Chapter 25- Rehabilitation

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When I woke up, I realized my face was wet, and I slowly touched my cheek to realize that I had been crying. Nevertheless, I smiled at how less weighed down I felt. Seto was ok. He was gonna come back, and then I could be happy again. But I needed to appreciate what was going on here. I was being hospitalized, given a place to stay, somewhere warm, and I did have some people who liked me...

I got up and looked at the amulet, smiling before I decided to approach my acquaintances and friend with a slightly less... mopey attitude.

I hopped down the end table, glad I was much more in shape, and I wandered around the room, wondering where everyone was. It was still dark though, so they were probably asleep. However, Wildstar was operating the computer, laughing at a Do Not Laugh video about cats. I hesitantly wandered up onto the bed to watch from a distance, not wanting to interrupt the humored-girl's fun. There were a few times I smiled softly, and even almost laughed, but I knew that I should take it slow, so after a few hours I silently crept back to my brooding spot to sit against the lamp and lose myself in my thoughts.

Then I heard the noise of the videos playing stop a little while later, and I opened my eyes to see that Wildstar was cocking her head, as if hearing something. Then she suddenly leaped down onto the carpet and scampered out of the room. Curious as to what she was up to, I followed her out of the room until she stopped at the top of the stairs, and I went behind the corner of another room. It was only then that I realized she was eavesdropping on Taiga and Moonshine.

"I'm telling you Taiga, that new person's probably gonna get us all caught!" I blinked a few times in disbelief, feeling my hopes of fitting in be smothered like a fire under a blanket. 'Why does Moonshine not like me?' My shoulders slumped in dis-consolation as the conversation continued. "Either we leave or she does!"

"The poor girl nearly became a bird's breakfast!" Taiga snapped. "Just-just give her a chance!"

"Please, she's probably a spy!" I held back a whimper of neglect, feeling my eyes water despite how much I tried to hold it back. Wildstar looked tensed, as if irritated... at least, I hope. I didn't bother to hear the rest of the conversation and slunk back into the dark room, heading straight for my isolated perch. Why did Moonshine hate me? What did I ever do to deserve that?

I slumped against the lamp and stifled a quiet sob, holding my hand over my mouth. No matter where I went, I was always going to be hated, despised, treated like a pest. Even when my mother was still alive, she'd drink hard, and then...

I swallowed hard, trying to ignore the lump of grief in my throat. No matter how hard I try, I'll always be hated.

I slowly laid down with my back to the room entrance, staring distantly at the wall and fingering the amulet again. 'I'm just a nobody,' I realized. 'No one really cares about me except for Seto, and when he gets here, he'll take care of me again, just like before the D.I.E. ruined my first chance at a happy life.' I heard Wildstar come back in the room, and I stayed still, not responding and pretending to be asleep as she went back to the videos. What were her thoughts on me? Did she like me? Was I wrong to consider her a friend?

I cried myself to sleep that night.


"YOU SON OF A B*TCH!" I was slammed against the wall, ending up winded as my mother glared at me. Was she really my mother if she hated my guts? "You're useless!" She sneered. "You can't hold a job, and I'm stuck with you since your jack*** father left me! It's your fault!" I screamed  and ducked when she smashed the bottle above my head, the sharp pieces of glass clattering over me. "Without me, you're nothing!" She screamed, yanking my hair. "Without me, you'd be in the gutters! I diapered you, I fed you, I even let you go to ******* school! After all I've done for you, how could you--"  she dragged a piece of the glass over my arm three times, ignoring my screeches of protest. "--possibly think that I'd let you go anywhere other than school!?!?" she growled.

"I...I-I..." I whimpered and squeezed my eyes shut, letting out a hiccupy sob. "I-I'm sorry, you've done... s-o much for me," I choked, forcing the words out. Her hostility wavered enough to let me drop to the floor, and I sobbed, cradling my wounded arm.

"Got to your room," She commanded harshly, glaring weapons sharper than daggers at me. I quickly complied, scuttling up the stairs as fast as my shaky legs could carry me, and locked myself in my room, slumping against the door. My tears were falling by the second, and I whimpered before I started shaking with quiet sobs, and I squeezed my eyes shut.

"A-all I... wanted was t-to go to th-the library..." I whispered, going into a fetal position on the floor and ignoring the blood.

The next day I had been admonished and abused for the bloodstain on the floor... again.

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