, slowly pulling away from the support it gave me, then I carefully turned around.

     "... why did you save me?" I croaked. It tilted its head, emitting a whine. I sighed in exasperation. "Right, you can't understand me." I grumbled. "K, take care." I tried to walk away, but I fell forward and faceplanted. It emitted a teasing growl-bark, as if to say, "I told you so." I turned over onto my back, glowering up at it. "Her de har har." I groused, sitting up. "I don't have anywhere to go, but I gotta go somewhere, right?" It dipped its head, which puzzled me. Am I really talking to a wolf? "Hang-hang on." I waved my hands in front of me. "Can you actually understand me, or am I wasting my breath?" It softly growled, lowering its head and nuzzling me. "I'll take that as a... yes?" I asked, confused. It suddenly tilted its head, lifting me up into the air on its snout. "Uhh...?" I trailed off, confused. It tilted its head back, and I found myself on top of its head, lying against one of its soft fluffy ears as it started running.

     "Whoa hey where are you taking me!?" I exclaimed, griping its fur in my fists as the wolf cantered God knows where. The gentle motion of the canine running and the warmth and softness from it somehow lulled me to a sleepy stance, and I curled on top of its head and fell asleep.

A/N I have an inquiry, and please don't be shy: If you had to choose one YouTuber you wanted in this story, who would it be?

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