Chapter 13

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- Then Helaena put the caterpillar in my hand and ugh! It felt disgusting, I don't understand how Helaena can touch them, they are slimy and horrible.

Aemond, who was laying down with his head in Rhenys under the arciano, burst into laughter, had spent a long time listening to Rhenys' complaints about how disgusting and slimy the caterpillars were.

"I don't understand my sister's taste for those bugs, it's weird, but that makes Helaena unique and special," she smiled.

Rhaenys smiled at Aemond's words towards his sister, if the brown-haired princess had realized anything, it was that Prince Aemond appreciated his older sister with all his heart, she was his favorite; and Rhaenys understood why, Helaena had a pure and innocent soul and radiated light wherever she went.

Rhaenyra's eldest daughter liked to spend time with Helaena, those moments were sublime experiences, somewhat strange but they were still unique, that's why she appreciated Helaena very much and loved her company very much, although Aemond was still her favorite among Queen and the King children.

During all these moons, Aemond and Rhenys had become deeply close. Rhenys found a friendship in the prince, who seemed to enjoy her company.

Aemond found in the princess someone who supported him and listened to him, someone who did not ignore his opinions or his problems. Rhenys loved Aemond. Aemond never felt that someone appreciated him, of course Helaena was a good sister and loved him, but in her strange and particular way of loving, but she was not someone with whom he could sit and explain to her why it bothered him so much to be the second male son that they always put two the aside.

And if Aemond did tell Helaena, she would only answer with something like "while one lights the fire and flies through the heavens, the other just sits down and waits for them to come back" - that was the exact answer when Aemond explained his discomfort to her.

The friendship between the princes and princess had become strong, in the eyes of their mothers, even with the disgust of the Crown Princess who did nothing to separate them because she knew that could hurt Rhenys and she would never do anything to hurt her daughter.

- Speaking of Helaena. Rhenys said - I have seen her and Jace very close, who knows maybe they'll fall in love and get married and write them a beautiful song that will pass from generation to generation - excited sigh. - That sounds like a beautiful story.

- I'm sorry to break your illusions, zaldrīzes prūmia, but I don't think that will happen.

Dragon's heart.

- Why?

Because our mothers hate each other, he thought.

Aemond after twelve days of his name understood many things, his mother had been in charge of repeating to him a hundred times the traditions, customs and duties of all the princes and his mother was deeply upset that Rhaenyra, according to his mother, did not follow them.

So there mother educated them from a young age to become exemplary princes.

Aemond kept his comment to himself and proceeded to explain: - The Targaryen tradition of our houses, is that we marry sister to brother, and if your mother was still not married, she would've been in a marriage with Aegon.

Rhenys wanted to remove that image of her uncle and her mother married, it was unpleasant to think of her uncle, Aegon did the cruelest things to people, and had stained her embroidery with pig blood, for mere fun.

- But they did not do it because Aegon was too young, so Aegon will marry Helaena - Rhenys felt bad for Helaena.

- What about you? Rhenys asked

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