Chapter 2 

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Dragon Pit, 120 A.D.

Loneliness was something that Rhenys liked. The silence that welled her and allowed her to listen to her thoughts was something she enjoyed. She was always surrounded by people, if it wasn't the ladies of the court they were her maids, it was overwhelming for an eight-year-old girl who only wanted a moment of peace. She was not given the same freedom that the Targaryen princes had and that's why she took every opportunity she had to be alone and enjoyed it to the fullest.

Walking through the Dragon pit I could hear the flatters of the dragons. Dragons, Rhenys loved them but above all her dragon, Rhaegor, was majestic, he had been with the little girl since her birth and since then he was loyal to her. Rhenys had a special connection with the red dragon although Rhenys knew that it was something normal for the Targaryen, being riders their connection with their dragons was strong, the princess was sure that the dragons could even feel the emotions of their riders. For that reason, she was in Dragon Pit, because she wanted to be close to Rhaegor, in her chest there was a feeling of longing and despair and Rhenys knew that it was Rhaegor's feelings that he was looking forward to seeing her.

She couldn't spend much time with the red dragon adorned with beautiful golden scales looking as if the dragon had been bathed in gold, his scales matched his golden eyes. Majestic was a shortfall to describe Rhaegor, he was not yet so big but Rhenys knew that in some years Rhaegor would fly over the skies and reign over her, that a single roar of his would make everyone get on their knees.

The little princess had a hard time getting the caregivers to let her go to the Dragon Lair since they feared that a dragon would hurt her and they should pay the consequences, even so Rhenys managed to persuade a caretaker to be able to spend time with Rhaegor, but the caretaker told her that it could not be in Lair so she took herself to see her dragon.

Rhenys smiled.

"Rhaegor, nyke miss ao, issa by ka zaldrīzes," he said with nostalgia as she caressed her dragon. I missed you, my little dragon.

Rhaegor responded to his caresses by getting closer to his rider. Until Rhaegor gave her a small push that made Rhenys laugh, she liked to play with her dragon was something unique and she knew that she was one of the few privileged to have this opportunity thanks to the dragon blood that ran through her veins.

Time passed but Rhenys didn't feel the hours flow, she enjoyed living with Rhaegor and forgot what was happening around her. The only thing that managed to interrupt her was Rhaegor's roar towards a place in Dragon pit.

Alarmed, Rhenys turned around and looked for what caused the roar of her dragon. Suddenly she watched a platinum hair running to hide behind a large column.


"Aemond, is that you?" She asked as she waited for the boy to come out of his hiding place.

Honestly, they didn't spend much time together, and when they did it didn't go beyond some courtesies because Queen Alicent kept her children close to her she didn't let anyone approach them, rather she didn't let the Velaryon children approach them, for some reason that Rhenys didn't understand the queen had some contempt for her and her brothers.

"Aemond," she insisted.

And it was then that the prince came out of his hiding place.

"I was just passing by here," he quickly excused himself.

"It's okay," the little girl smiled, showing a beautiful smile. Rhenys saw his uncle's intense gaze on his dragon that was kept alert holding Aemond's gaze. "I came to spend a while with Rhaegor, do you want to join me?

"Are you making fun of me?" he said with his voice full of anger and an angry look and this made Rhaegor get defensive ready to protect his rider, Rhenys quickly tried to calm his dragon by caressing him.

- No, of course not, I wouldn't dare, why would I do it?

- You invite me to spend time with your dragon because you know that I don't have one, you use it to make fun of me.

- It wasn't my intention that you understood it that way, I'm sorry, Aemond, I just wanted to invite you to spend time with me, not many times we have the opportunity to do it.

Aemond hesitated as if he would analyze the princess's sincerity.

"Well, if you ask me," Prince Aemond was proud of his young age but Rhenys let it go.

- Come, I'll introduce you to Rhaegor - Aemond approached the dragon without fear, that's how he was, brave, Rhenys greatly admired that quality. - Rhaegor, bisa iksos Aemond, nykeā Targaryen.

This is Aemond, a Targaryen.

Rhaegor stood still, he realized that Aemond was not a danger to his rider but I still expected some order from Rhenys.

- Do you want to touch it, Aemond?

"Of course," the prince hurriedly approached the dragon and this made the dragon restless.

- Gīda, Rhaegor - calm down, he asked his dragon not to be alerted. - Ziry daoriot ōdrikagon ao.

He won't hurt you. Although Rhenys was not sure if that was what Rhaegor was worried about, he only assumed that it was the fact that Aemond was a stranger to Rhaegor and ironically, Rhenys thought, it was also for her, they shared blood but she had never sat down to talk about her interests or anything, if Aegon and Aemond approached most of the time it was her brothers, not her, they left that task to their sister Helaena, with whom she spends a little time when she gave them sewing class and they have their classes with the Septa, She was sweet.

- Give me your hand.

Aemond looked at her with doubt but accepted and put his hand on the delicate and soft hand of the princess, she smiled and guided the prince's hand to Rhaegor's scales. The dragon stood still when he saw that his rider was the one who guided the actions.

Aemond smiled. A dragon, he was touching a dragon, he had never done it, his brother wouldn't let him approach Sunfyre.

"Amazing," Aemond whispered as he caressed the dragon who kept his eyes on his rider.

- It is, it's incredible that our blood allows us to be close to them.

Aemond's smile disappeared.

- It will be to you because I don't have a dragon.

- But you will have it, Aemond. My mother said that all Targaryen deserves a dragon. You will have yours and you will see that it will be the best dragon there is.

The prince was pleased with Rhenys' words and smiled, at least someone thought he was capable of it, Aegon only used to make fun of it, and Alicent only ignored the subject saying that the day would come and his father did not enlight him in the situation.

- Thank you, Rhenys. It's good to know that someone believes in me.

The little girl was surprised by the sincerity of the prince, for his pride and his position in royalty she had never heard Aemond thank him.

- It's nothing, Aemond, it's just the truth. And we are family, I will always be there for you.

The children looked at each other and smiled, this was the first moment they had a sincere conversation beyond simple formalities. Both spent the hours together caressing the dragon, sharing laughter and smiles.

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