Chapter 10

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Aegon took Aemond out of the castle through secret corridors that Aemond had never heard about, when I asked his brother he said that he only found them one day wandering around the castle.

- Well, Aemond go and look for what you need, when ite time to leave, I'll see you right here in about three hours.

- But Aegon... I don't know the streets, I'll get lost.

- I was to, for the first time, but I managed.

"Aegon..." Aemond whispered as he watched his older brother walk away.

When his brother walked away, Aemond felt self-conscious now that he was far from the protection of the castle. Aemond did not have a sword to fight with if someone attacked him, and clearly his brother would not defend him, the only thing he had was a small dagger that his brother gave him before leaving the castle.

He adjusted the hood making sure that no strand of his hair was seen, the platinum hair would arouse the interest of everyone and more people who will seek to get a privilege out of the dragon's house, he could hide his hair but not his lilac eyes so he tried not to make eye contact with anyone.

As I had thought, most merchants had already retired and this only made Aemond lose all hope of finding a good gift for his dragon heart.

He found some fabric stores (nothing suitable to give as a gift), a shoe store (Rhenys had a closet full of them), food places, and many places that were useless for him to give to Rhenys.

Aemond's feet started to hurt, he had been walking for at least an hour and a half. He was a few seconds away from giving up, he had to go back or he was afraid that if Aegon wouldn't find him at the agreed time he would just leave him there.

When he was ready to turn around he saw a small business with an old name keeping pieces of wood carved by hand, they were beautiful and so detailed. The man was keeping a deer carved in wood, it was so beautiful, realistic and unique, they were precisely the qualities that Aemond was looking for for Rhenys' gift. Aemond approached him.

- Sir...

- It's closed.

- Do you make parts on request?

- I make them, boy, but not anymore, it's late.

- Please, I will pay you well.

- Yes? And how will you do it, boy?

Aemond took out a gold coin and showed it to the old man, the man opened his eyes surprised he had never seen a gold coin, the people of the town used silver and copper coins, if you were not a great merchant (who in general were not selling on the streets of the town but to lords and ladies with important surnames) you did not have access to gold coins.

- Who did you steal that boy from?

- No one, it's mine.

Aemond saw the merchant look him up and down, something he hadn't done since the conversation began. If the man wasn't surprised enough enough, now he was.

- My prince... - he didn't take long to realize that he is one of the Targaryen princes, because of his lilac eyes, characteristic very Targaryen, he must be the youngest, Aemond,was not very tall so it was his assumption he could also be one of the children of Princess Rhaenyra since he could not see the hair, everyone knew princess Rhaenyra's children had brown hair.

- I need some pieces.

- Of course, of course, but it's very late and it's cold, Your Highness, how about we go to my house and show you all the figures I have to see if there is one that you like?

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